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Has anyone changed their political stance?

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back when I was 13-15 I used to be a bandwagon limbaugh/hannity listener. then I turned 16 and began to rexamin what i believed, saw what neoconservative was, and vowed to be a centrist and just take issues at face value instead of the party line. this led me to look at our founding fathers wirttings and idea, into the academic virtues of liberty and what our war for independence was fought for. I incorporated my new centrist philosophy with this new understanding of tradtional conservatism in the vein of the democratic-republicans of Jefferson's age, and out came my very own unique worldview.

its funny, but the above is confirmed to myself all the time in extremeskins; many people will applaud what I say, and then turn around a month latter, see something I wrote, and call me either a "liberal" or a "GOP thumper" (or something pejorative in the republican sense.

If I really had to describe myself ideologically, it would be as a Constitutionalist, Libertarian, Jeffersonian Conservative (order not mattering too much)

Welcome :):cheers:
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I changed my party affiliation from GOP to Libertarian because I was so disgusted with George H. Bush's presidency. For the first election in a long tie, I will be voting for a Republican for President, because I could never vote for Bob Barr. I'm someone whose affiliation/loyalties are purely with issues, not parties.

I've also gone from pro to anti death penalty...not because of moral qualms, but because it's become quite obvious it doesn't work well and is a huge waste of money.

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I changed my party affiliation from GOP to Libertarian because I was so disgusted with George H. Bush's presidency. For the first election in a long tie, I will be voting for a Republican for President, because I could never vote for Bob Barr. I'm someone whose affiliation/loyalties are purely with issues, not parties.

I've also gone from pro to anti death penalty...not because of moral qualms, but because it's become quite obvious it doesn't work well and is a huge waste of money.

I sympathize with the Barr animosity, but why McCain?

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While I would love to see a Jeffersonian Republic, I have realized that we are too far removed from such a society that any aim towards it would need to be taken in very slow steps. My opinion of foriegn policy has become more realistic as a result. I've also slightly backed away from strict laissez-faire capitalism. Throughout history, conglomerates have controlled the market as they do today. It's something I hope our economists are trying to figure out. I've always been an odd "centrist". There are social and fiscal liberal ideas I like and there are social and fiscal conservative ideas that I like. I still believe that our government is entirely too inefficient in almost all areas. I honestly think that downsizing and privatizing the government would reinvigorate our country. Since a Jeffersonian Republic is the society I'd most like see work, I consider myself libertarian. The problem is, I can't make up my mind as to the best way to achieve it.

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I changed my party affiliation from GOP to Libertarian because I was so disgusted with George H. Bush's presidency. For the first election in a long tie, I will be voting for a Republican for President, because I could never vote for Bob Barr. I'm someone whose affiliation/loyalties are purely with issues, not parties.

I've also gone from pro to anti death penalty...not because of moral qualms, but because it's become quite obvious it doesn't work well and is a huge waste of money.

Then just don't vote, or do a write-in. McCain...:no:
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I've gone from a isolationist,small government Libertarian to a rabid W supporter.

I reached the conclusion that changing the system is not possible w/o chaos.

or perhaps I'm just bi-polar

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