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Republicans block extra taxes on oil companies


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Say they were stupid and decided to go backwards by drilling new spots and building new stations?

Wouldn't it take a decade before we would see that hit the market?

Its smarter to go backwards then forwards with energy needs?

Its even in our National Security interests to develop the next energy. Something the whole world can use. Something that makes the oil in the Middle East worthless. Then the royals can stop paying off terrorists while meeting with leaders of the west.

On land and shallow water projects would be producing within two yrs and the effect on oil prices even sooner(by increasing expected production,oil futures drop...much like they rise when shortages are forecast)

Added one quick way to lower prices a bit would be to make one blend of gas,instead of the mixed up crap we have now by region.

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I don't know that it would take a decade, but at least in 10 years we would have those reserves. How long will it take to develop alternate energy sources?

Why not start drilling while we are searching for alternatives?

Because that would mean you'd need to invest in both. Usually its one or the other.

Look, I'd be more open to some drilling if for ever $1 put into finding "new" oil, $5-$10 went to new energies. Then I think you'd find more open minded people.

But, you know that once you let folks go drill in places you're protecting for whatever reason. The flowgates open. You need to make sure everybody is following the rules which would be like trying to find Bin Laden with the way some of these companies are in bed with our leaders.

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On land and shallow water projects would be producing within two yrs and the effect on oil prices even sooner(by increasing expected production,oil futures drop...much like they rise when shortages are forecast)

Really? I'd be interested in reading about that. Got any info I could check out?

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Time you include fed,state and then income,property taxes,corporate taxes lease payments to the feds...I would not doubt it would approach 75%

That is a really silly analysis.

Corporations do not even pay income taxes (they pay corporate taxes), lease payments are not a tax, property tax is usually about 1 percent (and you dont pay it on leased land)....

and even if stuff like that were included as a "gas tax", you still would not get even close to 75%.

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But the oil reserves we have are a guaranteed, proven method of energy. I would rather invest in a sure thing.

Look at the ethanol disaster. Corn prices are up and there are hundreds of refineries that are not being used because there is not enough corn to process into ethanol, not to mention the rise in food prices. These refineries were given incredible tax breaks and now they aren't even being used. If those same tax breaks had been given so more oil refineries could be developed, then we may not be in the current mess we are in.

Proven? For how long?

This Nation didn't get where it was by holding back. We move forward to lead the world. Oil is not tomorrow. Its not renewable, its not clean, and now its not cheap.

I've mentioned this before. But, when Kennedy talked about landing on the moon, we didn't even have the technology yet to do it. But, we did.

I guess I just believe our best and brightest can do it, if they had a nation behind them. A sense of national pride.

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not only because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.
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I'm fine with Nuclear power. We just need to be smarter about it. Other nations have seemed to figure it out.

Obviously, people have concerns about living near these plants. I get that. Then the other problem is, you can't build all the plants in the middle of nowhere, its too far from where the power is needed.

I'd think the way you'd sell this to the public, is to go in reverse. How do you handle the waste? Buried in a Mountain? Shot into Space? Once you sell that, then you explain how you're going to be safer than ever before. Then you talk about where you want to start locating these things.

However, I am open minded.

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I saw a news piece on France's nuclear program. They have developed a way to recycle the waste. I don't have enough of the details to be more specific, but it cut the waste down tremendously.

I agree with the need for more energy sources, but we need to take advantage of what we have now while we are developing other sources.

I can see where you are coming from. But, I think there is a difference between taking advantage of what we have now, and what we might have in a few years to a decade.

Lets be honest. What solves this issue today? Nothing really can do that. By the time we're two years down the road. Where could hybrid technology be if more people are buying it? This is pushing us in the correct direction. Going the other way just doesn't make sense unless you could make a different in the next 6-12 months. After that, mindsets won't be waiting for oil to come down. It'll be "what's next?", especially if gas breaks $5-$6 here.

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That is a really silly analysis.

Corporations do not even pay income taxes (they pay corporate taxes), lease payments are not a tax, property tax is usually about 1 percent (and you dont pay it on leased land)....

and even if stuff like that were included as a "gas tax", you still would not get even close to 75%.

You may feel it silly but who do you think pays?

Corporations are people and employees who PAY taxes on income from payments from oil companies and IS included in expenses.(and in every gallon of gas)

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Very true. I guess there are two sides. One who believes that big oil is to blame and the other who doesn't.

When you fill up, look at how much our oil is taxed and think, who does that? Not the oil companies.

I can say with certianty, that 75% of what we pay for gas is taxes and that's not the oil companies fault it's government.

Tis better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

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Tis better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

Why, I'm not, even the data some dude posted proved my point. Even with the data numbers, my point is still valid, most of what we pay for gas is taxes imposed by government.

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Good heavens, you are gonna cry foul over 11 percent?? My point still stands even though I was off by a few percentage points. :doh:

The article he cited said 47 cents per gallon national average. At $4/gallon, that amounts to roughly 13 percent. Still nowhere near 75.

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As much as it pains me when I get gas, they are a business like any other and do not deserve to be taxed higher than any other. Regardless they'll recoup whatever gains they lose far more easily and it certainly won't be at out benefit.

Make the product easier to obtain and supply becomes a greater part of the ratio.

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I saw a news piece on France's nuclear program. They have developed a way to recycle the waste. I don't have enough of the details to be more specific, but it cut the waste down tremendously.

I agree with the need for more energy sources, but we need to take advantage of what we have now while we are developing other sources.

They are...or at least were called breeder reactors. The speant fuel was able to be converted back to the radioactive state. Then the only waste that would have to be dealt with was the PPE. I'm all for moving forward, however, why not drill lower the gas prices for the US. Because even when we get this new, renewable energy source, the cost to put it into use will still prevent many people to switch over since they are all broke from having to pay the huge gas prices for so long. So you fix one problem that you already have the means to do, get some relief to the people, give them some disposable income again, so then you can focus the money more into the renewable resource. Then as we start to convert to the renewable source, we sell our oil to other countries giving our countr ymore money for more research.

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By using domestic energy sources you also cut the trade deficit and stop sending hundreds of billions overseas.

It also creates jobs,increases the tax base and if directed the lease payments could fund alternative fuels w/o costing anything.

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Hell, Congress doesn't want to do anything about it.

This was an election year publicity stunt.

The Dems knew it wouldn't pass. (Heck, if there were a chance of it actually passing and not getting vetoed, half the folks who voted in favor of it would have voted against it.)

The purpose of this bill was so that a bunch of Dems could say "See! I voted for that!" (knowing that it wouldn't pass).

(And so that they could say "See! Those dirty crooked Republicans all work for the evil oil companies.")

Think of it as a gay marriage Constitutional amendment.

It's the latest thing. Legislation as a publicity stunt.

you act like republicans have never done that before

either way something needs to be done about the ridiculous gas prices,new drilling for oil won't affect our cars gas tanks for atleast 5+ years,and oil companies are raking in record profits and acting like it's nobody's business.New drilling should be started on US soil regardless,but that's not going to fix the situation right now.

big oil has the american people by the gonads,transportation prices go up so all of our storebought goods and food rise in price because of the high price of gas.

and then people wonder why nobody can make house payments now adays.

for something that was relatively cheap and used by all 10 years ago to skyrocket in price is going to have a lop sided effect when cost of living can't keep up.

SOMETHING needs to be done to stabilize the situation.

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They say if we were to drill and refine here, we would be paying single cent numbers for gas, right?

How about this hair brained idea.

Today we start using the reserves of coal and oil we already have and use that to fuel industry and homes. That brings the cost down for the consumer.

Use that to carry us the few years until we are using 100% of our own oil, but when we are there, we don't drop the price all the way to single cent numbers, but instead leave it around a dollar and a half or so.

Now, we use that money to fund the oil companies R&D as well as others (not gov't run) for 100% natural energy initiatives only. Do that for a few years, until we can fuel or industry and home energy needs with it completely.

Now, we have, in ten years, gotten off oil completely. Turned it into a pure export and become the major exporter of the oil and led the way for the rest of the world to follow suite and created jobs at the same time.

Oil companies win, Americans win, the polar bears win.

Now, to remove any and all validity from this post.

We legalize or decriminalize drugs, gambling and prostitution, tax that to all hell and use the money saved/ earned to make the immediate change over to the reserves we are sitting on.

Take the people who are enforcing those laws, both in and away from the US and use them for border security/ immigration enforcement. Americans are now the ones getting all the jobs we just created and that problem is being handled.

Ten years, we have just gotten out of the ME, off oil, become more self dependent, increased exporting and reduced out sourcing, handled immigration, shrank the gov't, reduced spending, cut crime, cut violence, cleaned up our prisons and gotten America back on track. Not to mention the polar bears are now living easy.

Koolblue for POTUS. :D

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