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OT: Found in Iraq by US troops: Chemical Weapons Plant!!!!


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Well, to all the people who said this war was wrong: the French, the anti-war anti-Bush crowd, the UN, and ALL the idiots in Hollywood, this is news they might not wanna hear.

In the last hour, US troops have found an HUGE Iraqi chemical weapons plant, one the UN inspectors COULD NOT FIND!!!!

This flies in the face of all the people who said this is "Bush's war" or that say it's a war for oil, or George Jr. getting payback for George Sr.

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There is a place for politial correctness. Basically, in the cigar smoked filled rooms of dank bars where the stank of bourbon is emitted, where a women's cleavage isn't a sin, and where women actually like men.

Seriously now, is there a cite for that. This is seriously good news for legitimacy. Maybe get some U.N. support.

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Article : http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30200-1084802,00.html

A huge chemical weapons factory has been found in Iraq, according to Pentagon sources.

The facility was found by advancing US troops in An Najaf, around 100 miles south of Baghdad, the sources say.

The general in charge of the factory was arrested by the 1st Brigade of the Third Infantry division and is being questioned, the sources said.

An unconfirmed report by Fox news said the complex is around 100-acres, adjacent to military barracks and surrounded by an electric fence.

Sky News Foreign Affairs Editor Tim Marshall said if the claims are substantiated they will in part vindicate President Bush and Prime Minister Blair.

They have argued the case for war against Iraq on the grounds that Saddam Hussein had banned weapons of mass destruction, including chemical and biological weapons.

The Iraqi regime has always denied this and UN weapons inspectors sent back into the country at the end of last year failed to find any evidence to suggest otherwise.

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These Iraqi tools are done. All their gay tricks are over and they will eat **** now. Im sure they thought it was real funny torturing US Troops when we treat them with respect but it wont be funny when we come accross these fags. They have now lost their privilage to surrender. Thats what they get for tricking us. I am so pissed this is ****ed up.

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Here's the Jerusalem Post original story (their reporter is the embed at the site who originated this report):


Mar. 23, 2003



About 30 Iraqi troops, including a general, surrendered today to US forces of the 3rd Infantry Division as they overtook huge installation apparently used to produce chemical weapons in An Najaf, some 150 kilometers (90 miles) south of Baghdad.

Asked to confirm 's exclusive coverage of this development, US Lt. Gen. John Abizaid, Deputy Commander of Central Command, told reporters: "I'm not going to confirm that report, but we have one or two generals officers who are providing us with information."

One soldier was lightly wounded when a booby-trapped explosive went off as he was clearing the sheet metal-lined chemical weapons production facility.

The huge 100-acre complex, which is surrounded by a electrical fence, is perhaps the first illegal chemical plant to be uncovered by US troops in their current mission in Iraq. The surrounding barracks resemble an abandoned slum.

It wasn't immediately clear exactly which chemicals were being produced here, but clearly the Iraqis tried to camouflage the facility so it could not be photographed aerially, by swathing it in sand-cast walls to make it look like the surrounding desert.

Within minutes of our entry into the camp on Sunday afternoon, at least 30 Iraqi soldiers and their commanding officer of the rank of General, obeyed the instructions of US soldiers who called out from our jeep in loudspeakers for them to lie down on the ground, and put their hands above their heads to surrender.

Today's operation is the third engagement with Iraqi forces by the First Brigade of the US army's 3rd Infantry Division, since Saturday afternoon.

So far in the campaign, the brigade has suffered no losses. But two were wounded Saturday night in an ambush on the outskirts of As-Samwah in southern Iraq.

The US battlefield success was tempered by pictures shown on Arab television of bodies in US uniforms lying in a makeshift Iraqi morgue and of prisoners being interviewed who were said to be Americans.

Before the graphic scenes were shown on Qatar's Al-Jazeera television, Iraq's vice president, Taha Yassin Ramadan, claimed his forces had taken allied prisoners of war and would show them on TV.

The station said the prisoners were captured around Nasiriyah, a major crossing point over the Euphrates River 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad that was seized by the US Army Saturday. It said the film footage came from Iraqi television.

In another unsettling incident for the US -led coalition, British officials confirmed that a Royal Air Force Tornado aircraft was shot down accidentally Sunday by US Patriot missile near the Kuwaiti-Iraq border while returning from a mission. The aircraft's crew was missing; details about those on board were not disclosed.

"This is a tragedy and we are taking rapid steps to ensure there is no repetition," said Group Capt. Al Lockwood, a spokesman for British forces.

In their drive to Baghdad, US and British forces captured territory, towns and military installations, often with little or no opposition. But in some locations, Iraqi forces fought back with artillery fire or guerrilla-style counterattacks.

Coalition troops were still trying to mop up resistance at the main Gulf port of Umm Qasr so it could be used for humanitarian shipments. They engaged in street-to-street battles against guerrillas, including paramilitary fighters of the Baath party.

Television footage of the Umm Qasr fighting was broadcast worldwide, and Iraqi officials hailed the resistance as proof coalition troops could be repelled.

Near the Gulf, Marines seized an Iraqi naval base Sunday morning at Az Zubayr. In the command center, Marines found half-eaten bowls of rice and other still-warm food.

In Baghdad, a series of air raid sirens and explosions were heard on the outskirts of the city at midmorning Sunday. A cloud of smoke hung over the capital; residents believed it was created in part by fires set to conceal targets from bombardment.

Iraqi television reported that Saddam Hussein's home town, Tikrit, had been bombed several times.

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Fox News broke it then I saw it on the local fox news.

More than likely the same idiots, I'll believe it when the Washington post or NY times says so crowd will say Mark Furhman plantedRicin or Anthrax because he is racist and trying to put those innocents down

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Fox News broke it then I saw it on the local fox news.

More than likely the same idiots, I'll believe it when the Washington post or NY times says so crowd will say Mark Furhman plantedRicin or Anthrax because he is racist and trying to put those innocents down

Well, I was just watching the Oscars and that fat socalist f*ck Michael Moore win an Oscar for best documetary say stuff like"We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you.", and, "We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons."

They are the ones who need to go see this plant in Iraq for themselves, but they will be the 1st ones who will swear that all the evidence was planted by the US and Bush to make his case


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I've been watching the news the past few hours. They did find a huge 100 acre factory surrounded by electric wire fences and camoflouged. The Iraqis are claiming it is used to make sheet metal. They still are sorting out the facts, but it is probably some sort of chemical weapon plant. I also saw French, German, and Russian companies have sold Hussien scrambling devices as well as night vision goggles. The scrambling devices were useless against us, but the googles may pose a much larger problem. The US forces have had a huge advantage at night with night vision in the past. Great Allies they turned out to be. And BTW, screw those pu$$y actors in hollywood. They are pathetically uninformed. Somehow being famous makes them experts on world affairs. :puke:

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I don't think this is going to make much difference to most folks.

Most folks knew he had weapons. (Or, at least, was trying to get them). And therefore they've come up with some justification for them allready.

I suspect that what may change some minds (but not many), will be, after the war, if some of his scientists start talking. (After Saddam isn't holding their kids hostage).

(Assuming Saddam doesn't kill all the scientists on his way out. After all, I don't think even Saddam is stupid enough to think he can survive this: His objective, now, is simply to make his own death as spectacular as possible).

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Bush needs this kind of evidence. But let's just wait for confirmation before all the "I told ya so's".

I must say... I think it's disgusting to hear all the guerilla tactics used by the Iraqis. Human shields, the white flag incident, executing prisoners, filming prisoners and humiliating them, firing squads into a shallow pond with reeds because a suspected pilot who parachuted out of a downed airplaned was supposed hiding there, etc.

They interviewed the former Iraqi ambassador to the US yesterday.. asking him to justify the actions... and he argued... "War is ugly... and it's all part of war."

I hope American soldiers take a flame-thrower to his family while he is tied to a pole and watches... with people repeatedly yelling at him "War is ugly".

There are rules of combat. Don't capture these fools and try them as war criminals... kill them slow and painfully. Treat them all in a way that makes their own inhumanity seem civil.

It's just too bad the "good guys" have to play with 1 hand tied behind their back while the bad guys get are excused for such apalling atrocities.

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I gotta admit, it's tempting, if we know where these POWs are, to simply drop a MOAB in there, and kill everybody in the place. (Or even in the vicinity).

The next time an Iraqi officer wants to torture an american POW, I want him to think "But, if I give that order, my troops may mutiny". If the Iraqi army brings a POW into a town, I want the civilians to either storm the soldiers, or get out of town.

If any reporter asks Bush why he ordered it, I think the response "This is the middle east. Aparantly, that's what it takes to get these idiots to pay attention". (Sort of like the story about the mule trainer who begins by breaking a baseball bat over the mule's head: "First, you've got to get his attention".)

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DJ No Chemical Weapons Found At Site In Najaf - TV


Dow Jones News Services

(Copyright © 2003 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--U.S. officials said Monday that no chemical weapons were found at a suspected site at Najaf in central Iraq, U.S. television networks reported.

NBC News reported from the Pentagon that no chemicals at all were found at the site. CNN, also reporting from the Pentagon, said officials now believe the plant there was abandoned long ago by the Iraqis.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

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This doesn't appear to be the finding that was originally thought it to be. No major news media reported that chemical weapons were found and I've gone on a lot of websites trying to find confirmation. Doesn't look like they have found anything actually. I guess we should give them more time to get this story straight but I don't think they found any chemical weapons site.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Bush needs this kind of evidence. But let's just wait for confirmation before all the "I told ya so's".

I must say... I think it's disgusting to hear all the guerilla tactics used by the Iraqis. Human shields, the white flag incident, executing prisoners, filming prisoners and humiliating them, firing squads into a shallow pond with reeds because a suspected pilot who parachuted out of a downed airplaned was supposed hiding there, etc.

They interviewed the former Iraqi ambassador to the US yesterday.. asking him to justify the actions... and he argued... "War is ugly... and it's all part of war."

I hope American soldiers take a flame-thrower to his family while he is tied to a pole and watches... with people repeatedly yelling at him "War is ugly".

There are rules of combat. Don't capture these fools and try them as war criminals... kill them slow and painfully. Treat them all in a way that makes their own inhumanity seem civil.

It's just too bad the "good guys" have to play with 1 hand tied behind their back while the bad guys get are excused for such apalling atrocities.

The press needs to exercise more discipline in their reporting and a little less hysteria. We'll find WMD's, but I don't think it will be as easy as this would have been. I can understand the desire to retaliate and seek retribution, but we won't do it on an individual level. We are not a brutal, or inhumane society, and we haven't been desensitized as the Iraqi military has. Some might say we are a more civilized nation. As politically incorrect as that statement is, its essentially correct. When our troops capture Iraqis, they don't torture or mistreat them, simply because its not their nature and doesn't occur to them as even a viable alternative. Its as simple as that. We may, however, greatly increase the violence of our military approach very shortly here. That is a much better way to deal with this type of brazen cruelty.

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