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Psyche after Injury


Does Seller's Role Diminish, Increase, or Stay the Same  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Seller's Role Diminish, Increase, or Stay the Same

    • Mike Sellers is getting older, which is why his role will diminish.
    • Mike Sellers has the wrong talents for a WCO fullback, which is why his role will diminish.
    • Mike Sellers will be the Mack Strong of Washington, which is why his role will increase.
    • Mike Sellers will not be the Mack Strong, but his talents will make his role increase anyway.
    • He will compete with Davis for the extra blocker/catcher role in the WCO, his role will diminish
    • Nothing will change, he will still average the same yards, TDs and snaps as every other year.

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I'm playing in a men's baseball league. Last week I hurt my hamstring, but it was nothing major. I felt ready to play today. Top of the first inning, I'm batting 3rd... I ground the ball to their second baseman... I'm close to beating it out... I feel a pop...

Next thing I know, I have people surrounding me. I'm escorted off the field, at first being carried. I told them to get lost, I was walking off.

Walked off, sat in the dugout with some ice before finally leaving the game.

In the dugout, my body went into shock and I was literally out on my feet (except I was sitting). I was out cold. Like I was concious, but my eyes were open and all I saw was black and I was pouring sweat.

I'm pretty sure its a grade II hamstring "pull".

Now I'm sitting on my couch and I'm pretty damned depressed that for the next 4-6 weeks I'm not going to be doing much moving. No gym for at least 3 weeks, no baseball for probably 6, which pretty much puts me out for the season. No athletics, nothing.

It's really bothering me. Anyone go through anything similar?

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I personally never suffered an injury as serious as you have, but all I can say is that this will probably be the toughest time, as you've recently been injured. So i'm sure the anger is understandable, but maybe you can try to find something else to take your time. I don't know what hobby exactly, but you gotta try to think positive or get your mind away from baseball. If i'm not mistaken, Jerry Rice couldn't stand his knee injury to the point that he tried to remove the cast on his own. The best thing I can offer is just do the rehab, try to stay optimistic, and not try to rush returning. See if there's another activity you can do that can take your mind away over the frustration of not playing right now.

Just my :2cents: . Hope that I helped.

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At the end of my Junior year in high school (right after Baseball season) I had a surgery to remove a bone spur and to pin parts of my ankle, where it had broken, back together. I was in a wheelchair for four months.

As a result of this, I missed playing sports my entire Senior year (I played Soccer and Baseball throughout high school). I was absolutely devastated and it still hurts to know that I never had the chance to play again.

I did play intramural sports at my college and now I just play with friends during the week (football).

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i thankfully haven't experienced a serious injury like yourself (knocks on wood for the 2 soccer games this week that i have), but i can imagine the same feeling.

if you're a competitive individual like you sound from your post, i'm sure you're feeling down about it. the good thing is, we're only 23, just start planning your comeback, like how you're gonna train when you get healthy so you can be better than you were before.

in the meantime, play some video games, watch some movies, read a book...

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Yeah. I'm not depressed really... I'm just... angry as someone said.

It sucks to see my team out there playing and knowing I could help them win and be helpless.

That said... The playoffs start in... 6 weeks. I'm going to rehab and follow exactly what I need to do to get back for the playoffs.

I played MGS4 for 9 hours today. Just beat it. Now I gotta find some other stuff to do.

I don't consider this a serious injury. I consider it a serious pain in the ass. I'll be back. And I'll be back strong.

But for now, I gotta find something to do.

I suppose I can start drawing up my playbook for year #4 in my high school football coaching journey :)

Bright side is I can't do any house/yard work. Negative side is, I'm still freakin' PO'ed at myself it happened.

Thanks for all the support. I appreciate it!!

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Try having 2 shoulder surgeries and 2 hernia surgeries in the course of 3 years. I would *almost* recover from one before I had the next. It was a bad 3 years to be sure.

My advice: take the time to research anything you can do to avoid having the same injury again. Hamstrings are tricky.

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