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Another Reason to Hate Seattle - They still find it funny to make fun of ST's death


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I happen to find a Seahawk fan that posted on their message board making fun of us losing to them at the playoff game. Then somethings were said about Sean Taylor being a thug and

"I understand your point but comparing Matt to Taylor on any level is rediculous. Taylor was a thug on and off the field. I dont know if death was proper retribution for his acts but he was nothing like Matt. I think that things should be uncomfortable for opposing fans when they visit the Q. Cussing at old ladies is pretty cowardly but every other fan should get it. I am also sure that Redskin fans that weren't at the game find the loss to be bitter so I think it had a lot less to do with the treatment of visitors and more about losing."


They got all mad at me for posting on their page...HAHAHA

**** the seahawks

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Well it is pretty ****ed up they still laugh about it. But what can you do? There will always be people that find humor in others tragedy, horrible but true.

Plus, as stated above, no lombardi trophies would make me a sad panda too lol.

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I happen to find a Seahawk fan that posted on their message board..... They got all mad at me for posting on their page...HAHAHA

**** the seahawks


When are you going to be able to get out and get some fresh air!

ljsheeley = ninja:notworthy

PS - damn these other boards hurt my eyes.:rubeyes:

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Time to put on your big boy pants and stay off of enemy boards if you're so sensitive.

who said I was sensative? Far from it. I've had a couple of quite boring days at work, so I have be entertaining myself by curiously browsing their board. (started off by just trying to find tailgate info).

to add to that, since i grew up here (washington state), I've been a halfway fan of the Hawks. My mom was friends w/ Steve Largent and my uncle played college ball w/ another guy on their 70's team. But I've always been a die hard Redskins fan. I actually have rooted for the Hawks, unless of course they play us. But I absolutely HATE their fanbase. Even some friends of mine...we can't talk football cause they get even stupider than cowpuke fans.

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When are you going to be able to get out and get some fresh air!

ljsheeley = ninja:notworthy

PS - damn these other boards hurt my eyes.:rubeyes:

Well, I'm almost off my crutches, so hopefully soon. :D I can't even do much at work, it's slow time for us.

It would probably be much worse if I was still taking my pain meds.

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Interesting thing...my girlfriend and I were just talking about going to the seattle game again this year. Last years playoff game with the seahawks crowd was beyond ridiculous. seahawk fans are nothing but low life wal-mart shoppers on crack. And yes we are going again this year and hoping for a much better experience. I can't imagine how it couldn't be from all that we endured the last visit.

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When I read this, I was like "OMG, the :censored: :censored:!!".. Then I went to their forum, with the intent on posting some of my "thoughts" :cuss:.

I was suprised to read what some of there fans said...

I think the main reason they are mad, isn't the loss, but the way they were treated by a ton of Hawks fans. Makes me a bit embarressed to be a hawks fan when I hear of people saying Sean Taylors baby girl should have died too.(Yes, a lot of people were saying it at the playoff game) I was at the game and saw a grown man screaming profanities at a female Redskins fan, who had to be in her 60's.

Trust, I scream and yell for my team, but I would never throw a beer, hit a person or curse at old people. And I would NEVER say anything about someones death. How would we feel if it was Hasselbeck who was killed and opposing fans said that kind of stuff about his kids? I know I would be pissed.

You don't know if death was a proper retribution for his acts???? Are you for real! Hey I'll be the first one to get in a fight at the game with an opposing fan, but even I can respect the fact that a great player lost their life, and making Taylor seem like less of a human being then Matt makes you sound like a complete fool.

The majority of the other discussion is regarding fan activity, and what is "proper" and what isn't.

There wasn't a single post on there board standing up for his statement.

Seattle still sucks, but maybe not as bad as I thought. ;)

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too bad for them the best Qb they have ever had is our HC

Zorn was actually a pretty mediocre QB. He lost his job to Dave Krieg out of Milton College. No, the best QB the Seahawks ever had is still kicking the Redkskins' @ss in the playoffs.

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Zorn was actually a pretty mediocre QB. He lost his job to Dave Krieg out of Milton College. No, the best QB the Seahawks ever had is still kicking the Redkskins' @ss in the playoffs.

I'm guessing by this statement you either never saw him play or don't remember it well. Zorn was the starting QB for an expansion team. He had zip around him other than Steve Largent. He was extremely good considering they had no rushing attack, no offensive line and no defense. His stats may not look over the top but as the saying goes, you had to be there.

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Zorn was actually a pretty mediocre QB. He lost his job to Dave Krieg out of Milton College. No, the best QB the Seahawks ever had is still kicking the Redkskins' @ss in the playoffs.

Uh oh, we have ourselves a Seapukes fan.

Don't worry little buddy, you'll get a lombardi some day. Because, Matt Hasselbeck is so incredibly awesome. He almost lost the game for the pukes. If it weren't for TC throwing to interceptions for TD's, the outcome would have been a tad different :rolleyes: :seahawksu

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