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Obama's Oregon rally:75,000+ in attendance


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If youre impressed then you don't know Oregon very well.

The single largest collection of liberals in one state and all the can get is 75k?

I know Oregon plenty well. Again, I don't care where it is. That is impressive.

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I know Oregon plenty well. Again, I don't care where it is. That is impressive.

Would you say the same thing if McCain got 75k in Missouri?

Are you impressed every 1st of May when 35k+ march in L.A.?

If he got 75k in NYC then it would be impressive. Getting that number in a liberal, welfare state like Oregon is easy.

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Wow. The hatin' on Oregon is thick.

And here I thought people were offended when John Stewart did West Virginia jokes.

(Although I do remember once hearing a comic describe living in Oregon as "Your wife calls, and tells you to pick up Granola on your way home from work. So you swing by the Day Care . . . ")

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