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Help me out, fellow Insomniacs - I'm supposed to get up at 530am !!


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Tomorrow I'm supposed to take my Border Patrol Competency Exam.

I have to be there at 8am and it's a 2 hour drive, which means I have

to leave no later than 6am. I was all excited about this because, when I went thru the study materials and took the "Practice Test", I got a 100% on it.

Now it's almost 1am and I'm wide awake. I'm yawning but I can't sleep, because my mind is racing about tomorrow. I fear I'll have insomnia all night until finally falling asleep at 5am, then having the alarm go off 30 minutes later and I'll NEVER be able to wake up - let alone drive 4 hours round trip, and sit in a classroom for 8 hours thinking through meticulous questions on a fried brain, deprived of sleep.

I honestly don't think I'm going to make it to this test, or thru this test.

Maybe I'll feel better if you guys convince me that I wouldn't be happy as a Border Patrol Agent, like a couple friends of mine have done. They tell me I'll be bored to death driving up and down the desert in the middle of nowhere, and probably will get stuck on an 10 hour shift with a partner in the truck who is a jerk, and who I can't stand working with all day. And when I'm not bored drivin up and down desert roads, I'll either be doing mundane jobs like tightening lug bolts on the truck for maintenance, or chasing down nasty drug smugglers on the border. Have I already convinced myself I won't be happy, only to justify missing this test for sleep reasons ? Or is there another side of the cloud, a fun and challenging job, that maybe you all could convince me of ?

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You live an interesting life Mick. :laugh:

I would've taken some NyQuill a few hours ago to knock my ass out for an early wakeup call. At this point, you gotta lay down and think about whatever relaxes you and let it happen...or have yourself a vodka and something. :cheers:

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Go find the guy you rear ended earlier today cut down a tree on top of it. Then any damage to the car can be blamed on the tree. Not only will it keep you up tonight but the adreneline rush will help you stay up tom.

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Go find the guy you rear ended earlier today cut down a tree on top of it. Then any damage to the car can be blamed on the tree. Not only will it keep you up tonight but the adreneline rush will help you stay up tom.

But I didn't rear-end anybody......that never happened......that thread has been deleted.......i'm innocent until proven guilty..... :paranoid:

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

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I didn't rear-end anybody......that never happened......that thread has been deleted.......i'm innocent until proven guilty..... :paranoid:

Oh..well, in that case, you should go out looking for a random light colored luxury car with tags from a state in the south.

And just for fun, see if you can find one with an upside down, backwards L a couple stacked circles, a number that looks like an S and the symbol for morning.

good luck...:cheers:

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But I didn't rear-end anybody......that never happened......that thread has been deleted.......i'm innocent until proven guilty..... :paranoid:

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

You keep talking about rear ending someone and you'll end up in another thread.


:laugh: Now go drink some vodka.

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But I didn't rear-end anybody......that never happened......that thread has been deleted.......i'm innocent until proven guilty..... :paranoid:

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

i didn't rear end anybody

Yeah, but if you THINK about rear ending somebody, you can rub one out and get to sleep.

get on it!


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