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I drank shots with Lavar yesterday!!!


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LA seems like a cool dude. I ran into Art Monk on Wednesday - I work part-time at a store in Sterling at nights and he came in looking for a few items. He drives a sweet black Benz. He signed some guy's card that he happened to have with him. Art's cool too - shook his hand and wished him well...

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I agree, fully. I will always remember the interception against the Panthers, where he ran it back for a TD and a chance to save a season for the team (who were 0 - 5 at that time and desperate for a win).

It really is too bad.

That's the play I always remember with LaVar too, but not just because of the play itself and how it helped to turn around a season but also it showed his character and passion. What people forget about that game is that LaVar suffered a concussion earlier in the game. He could have easily called it a day and nobody would have blamed him for it. Instead he willed himself back out on the field despite the fact that the team was an 0-5 laughing stock and we were down to an equally awful Carolina team. He came back anyway and the rest is history.

I'll never understand how anyone who claims to be a Redskins fan could possibly have it in for LaVar? He was a great player during an unstable time and more importantly, he's a great guy as evidenced by the story shared by the OP.

I'm really happy to see LaVar back in the area and happy that he's slowly becoming part of the Redskins community again where he belongs.

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Not trying to steal your thunder at all but I had somewhat the same experience. Except it was in a Largo Towncenter restaurant with out the :cheers: . He was sitting with an elderly man and woman. I was there with my wife who's not a football fan. Anyway it was during the weekday around noon so the place was pretty empty. He waved at us as we came in. Next thing you know, we're all talking like we were suppose to meet there. It was so natural that I didn't even have an urge to ask him about anything football. My next door neighbor used to play pro football. He's pretty much the same way when it comes to being down to earth.

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great story. i wish things ended on better terms with him and the redskins. its too bad injuries cut his career short and we'll never know if he would have been an incredible HOF LB. i hope he finds great success with his new restaurant. i like seeing him back as a force in the community

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That's nice. He's going to have to buy me about infinity shots before I say lets bring LA back. Thanks, but no thanks.


The revisionist history going on in this thread concerning Arrington is staggering in its scope.

Arrington was a lying, greedy, selfish, free-lancing, me-playing SOB when he left here.

His private regrets are all well and good. However, until he starts to PUBLICALLY regret his actions here, I couldn't care less about that New York Giant, and he can stay as far away as possible.

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If you ever get that drunk where you endorse Lavar returning, I'll put you in a cab and send you home myself. :)
You would be sending me to the hospital or morgue. I would be beyond drunk.

Lot's of bad thoughts about LA. Still, I hope his bar does well. Just for the old times. I remember how esctatic I was when we drafted him.

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His private regrets are all well and good. However, until he starts to PUBLICALLY regret his actions here, I couldn't care less about that New York Giant, and he can stay as far away as possible.

Did you hear his speech at ST's funeral? I'd call that a public statement expressing his regret for how he handled things. I also was very upset at the time how LA handled things (and also was ticked w/ the Skins coaching staff about it). However, given LA's comments about the situation during ST's funeral, I think LA's learned from what he did wrong and I have forgiven him. That speech showed how much he regrets his actions, and he has a lot of class and guts making that speech so publicly.

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I met him at sidelines on friday nite before the draft and he looked like he was in good shape,he did say if he came back it would be next year and probably not for us.:dallasuck O yea heres a pic of Lavar and I(yes he autographed my jersey)

You sure that isn't Rickey Williams? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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By the way the food was great and so were the free shots that Lavar bought us. Although we did spend $400 dollars there on food and drinks. It was a good time haning out at Sidelines.
3 people, $400 for food and drinks? I thought it was a sports bar. Guess I won't be going there.
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