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Anyone here buy the CRAP Redskin t-shirts they sell at Redskins.com?


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During the playoffs the Redskins were selling a "Wild Card Playoff t-shirt"...laugh my arse off:laugh: I hope no one actually bought that. I mean what a joke...ewww, wild card, big woop.

Now they have a Redskins "Rack'em 2008 Schedule T-Shirt". I mean honestly, I knw we are extreme...but stupid? Sometimes I suppose they go hand in hand. But honestly, a schedule t-shirt!?!?!?? Sorry to alienate anyone, but has anyone bought this junk and why?

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I admit I got suckered into the 2006 schedule-tee...

The "rack 'em" is just too much for me...

The schedule-tee ain't bad if you've got confidence in the team...

But face it... the best we have is optimism


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You know, it's kind of funny, I go to UNC, and they will do anything to make a dollar at UNC, including selling "Sweet 16" and even better "Round of 32" shirts. For a team that just made their 17 final four, who is actually buying these shirts? Then they have the nerve to sell them afterwards for 50% off. Wow! Let me get one of those!! Just go ahead and donate those wastes of cotton to poor kids in Zimbabwe. You know they are walking around right now with 19-0 Patriots shirts.

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Just a thought...but they would probably not be selling these types of shirts if nobody was buying them. So I'm just gonna guess that there are enough Skins fans willing to buy them. I've never bought anything from there or even looked at the merchandize, but if everyone felt their stuff was tacky and worthless they wouldn't keep making them cuz nobody would be buying them.

I personally never quite got the whole "Draft Cap" excitement myself, but damn if threads aren't started about them each year lol ;)...

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During the playoffs the Redskins were selling a "Wild Card Playoff t-shirt"...laugh my arse off:laugh: I hope no one actually bought that. I mean what a joke...ewww, wild card, big woop.

Now they have a Redskins "Rack'em 2008 Schedule T-Shirt". I mean honestly, I knw we are extreme...but stupid? Sometimes I suppose they go hand in hand. But honestly, a schedule t-shirt!?!?!?? Sorry to alienate anyone, but has anyone bought this junk and why?

I have seen these types of shirts and I've always wondered who buys them. Does anyone?? Who would honestly grab their credit card buy one and wear it around town. Seriously I want to know too. Who buys this garbage?

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still not as bad as those black.....i mean "shadow" jerseys.

why not just by yourself a raiders jersey? :laugh:

If anyone buys those "shadow" jersey's they should be shot. Who are they marketing to? Gang members??? Jesus Christ!

(George is getting angry....") :tantrum:

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My favorite came right out of the parking lot, you know the one... "**** Philly, **** the team, **** the coach, **** the cheerleaders, **** the plane they flew in on, etc.


I should add, after our Monday night win last year, people knew I was going to wear my jersey but they wanted to know what shirt I had on under it. I waited for the Eagle fan I deal with most and let him see it first. Good revenge for how he wouldnt leave me alone in '06.

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I have seen these types of shirts and I've always wondered who buys them. Does anyone?? Who would honestly grab their credit card buy one and wear it around town. Seriously I want to know too. Who buys this garbage?

Bengals fans wear the 2006 (or 2005) AFC North Champs shirts like they won the super bowl...god it's hysterical to watch them parade around in that crap.

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Bengals fans wear the 2006 (or 2005) AFC North Champs shirts like they won the super bowl...god it's hysterical to watch them parade around in that crap.

I think it was my mom who ended up wearing our single 1999 Division Champs shirt about three years ago, worked out pretty good. One of my goals in life is to get a new one.

Sadly there is no shirt for it, but the only division title I can claim since then is 2008 AF2 East, yea, the AFL's minor league.

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The lowest I've sunk was buying a "1999 NFC East Champions" cap after we beat SF to clinch the East.

Looking back, I guess buying division champion merchandise isn't as bad as "Wild Card" crap.

But still back in the day, winning the East was just a first step to something greater and I don't remember ever seeing (nor would I have bought) Redskins gear with "1983 NFC East Champions" etc. We expected (and got) more than that.

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I have a whole drawer full of Skins T-shirts. I don't have a schedule Tee...never have liked them much..too busy for my taste. The Rackem shirt is a good design for people who play pool...I don't get them as Skins Tees however, so I didn't get one of those...I guess you could say I collect Skins t-shirts...I like the ones most people don't care for...but the rack 'em one was too over the top for me..guess I'm a little bit of a t-shirt snob....but I don't knock others who buy what they like.

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My favorite came right out of the parking lot, you know the one... "**** Philly, **** the team, **** the coach, **** the cheerleaders, **** the plane they flew in on, etc.

Yes, I am a proud owner of a "dallas sucks, parcells swallows" shirt.

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still not as bad as those black.....i mean "shadow" jerseys.

why not just by yourself a raiders jersey? :laugh:

A dear friend of mine is color blind and he loves the black jerseys. Evidently to color blind people Maroon is not an attractive color.

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