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The Redskins Effect


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Does anyone else notice the effect that their Redskins passion has on friends or family? Recently I've really noticed this happening with people I hang out with....here are a few cases:

  • My girlfriend - I did do a good deal to brainwash her and she's been watching games with me the past 3 years. She used to hate watching football (not hate, but she'd rather be doing something else). I just got a text from her while she's at Islands of Adventure with family saying: "Hey babe, I'm reppin' the Skins today" - that just made me all warm inside :laugh:

  • My friend Larry - I've known this guy for the past 9 years (mainly school). He's always been a Dolphins fan and a Favre fan. Ever since we've gotten out of high school we've been hanging out a lot. He's stoked to come up to the Cowboys game and probably the Eagles game with me this year. I got a text from him yesterday saying: "I can't wait for Redskins season!" - not football, but REDSKINS....the effect is certainly happening.

  • Former co-worker Mitch - I worked closely with him for 2 years and we still go out for drinks a few nights a week. He's 29, so it's not like he has a young, impressionable mind :silly: - he's also a huge Dolphins fan and has had season tickets for about 6 years. I've gotten him to the point where he'll randomly text or say to me, "Hail to the Redskins" and he actually cheers for them on Sundays now.

I even had a self-proclaimed "Cowboys" fan who I've known since I was 10 wear a Skins jersey of mine to a preseason game a few years ago and vocally cheer for the team. Does anyone else see this happening? Where the contagious, passionate fandom is rubbing off on people in your life?

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I'm trying with my GF, but she's a die-hard Panthers fan....blaaaaaaaaah. She's breaking though, slowly but surely.

-Got her to wear a Skins Jersey (My Landry) to back to back skins games last year; Bills and Bears. I gave her an ultimatum, either root for the skins or wear the jersey, she chose the latter. The mere fact that she actually believed that there was an ultimatum, leads me to believe she's not so gun ho in her panthers fandom lls. I wouldn't be caught dead in another teams uniform or rooting for another team.

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My husband has never been a football guy. But he now watches the games and cheers for the Skins. He said something the other day about the Skins decals on the car and I asked him..."are you saying you don't like the Redskins?"..He said..."no..no...I like the Skins". He had called himself a Cowboy fan before he actually knew what football was all about(typical wouldn't you say?).

My daughter also cheers now for Redskins. She's never really liked football either. She still doesn't watch the games but she wants us to win...so I take it where I can.:laugh:

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In my case, sadly, there's little or no effect. Not only do I live far from DC, one of my sisters is (gasp!) a diehard Cowgirls fan. She and her husband hardly speak to me during football season, which is fine with me. Only one of my ex gf's was really into football, but I could never quite turn her to the B&G. My grandfather, may he rest in peace, my role model and hero, was a 49'ers guy from jump street; he and I used to get into it so much during the 80's and 90's that my grandmother would have to cool us out - all in good fun though.

None of which matters. I will be a Redskins fan until the day I die, be it in the heart of enemy territory or somewhere like where I am now, mostly ambivalent and largely self-absorbed. HTTR Baby!!

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My husband has never been a football guy. But he now watches the games and cheers for the Skins. He said something the other day about the Skins decals on the car and I asked him..."are you saying you don't like the Redskins?"..He said..."no..no...I like the Skins".

I guess we know who wears the pants in the relationship!

My girl could give two ***** about football, but when I told her how sexy it was when a girl wears a tight little Skins jersey with jeans (or less), she went out and bought a Youth-size Moss jersey...


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I taught 2 of my friends kids JUST when they were learning to talk, the answer to "Who's your favorite sports team?" (Answer, GO REDSKINS!, with a fist pump.) The amusing thing there is that one of their Uncles WORKS for the Phillies. (And is an Eagles fan, living in Philly). MUAHAHAHA.

Something I had nothing to do with, but my season tickets were next to a couple last year, Guy was a Giants fan, wife was a Redskins fan. He comes to the games and roots for the 'Skins, except for the Giants game. He said it was the only way they could get married, otherwise he would have been dumped.

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I guess we know who wears the pants in the relationship!

My girl could give two ***** about football, but when I told her how sexy it was when a girl wears a tight little Skins jersey with jeans (or less), she went out and bought a Youth-size Moss jersey...


Dude your sig in hilarious. It goes perfect with your name, and LaRon's face with what he is surrounded by is truly wonderful.


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My woman is a Pittsburgh fan and even owns a Rothlisberger jersey. It's going to be fun when we stomp the Steelers this year on 11/3. You can bet I'll be there. Be sure to yell any obsenities you wish at her when you see us :) :)

Stupid Steelers.

On a more serious note: She watched some of the Sean Taylor tributes and some of the hightlights from the skins run in 05 and 07 which I showed her and she was impressed. She's interested in actually going to a few games this year.

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