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Does anyone still take JLC's blog seriously anymore


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hmmm.. while i agree with every point you made, its a just a blog. which means he can do whatever the hell he wants.

But its not just a blog it is a Washington Post endorsed web editorial just because it is called a blog doesn't make it one. In my oppinon the paper is on very shaky legal grounds if they think they can to whatever the hell they want with it as they do not issue a disclaimer, it is part of the paper, Jason will get paid for his contributions, or will be expected to maintain it as part of his role with the paper. Look at Rich Tandler, long time publisher respected name in sports journalism publishes his thoughts in on blogspot http://redskinsblog.blogspot.com/ those are his thoughts

Bram decried as many as a redskins lackey makes sure his blog is independent http://coveringtheredskins.blogspot.com/

To put it another way ...how many people would read a blog on Redskins.com and believe it to be unbiased? How many would dismiss it as just a sugar coated FO PR push ?

The WP blog is not a blog it is not independent and there are no guarantees what is on the blog are in fact Jasons opinions. It might be a nothing point to many but people really should be more discriminating or demanding of their news publications .

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What, you guys want to bring back Nunyo?

JLC is irritating to read at times because of his obvious bias against the skins.

Every once in a while he provides some insider information, though as others have pointed out, he seems a bit lacking in that category lately.

I neither like or dislike JLC. I take him for what he is. An ego reporter with his own agenda. Filter what he says and ignore the rest.

As far as Mark Maske goes I like him. He is one of the better reporters IMHO.

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What, you guys want to bring back Nunyo?

JLC is irritating to read at times because of his obvious bias against the skins.

Every once in a while he provides some insider information, though as others have pointed out, he seems a bit lacking in that category lately.

I neither like or dislike JLC. I take him for what he is. An ego reporter with his own agenda. Filter what he says and ignore the rest.

As far as Mark Maske goes I like him. He is one of the better reporters IMHO.

Good post. It is too bad Maske was taken off the Redskins beat

You actually GOT "inside" information without the agenda. Critics of Maske will say his head was too far up Snyder's ass to produce good journalism

I disagree

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Haven't seen any inside information on there in a long while

He did very well during the Sean Taylor tragedy. Other then that, its just like the team he covers, mediocre at best

The Sean Taylor thing was an example of a reporter going above an beyond the call of duty. How many of us were constantly refreshing his page in the hopes of getting any sort of update that we could? Updates that JLC provided which were both heartfelt and informative given all the confusion and emotion.

So, that's when I first started reading his blog. Now it's sort of a habit I keep up. Yeah, there's not much happening this offseason, and yeah, there's pretty much nothing coming from Redskins park in the way of quotes, and that does suck, but I don't think the guy's a hack. It really has been a quiet offseason. I wonder if, say, the Ravens' beat guy has any pullitzer-worthy material so far this offseason? Or any other team in a similar situation.

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Throughout the season, JLC is a pretty reliable source to get insider information about the Redskins. While he seems to be alittle full of himself at times about knowing insider stuff, he does get us good information on players and things going on at Redskins Park.

During the offseason though, JLC's blog goes really down hill. As has been indicated in the past few weeks, Redskins Park has been really private so he finds and reaches for things to "report" and nitpick at.

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hmmm.. while i agree with every point you made, its a just a blog. which means he can do whatever the hell he wants.

Yeah, but he's also building a brand -- the Washington Post's Redskins Insider, no less -- and that job he's not taking so seriously right now. I'm all about trainer tape and Buges' breakfast. Let me have it. Doesn't have to be good.

If it was jlc.blogspot.com, he could knock himself out. It ain't. Gimme some Skins info.

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Most of what I read from JLC is straight forward, mainstream insights on the team that a lot of fans would take away from certain events that have happened.

At times it appears he goes overboard to state the obvious, especially in relation to Brandon Lloyd and any of the team's mistakes.

Together with Steve Czaban, we are assured of NEVER forgetting a single mistake made by the Redskins or any other sports team in town..........................

In reference to the non-Redskins news, if JLC can't appreciate a young Capitals team that won 10 of their last 11 to win the division and go into the playoffs as the #3 seed in the Conference after cautiously rebuilding (the way he seems to imply the Redskins should - through the draft, etc.) then he just too damn cynical for my taste :)

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I gotta JLC update for you right here -

DESPITE the fact that the Danny did not hire the big splash and brought in a young hungry coordinator that reminds a lot of fans of the beginning of Joe Gibbs, lets not forget he is the Danny and he sucks.

It remains to be seen whether young and hungry equals sucessful. Zorn's hiring is a big gamble that could just as easily backfire badly. No way to know right now.

DESPITE the fact that the coaching search got a young and hungry guy who reminds a lot of fans of the beginning of Joe Gibbs, did you see how it went down. IT SUCKED. Vinny and Danny are RETARDED.

Have you forgotten that Dan and Vinny were seriously talking to Fassel while simultainiously disrespecting Greg Williams and talking to anyone who would listen (there weren't many) while hiring offensive coordinators who finally end up becoming HC's because Dan and Vinny run out of ideas?

DESPITE the fact the Vinny has orchestrated a hands off approach this offseason and brought a new attitude towards FA in the redskins org, man Brandon Lloyd and Archuletta SUCKED. AND SO DOES VINNY.

Ever stop to think that the marketplace had far more to do with this years "hands off approach" new attitude than Vinny? And yeah, Lloyd and Arch sucked hardcore. Someone signed their contracts!

DESPITE THE REDSKINS have made the playoffs 2 of the last 3 seasons under wildly different coordinators, the only way to measure the team is that they didnt win the super bowl, so THEY SUCK.

Wildly different??? Hardly! Both are hardcore Ernie Zampeze diciples.

DESPITE the fact the Redskins Org and almost tripled in value under the watch of the Danny, 80 million in dead cap space sure does SUCK, and so does the DANNY.

Is there a franchise in the league who's value hasn't increased by mega-miilions over the same time period? However, if highest payroll, third highest dead cap and 23rd place in percentage of wins over the same time period is enough to float your boat then.... damn, your easy to satisfy! :laugh:

HAVE you seen my picture on the top of my blog?...the washington post sure does take some good shots. Anyone who can glamour up someone like me and the capital weather gangers deserves some credit.

Yep that about covers it these days.


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