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Don't make fun of crack addicts who are mad they can't have it

Toe Jam

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It's not nice. Shame on you!

I'm not exactly on crack but I have been taking full strength Percocet for the past week as prescribed by the ER doctor. This afternoon, I ran out.

As I type this, I don't feel good, my head hurts, and I feel slightly confused/dizzy/odd.

They told me this might happen. They said I might have slight withdrawal symptoms after taking the pill for a week because it's a "habit forming narcotic".

Dammit. I want more. MORE!

Maybe they'll give me some after my amputation on Thursday. That would be good. If they don't, I'll let you guys know.

I will accept donations.:)

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Been dealing with it since April. Been to the ER twice and collapsed at work the other night. Rushed me to the hospital and they determined that some of the infection had gotten into my bloodstream.

Put me on two antibiotics and percocet. Told me to follow up with a podiatrist. The podiatrist found evidence of gangrene after doing some tests.

It still hasn't healed. I'm due back in the doctors office Thursday and I've been told to expect his diagnosis to include recommendation for removal of the toe.

They think I may be diabetic. They are going to test for that as well. It may explain why I've had this problem for three months and it hasn't healed even after two months of antibiotics.

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Been dealing with it since April. Been to the ER twice and collapsed at work the other night. Rushed me to the hospital and they determined that some of the infection had gotten into my bloodstream.

Put me on two antibiotics and percocet. Told me to follow up with a podiatrist. The podiatrist found evidence of gangrene after doing some tests.

It still hasn't healed. I'm due back in the doctors office Thursday and I've been told to expect his diagnosis to include recommendation for removal of the toe.

They think I may be diabetic. They are going to test for that as well. It may explain why I've had this problem for three months and it hasn't healed even after two months of antibiotics.

dang bro that stinks. Hope all goes well. :D

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dude wjatever you do GET A SECOND OPINION AND A 3RD!!! your big toe is so important to proper balance.... dont take the idea of amputation lightly!!!

get your blood sugar check and keep it checked for a while YOU JUST MAY be diabetic....

but whatever you do..... do NOT get a full amputation if not necessary.... GET MULTIPLE OPINIONS!!

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dude wjatever you do GET A SECOND OPINION AND A 3RD!!! your big toe is so important to proper balance.... dont take the idea of amputation lightly!!!

get your blood sugar check and keep it checked for a while YOU JUST MAY be diabetic....

but whatever you do..... do NOT get a full amputation if not necessary.... GET MULTIPLE OPINIONS!!

To be honest, I would much rather have it removed.

You have no idea the pain it's caused me over the past three months. If they think removing it will take care of it once and for all then I'm all for it.

I'll learn how to balance again. No biggie. But I trust this podiatrist. He's a very good guy and he was highly recommended to me.

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To be honest, I would much rather have it removed.

You have no idea the pain it's caused me over the past three months. If they think removing it will take care of it once and for all then I'm all for it.

I'll learn how to balance again. No biggie. But I trust this podiatrist. He's a very good guy and he was highly recommended to me.

i understand man but if you can get away with a partial amputation then kool..... also if the problem is ingrown toe nails have them sanded off...... they do that now.... sand of the nail into the nail bed so that the nail doesnt return.....

just something to consider..... you really DONT want that toe removed if at all possible to save it....

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Brandon, that sucks dude. I agree with Joe, get a 2nd opinion at least because it can't hurt. Also, brace yourself for the medical costs. Even with insurance, the surgery I had before Christmas wasn't fully covered and I still ended up owing over $1,000 bucks out of pocket. Best of luck, keep us informed.

PS- Endorse me and I'll have the wife write you a script for Perc's :silly:

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1) Why the hell was an ER physician giving your PERCOCET!?!?! That is a heavy, major-duty narcotic. What was wrong with you?

2) You should become THAT addicted after a week where you can't work at weening yourself offhrough other, less harsh, drugs such as (in decending order) Norco, Vic ES, Vicodin.

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Percocet is kid stuff, my frigging dentist gives it out. It's not heavy-duty at all.

I sympathize with the toe and wanting to get it amputated. I nearly severed one of my toes in college kicking in a closet door (long story) and I asked the doctor in the ER to just cut it off to be done with it. He refused and I had to get a steel pin inserted instead. Weeks on crutches and having that pin removed was the most painful thing I have EVER experienced.

Do what's best for you. You can always get special shoes or do therapy to restore your balance.

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