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Madden 09 QB ratings


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Yes, he should have. Peyton Manning got kilt in his final bowl game. Colt was a projected late 1st early 2nd round pick after his record setting 2006 season. His skills hadn't deteriorated from that season to the next.

Colt showing up at the senior bowl at 185 lbs and then the torn hip labrum also were factors of course. But we'll see how much of a steal he turns out to be.

I don't care if you are Tom freakin Brady you're not going to do jack when the defense is only rushing three and dropping 8 into coverage and you're staring up at the superdome ceiling after every play wondering if you're at Texas Stadium because you're seeing stars.


I'm sure glad we have people on here that are smarter than all the GMs in the NFL, except Vinny of course.

Thanks, now I feel better.


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Well, in his defense....all those supersmart GMs passed on Tom Brady until Bill B took him late in the 6th round.....and do we have to list all the first round busts that GMs swore were going to be superstars?

I'll give you that about the busts but the whole Tom Brady thing is something that doesn't happen every year.

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arly buil.

According to that pic there are only 8 OLs on the roster. No Rinehart? And Rabach is way underrated as an 84.

Early build. Some may change here and there.Along with players added.

Our team rating is 88. Which is in the top 15. This should all change a little here and there.

Last year they had Cambell too slow. I thought that he did a good job of proving he can also be mobile. I guess not enough for espn and the people at EA.

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How about Rocky as an 88? Major respect there.

that isi about right.If he comes off this injury ok. He is going to be a beast if stays healthy. Landry a 93. Doughty got no love though with a 76. RIP ST.

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This is all the prove that a person needs to know that this is a game and not based on reality in any way shape or form.

Not based on reality. Then what kind of vortex are we in that the Redskin and the NFL don't exist. I get what you are saying but I think it just proves that they should do some more research before they rate them.

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So we've been dissed again huh by the Madden "guru's?"

PEOPLE! Now is not the time to bemoan, to curse how Jerry's bucks buy the Crygirls players the spotlight even on a darn video game. Now is the time stand up for the burgundy and gold and tell the ol' fat dude straight!

Just as our very own long snapper extraodinaire did back in 2006. (Ok, ok, maybe it kinda' wasn't the Red Snapper, but i know in my heart of hearts if he had penned this, he'd have penned the very same literary masterpiece.).

Apologies for rehashing, and the, uhmm, "colourfull" langauge in the letter in full. But let's all sit back and enjoy, once again, one of the single funniest open letters i've EVER had the pleasure of reading.


To: John Madden

CC: Electronic Arts Sports

From: Ethan Albright

Re: Being the worst rated player on Madden ‘07

Hi, John, my name is Ethan Albright. I play line for the Washington Redskins. You probably already knew that, so I’ll continue. I am writing in regards to the overall player rating of 53 that I have received in Madden NFL Football 2007. I feel that this is ****ing bull**** and you should kiss my mother-****ing ass. Ahmed Carroll was rated a 78 and the Packers just cut his ass on a Tuesday morning after his performance in a Monday night game. That is pretty terrible. The worst part is that his overall rating was sniffing 80.

You know what, John? Two can play this game. I rate you a ****ing 12. I rate you a ****ing 12 in Ethan Albright Football 2000-ever… except for in the category of ball-licking. That is where I will spot you a 98 rating. You will receive this score because I will never give your blubbery ass a 99 in any category. Take that, pencil-dick. Go do Al Micheals or something. Boom. Score one for Red Beard.

It’s also pretty wonderful that my awareness rating was 59. You make it sound like I wake up in the morning, helplessly **** and piss myself, then lose three of my teeth before I discover that I am trying to eat a rock for breakfast. ****, John, I understand you saying that I am slow and lacking athleticism, but a rating like this pretty much labels me as retarded. Rod “He Hate Me” Smart has a 52 in this category. Electronic Arts is saying that seven rating points separate me and the breathing embodiment of the perfect oxymoron. Rod Smart struggled to arrange words in sentence form. Cave men had better hold of the English language. The only actions that separate point values of ignorance at this embarrassing level are things like using your own toothbrush to wipe your ass. I basically edged out Rod by my lack of **** teeth. If I take a night school class, could you bump me up to a 60?

I guess I just can’t fathom the fact that I am the absolute worst player rated out of the entire NFL. ****, man, there are some ****ty guys out there. Amongst everyone, I was rated the absolute worst.

I have received the impression that you feel that I am lacking in the agility category. I should consider a walk through my living room where I don’t crash through a wall or kick over furniture a resounding success. My agility rating on your game is 33. It makes it sound like I just topple over if I start walking too fast. Ted Washington is rated a 40 in agility. He is listed at 365 pounds. If Ted Washington tied a white lady up and made her wear a metal bikini, he’d look just like Jabba the Hut.

John, you are such a ****ing dick. I also noticed that my kick return rating was a 0. I was rated a ****ing zero? So you feel that I shouldn’t even receive a 10, or even a 5? You are pretty much saying that I couldn’t even fall forward on a ball kicked in my direction. I would just stand there and let the ball bounce off of my ****ing face. **** that, John, I returned an onside kick 6 yards in 2002. You should have just slapped a - 4 on me and had the EA staff ambush me with paintball guns.

Finally, I would like to comment on an unlikely topic, my pass coverage ratings. I see that I am a better at man-to-man coverage (31) than zone (21). **** me sideways with a lunchbox. Where did these scores even come from? How much time is spent coming up with the pass coverage ratings of offensive lineman? Can I have that job? Let’s see here, I think that Orlando Pace would be slightly better at jumping intermediate routes than Larry Allen. While I’m at it, I can assign the passing ratings for offensive lineman as well. I can use mine as a guide.

I was rated with a throwing power of 17 and accuracy of 16. Orlando Pace has a 22 power and 17 accuracy rating. Did someone at EA really put time into figuring out that Orlando Pace edges out Ethan Albright in both throwing power and accuracy? I will challenge him any day. My horrible passer ratings are of greatest misfortune to my son, Red Beard Jr. The poor boy is not only hideously ugly and covered by freakishly large freckles. He also has to suffer through playing catch with me and my senile-elderly-woman-type passer ratings. A session of tossing the pigskin usually consists of me missing my son by thirty yards in sporadic directions. I led him in front of a fire truck once and my wife kicked my ass. This is because of my 76 toughness rating. Yes, a 76 is far better than the other ratings, but I’m a ****ing lineman, damn it. NFL Linemen are considered to be synonymous with toughness. According to your game, I am a retarded, uncoordinated, *****-ass ****wad that can’t fall on a kickoff, throw, or spell. I am, however, slightly better at manning up on a receiver than dropping into zone coverage. You lose your mind more and more each year, old man.

**** you, John. Please expect to find red pubes in various meals you consume for the rest of your life. If you **** with Ethan Albright, you call down the thunder.

Rot in Hell,

Ethan Albright

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Marion Barber rated higher than CP is a joke. Sorry He hasn't even proven every down back status yet. And I'm not hating I think Barber is a heckuva runner/player. I personally wouldn't give Shockey more than a 90 or 91. LB is definitely thin for us depth wise that has to be addressed b4 the season. Eh it's Madden whatever. But they need to tweak some things in updates...bringing some ratings down and others up for Skins players and others.

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Forget how they may or may not have shafted us, this is the second year in a row they've made our Secondary look legendary. No one but Landry had a stellar year, and three of our corners are above 85? That's ridiculous. Move Smoot to SS, and you've got a pass defense that no one's going to be able to touch.

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