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Another Reason to Hate Seattle - They still find it funny to make fun of ST's death


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Verbally bashing Taylor is wrong. We've all done the same thing though with other players like pac-man and Chris Henry. We knew Sean a little more personally though. Occasional interviews, stories of his enjoying fan interaction, and his teammates reports of his maturation isn't widely publicized. It's more of a skins fan interest story. So other fanbases wouldn't know about how how he was maturing as a person. Also other fanbases didn't get to see him week to week, to gain respect for him on the field. I respected him so much on the field, because even the plays he wasn't involved in you could see his effort to get to the ball, even after the tackle. I'm sure if you were to talk to other nfc east fans, they should have a great deal of respect for #21 because they saw him twice a year. While the utter disrespect is appaling, the media didn't potray Sean as we saw him, so i can see why other fanbases weren't as awestruck as we were.

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I respect Seattle's owner. He is everything I wish Snyder would be:

On a team level, Allen is everything you'd want in an owner. He's got more money than some sovereign nations and he's willing to spend tons of it to try to win. He also knows to get out of the way so the football people can do their jobs. His new stadium is sweet, the Seahawks' fans are more fired up than they've ever been and, naturally, the wireless feed in the press box is unrivaled.


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Most of the posters weren't referring to ST at all, they were just talking about how a percentage of their fan-base acted during the playoff vs us. The post listed isn't really laughing at ST. This thread is just trying to pick a fight IMHO.


Teams without Lombardis are of no concern to me.

They'll be of concern if we face them in the playoffs at home again.

and before any1 asks, I am not a 'hawks fan. I'm just a realist.

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I'm done wasting another minute on the Seahawks about last year's playoff game. It was deplorable and a black eye for the city of Seattle, but that's last season's news. So until we meet them again on the field it's not worth my time. Hating fans of other teams, bad behavior or not, doesn't really help the situation.

I'll keep my displeasure for our opponents in reserve until the regular season begins anew.

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No, the best QB the Seahawks ever had is still kicking the Redkskins' @ss in the playoffs.

Actually it was your DL and our injured OL that caused our ass-kicking this past season in the playoffs, if I remember correctly "the best QB the Seahawks ever had" got picked by Laron Landry twice in one half.

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Actually it was your DL and our injured OL that caused our ass-kicking this past season in the playoffs, if I remember correctly "the best QB the Seahawks ever had" got picked by Laron Landry twice in one half.

If I do remeber correctly the best QB Seatlle had last year in the playoff game was Todd Collins he threw 2 TD's to the hags. Hassleback threw half that many.

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I'm guessing by this statement you either never saw him play or don't remember it well. Zorn was the starting QB for an expansion team. He had zip around him other than Steve Largent. He was extremely good considering they had no rushing attack, no offensive line and no defense. His stats may not look over the top but as the saying goes, you had to be there.

I agree, Zorn was fairly impressive when I saw him play. He had to ad-lib more than most in those days :)

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When I read this, I was like "OMG, the :censored: :censored:!!".. Then I went to their forum, with the intent on posting some of my "thoughts" :cuss:.

I was suprised to read what some of there fans said...

The majority of the other discussion is regarding fan activity, and what is "proper" and what isn't.

There wasn't a single post on there board standing up for his statement.

Seattle still sucks, but maybe not as bad as I thought. ;)

I was really surprised by some of their comments going against everything I've heard. It's sad that a few rotten apples spoil the whole bunch.

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They may not have said it on the board, but we have heard Skins fan say that they said things about Sean at the playoff game.

I'll chalk it up to testosterone, heat of the moment, beer induced trash talk...but its still not cool. However, I've made comments about TO after the whole pill popping incident, ones that I probably shouldn't have said...so who am I to judge?

Some people can't look past certain player's histories, no matter how young and immature the player was or how small the incident was. If they truly thought Sean was a thug, that's sad--I think its clear that Sean made some immature mistakes (which unfortunately involved a gun), but he obviously learned from them.

It hurts to hear people make comments about him like that, but there are plenty of *******s in the world, take it as ammo if you want--I don't like the Seahags either way

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I happen to find a Seahawk fan that posted on their message board making fun of us losing to them at the playoff game. Then somethings were said about Sean Taylor being a thug and

"I understand your point but comparing Matt to Taylor on any level is rediculous. Taylor was a thug on and off the field. I dont know if death was proper retribution for his acts but he was nothing like Matt. I think that things should be uncomfortable for opposing fans when they visit the Q. Cussing at old ladies is pretty cowardly but every other fan should get it. I am also sure that Redskin fans that weren't at the game find the loss to be bitter so I think it had a lot less to do with the treatment of visitors and more about losing."


They got all mad at me for posting on their page...HAHAHA

**** the seahawks

You forgot to quote this guy... (on the second page)

You don't know if death was a proper retribution for his acts???? Are you for real! Hey I'll be the first one to get in a fight at the game with an opposing fan, but even I can respect the fact that a great player lost their life, and making Taylor seem like less of a human being then Matt makes you sound like a complete fool.

ljsheeley, stop being immature and picking online fights with people. What, one pesron said something negative about ST? They mainly just trashed you... and I think they have good reason.

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ljsheeley, stop being immature and picking online fights with people. What, one pesron said something negative about ST? They mainly just trashed you... and I think they have good reason.

You're in no position to call her immature.

Have you ever been in the Tailgate...ever?

Online message boards are for discussion, arguments and yes 'fights'.

If she felt offended by that poster's comments she has every right to take the issue up with that poster. It is far more immature for you to get on her case, or for them to get on her case--Its an open message board. If an ES poster were to insult a recently deceased Cowboys player, I would not get on BigD or Bware_Dware etc for sticking up for their player.

She lives in Washington and knows the Seattle fan base much better than you or I. If she has beef with them, its probably legit.

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Most of the posters weren't referring to ST at all, they were just talking about how a percentage of their fan-base acted during the playoff vs us. The post listed isn't really laughing at ST. This thread is just trying to pick a fight IMHO.


They'll be of concern if we face them in the playoffs at home again.

and before any1 asks, I am not a 'hawks fan. I'm just a realist.

Well, I sure wasn't trying to start a fight. I mean, lets bash on other teams, why do people on here want to just post in order to bash each other? I saw one of their guys posted screen shots of our message board and had some interesting things to say. Thought I'd pass it along. I never said ALL fans or anything of the sort, and maybe I shouldn't have used ST in the thread title, as they were talking about more than just ST.

Maybe it's an intersting topic for me, since I consider myself a die hard Skins fan, but grew up being a "sorta" fan of the Hawks. I went to a game in 03, w/o any other skins fans. I wore a Skins jersey and sat on the home side with my buddy in a Hawks jersey. No one said a word to me. In 1992, same thing, no one said **** to me about being a skins fan. So untile this last playoff game, I didn't "hate" Seattle. I rooted for them, except of course when they played us.

I went to the game this year. I was physically assaulted and watched so many bad things happen to so many people(men women and children), that went way beyond screaming or cheering for ones team. I don't condone that at any stadium. The things that well around 100 of their fans (that I personally heard) say things about ST that were just un called for. I don't cry over him, but I believe in respect. Make fun of our players when they are alive (i.e. us making fun of Romo sits to pee or TO), but let a man rest in peace. And don't say his daughter should have died. So for me, it was just one more idiot Hawk fan being disrespectful.

But that game left me hating their fans, not so much the team. I actually hope they do good this year. (so we can seek revenge!)


There, said my peace ( and yes, making fun of myself)

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You're in no position to call her immature.

Have you ever been in the Tailgate...ever?

Online message boards are for discussion, arguments and yes 'fights'.

If she felt offended by that poster's comments she has every right to take the issue up with that poster. It is far more immature for you to get on her case, or for them to get on her case--Its an open message board. If an ES poster were to insult a recently deceased Cowboys player, I would not get on BigD or Bware_Dware etc for sticking up for their player.

She lives in Washington and knows the Seattle fan base much better than you or I. If she has beef with them, its probably legit.


(if there were 2 of me)

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It is a common defense to lash out , when one has a sense of total frustration from lack of better ring wear on there Fav Bird Teams fingers. Face it 365 days of rain, high octaine java, and the smell of rotting fish everywhere tends to wear on a weaker football fans mind. Have faith Sea-Cattle theres always the Sonics and the Mariners to make you feel that much worse. Losers.

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You're in no position to call her immature.

...How am I not in a position to call her (apparently it's a female?) immature? How are you in a position to determine whether or not I'm capable of determining if she's being immature?

Have you ever been in the Tailgate...ever?

Do you even have a point to this question?

Online message boards are for discussion, arguments and yes 'fights'.

I concur, message boards are for discussions. However, arguements and fights? No. They're not meant for that. That's why we have moderators - to try and keep "debates" from turning into arugements. They do happen though.

If she felt offended by that poster's comments she has every right to take the issue up with that poster. It is far more immature for you to get on her case, or for them to get on her case--Its an open message board. If an ES poster were to insult a recently deceased Cowboys player, I would not get on BigD or Bware_Dware etc for sticking up for their player.

She does have every right to take the issue up with the poster. But that's not what I'm grilling her for. Her "immature" actions started when she created a thread on this message board titling "Another Reason to Hate Seattle - They still find it funny to make fun of ST's death".

First of all, it's misleading. One (or maybe two) guy(s) said something negative about ST. A different guy even defended ST.

Second of all, she knew that ST is a sore topic for MANY Skins fans. That's why she picked the title of the thread, to get reaction. The thread she linked barely had anything to do with ST.

Third of all, and to conclude my reasoning, read the first part of the title. Her intent is as clear as day...

But again, how does me getting on her case make me immature? If (and I'm not confessing anything) I wrongly accused her of being immature, I'd simply be wrong (and maybe illiterate for not reading what was posted). But immature? Nah... immature is if I called you a poo-poo head or something

She lives in Washington and knows the Seattle fan base much better than you or I. If she has beef with them, its probably legit.

You're probably right. But that's her problem and I don't care.

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Seattle talking trash about FOOTBALL? Bwaaaa haaaa haaa haaaaa!

The only things they can talk trash about are Arabica beans and bands. With the amount of depression up there due to no visible sun for 300 days a year, it's no wonder they are addicted to Joe and produce great, tortured musicians. Shut up about football and wait for your savior named Mora to emerge. Lol.

Other than that, it was a beautiful SUNNY day in Washington DC today.

Oh, and when Mt. Ranier's pyroclastic flow melts your football stadium and the rest of your city, get used to cheering for Los Angeles where your team is going to end up. Paul Allen will be BROKE when Microsoft goes up in smoke! (Hey that rhymes.)

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...How am I not in a position to call her (apparently it's a female?) immature? How are you in a position to determine whether or not I'm capable of determining if she's being immature?

Do you even have a point to this question?

I concur, message boards are for discussions. However, arguements and fights? No. They're not meant for that. That's why we have moderators - to try and keep "debates" from turning into arugements. They do happen though.

She does have every right to take the issue up with the poster. But that's not what I'm grilling her for. Her "immature" actions started when she created a thread on this message board titling "Another Reason to Hate Seattle - They still find it funny to make fun of ST's death".

First of all, it's misleading. One (or maybe two) guy(s) said something negative about ST. A different guy even defended ST.

Second of all, she knew that ST is a sore topic for MANY Skins fans. That's why she picked the title of the thread, to get reaction. The thread she linked barely had anything to do with ST.

Third of all, and to conclude my reasoning, read the first part of the title. Her intent is as clear as day...

But again, how does me getting on her case make me immature? If (and I'm not confessing anything) I wrongly accused her of being immature, I'd simply be wrong (and maybe illiterate for not reading what was posted). But immature? Nah... immature is if I called you a poo-poo head or something

You're probably right. But that's her problem and I don't care.

I'm not calling you immature, that was not my intent. My point is that she has every right to say what she wants about Seahawk fans, she knows all about them. Many people have said that other Seahawk fans have said similar things. Is it a generalization? Probably, and not necessarily a fair one, but I am in no position to disagree.

For you to try and say that she's doing this for attention is insulting and unfair, I know ljsheely and I can personally guarantee that is not her intention.

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Seahags fans suffer from what we like to call here "No Lombardi's" syndrome. Usually brought around by the presence of zero Lombardi trophies, the fans who suffer from this Napoleon-like complex usually live in crappy to almost unlivable areas, which include Seattle and Philly coincidently ;)

Side effects include habitual drinking, feelings of hopelessness, feeling the need to pick fights with anyone and everyone, and constant loss of intelligence and common sense.

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