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Republicans block extra taxes on oil companies


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Is should be unConstitutional to single out a single company and tax them more than all others based on the mood of the day.

you have to put forth effort NOT to do anything it seems.

To do something is the easiest part with all the R&D...

Exactly 1 refinary per Military post or Nuke plant if refinary is not optimal.

Ft Riley Kansas has 17000 acres.... it could house 1 nuke plant. Ft Hood could have a NEW refinary.. Ft Benning a refinary, Ft Drum a Nuke etc.

Starting the Shale oil would drop prices as there is as much there as Saudi Arabia with conservative estimates, a futures stock would drop if the future was flush with oil.

Leave Anwar alone: do the solar towers that Europe is trying to do (JUST for the Grid, for the West (30+%)

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Looks like I found my Veep, Thiebear.

So, twa, about that money. :D

(I'd appoint you to something if you weren't such a war monger)

You could make me Secretary of State...I can negotiate. ;)

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So, I guess most people agree with my assessment of the situation, since it's been very quite since I posted it.

That was basically my stance after 9/11, if not a little before.

Why do we not demand a course of action similar to my idea?

Neither of the candidates are proposing anything even remotely close to it.

Zero answers are all we are given and people are just eating it up. More War, more spending, more taxing without any representation at all.

What a load of crap. We are so off course as the Greatest Nation.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry, this has to be the dumbest knee-jerk idea that I have ever heard!

Problem: gas is too expensive

Solution: tax gas companies more so their costs increase and they raise prices HIGHER!

That makes absolutely no sense! Any tax on the oil companies will eventually get passed on to the consumer. Are these politicians complete idiots or do they just think that Americans have no understanding of very basic economics!?

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This thread is so typical of the ignorance that permeates the tailgate mind. The Government makes MORE money off 1 gallon of gas than ANY oil company. Gov't TAXES comprise anywhere from .26 to .75 cents on EVERY Gallon sold and the average OIL industry profit is .10-.15 cents per gallon sold. Additionally, the Gov't claims they need the tax for road infrastructure but in most cases it just goes to the general fund to fund everything their little hearts can buy. So not only does the gov't rip you off at the pump they lie to you face as to why they are doing it. So the villain in all of this is as usual the gov't and the half assed backward thinking.



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