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Does anyone still take JLC's blog seriously anymore


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I know everyone has differing oppinions on Jason La Canfora, if anyone noticed I am not a fan . I know people say this is a blog and he is entitled to be a little less formal ...fair enough but a blog is to me something personal you do in your own time, the WP blogs in general are simply editorials under a different name and as such, as I have said before, should be judged as actual peices of journalistic writing .

Now I know he has been relativly quiet over recent weeks on the Redskin front because there really isn't anything to report and he has had family issues , but he never seems to want to go out of his way to try and talk to either the players or officals from redskins park just to keep his ear to the ground in these quiet times . I meen I don't expect him to be there everyday but the players have been there weeks. Maybe it is because he is not a fan of the team, but as a beat reporter I kind of feel you do have a responisiblity to the fans.... Anyway I was just looking at his recent posts and I thought his bias is showing more than usual with his recent articles . He is also really gets stuck with an issue and tend not to let go if he thinks he has something resembling a scoop. Like Dre Bly in the past or the iminant release of Shawn Springs last year or right now he has uncovered the fact that we over the last 7 years have an NFL high 80 million in dead cap space .

He uses this to have yet another dig at the team with the none news story a Eric Shaffer was to be approached by the Saints but the move was blocked .

Shaffer is respected as one of the top capologists in the NFL rather than and has worked wonders with the cap in Washington . But rather than mention this JLC spouts....

"How much blame to put on him for the oodles of poor contracts and the NFL record $80-plus million in dead cap space since 2000"

Then there is some news about the HoF tickets - no spin there.. but then he goes on to talk about a new nickname for Vinny .. 2 weeks before the draft and this is the best he can do ...?

I know sometimes he does come up with some genunily interesting stuff and he does have his suporters who claim that he "tells it as it is" where in fact he tells it like HE sees it .

I know people will say if you don't like it then don't read it and If JLC was writing this stuff on Blogger.com or similar I wouldn't care but this is being published by a news media organization under the guise of "Redskins Insider" and I just think it is very poor, especailly compared to David Elfins blog over at the times .


He sometimes portrays the Skins in a less than glittering light but his or Ryan O'Hallrohan personal bias doesn't seem to getin the way of a quick blurb or comment.

The question I want to ask is am I missing something ?

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You know, reading the title I came in thinking I was going to defend JLC a bit -- the family issues, it's the offseason, it's a blog, etc -- but you pointed out all of the excuse and enough of what bothers me about the blog now that I can't help but agree.

There's so little *news* now. I don't listen to Redskins Radio much, but they usually manage to get in a little interesting Skins-related info when I do. I realize they're on site, etc, and the coaches realize they have to appear every so often, but come on JLC -- can't we get *continued* quick blurbs about the Skins? I don't care, heck, tell me what Buges had for breakfast. Just show me you're on the beat. I don't mind the bias against the Skins, much, but you point out one example of where he does bug me, the comment about Shaffer. I don't get why the over the top comments have to pop in.

I liked Draft Rumblings quite a bit, but would expect more of those and lots less of Caps and nickname related posts, and more first-hand reports, not just Blackberry speculation.

Good post/thread imo.

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I don't care for JLC or his stupid blog. He is not a Redskin Insider, he is a Redskin Outsider, looking in. He never has any inside information, just guesses. He never has a Redskin source, just nameless league sources.

I don't know why he doesn't just cover the Ravens, he loves them so much.

When I do read his work, I always come away feeling like he took another shot at my team. Jason Reid does a great job with the Blog when JLC is away, I wish he would take over.

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i think the blog has fallen off big time lately, it could be lack of news as far as lack of updates which is understandable. but i dont care about the caps, doodlebops, or no stupid nickname for vinny, just call him vinny. thats about as bad as cindy borens 'boren ultimatum' to reach a certain number of blog responses. so JLC has family problems, who doesnt, work them out without it affecting your job. if anything id use my work as a brief escape.

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Couldn't agree more. He doesn't cover the Redskins, he covers himself covering the Redskins including his biased agenda. I just love how much garbage he threw out there this past year hoping something would stick and nothing did. Glad to see others agree with me.

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Welcome to the Washington Post folks.

Anything attached to them loses substance and begins an agenda. Then when you confront the writers they say its because of the demands of the editors.

All I know is that if I was a beat writer for the redskins (good lord PLEASE) I would be hanging outside of Portis' driveway with a new Xbox game to test drive and talk about the redskins while playing, or offering to take him to the best food in NoVa (you think CP has had an Al's Cheesesteak yet?)....so its not just about the scoop....what a dream job and what a nightmare in its current execution.

What would I be writing about now? Maybe what players the actual current players would like to see the team draft.....or maybe what positions the current team thinks is a need.....the possibilities are endless, unless you are trying to promote yourself.....which I think is JLC's main objective these days.

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I concur, "Redskins Insider" is almost Orwellian at this point.

His sources, to the extent he had any, are no longer with the team.

Since folks in Ashburn know he has an agenda and don't care how he portrays them, they have no incentive to leak anything to him.

So he's reduced to passing along hearsay from "league sources" who have no contact with Redskins Park.

And he tries to sneak in potshots at a guy like Eric Schaffer, who is basically the team accountant.

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JLC has a few ardent supporters on this site, for reasons I will never understand, but I think we'll all be better off when Jason Reid takes over full time and they abandon that abomination of a blog.

He almost makes me miss Nunyo (shudder)...

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maybe. maybe not.

I know I am equally bored with people like you who apparently apply a "positivity" metric to the content they read as a qualifier for good and bad. slant is slant...period.

start your own blog and rain sunshine every day - the Skins could use you since they have a very focused approach to managing the news. go read the BS on the "official" site.

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JLC has a few ardent supporters on this site, for reasons I will never understand, but I think we'll all be better off when Jason Reid takes over full time and they abandon that abomination of a blog.

He almost makes me miss Nunyo (shudder)...

How much of this information has been validated as true???

Well actually NUN....YO

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maybe. maybe not.

I know I am equally bored with people like you who apparently apply a "positivity" metric to the content they read as a qualifier for good and bad. slant is slant...period.

start your own blog and rain sunshine every day - the Skins could use you since they have a very focused approach to managing the news. go read the BS on the "official" site.

Dude, if new leadership and a new approach to FA doesnt hint of requiring a little "positivity" then I dont know what to do for you bro.

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It's the offseason. What the hell do some of you expect him to report? Maybe he should see if the trainer is going to use the same brand tape as he did last year.

His blog is going to pick up soon due to the draft, but like I said there's nothing to report right now. What's funny about this is that many of you say you can't stand him yet you are able to recite his blogs word for word.

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It's the offseason. What the hell do some of you expect him to report? Maybe he should see if the trainer is going to use the same brand tape as he did last year.

His blog is going to pick up soon due to the draft, but like I said there's nothing to report right now. What's funny about this is that many of you say you can't stand him yet you are able to recite his blogs word for word.

Right now I would settle for the brand of tape news! :)

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Dude, if new leadership and a new approach to FA doesnt hint of requiring a little "positivity" then I dont know what to do for you bro.

"Require"? what kind of thinking is that? If that is what is needed to uplift one's spirits..then I respectfully suggest the problem really lies elsewhere. I don't need some blogging widget...or a poster bent on controlling atmospherics...to shape my emotional responses to the team. that will be a product of the play on the field....as it should be.

I'm speaking to the quality of the information I get. I don't give a rat's patout about negativity/positivity. I care about accuracy and substance. I'm not defending JLC. I'm reacting, in truth, to the mindless, often childish, push on the part of many to single out the "tone"..."the feel good" part of the message as the distinguishing criteria for separating good from bad. it's equally dangerous thinking. spoon fed is spoon fed...whether the message is negative or positive.....dude.

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It's the offseason. What the hell do some of you expect him to report? Maybe he should see if the trainer is going to use the same brand tape as he did last year.

His blog is going to pick up soon due to the draft, but like I said there's nothing to report right now. What's funny about this is that many of you say you can't stand him yet you are able to recite his blogs word for word.


there does appear to be a curious, almost juvenile, undertone to the spitballing.

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He did a good job during the season down the stretch. (I guess he got caught up in all of the emotion and feel good story) I thought he turned the corner. I think he was burned out during the coaching search and it rubbed him the wrong way, that is his problem though whats best for the team is not always best for Jlock and his boss Shapiro who seems to be the constant in the riff between the Post and the skins.

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It's the offseason. What the hell do some of you expect him to report? Maybe he should see if the trainer is going to use the same brand tape as he did last year.

His blog is going to pick up soon due to the draft, but like I said there's nothing to report right now. What's funny about this is that many of you say you can't stand him yet you are able to recite his blogs word for word.

Oh I don't know, how about visits from draft prospects to Redskins park? We're only allowed to meet with so many. Or should I continue relying on other sources to find out who we're talking to?

Maybe some info on who our position coaches are going out and scouting? You know...here's who Bugel has gone to see...stump mitchell has been on this campus recently, etcera.

Or maybe something about our only free agent signing of the year? Oh right, he already posted that he has no clue what is up with that. Thanks "insider."

Look the guy is a reporter from the Post. He's under no obligation to echo the line coming from Ashburn. I'm not a JLC hater any more than I'm a Cerrato hater.

But if you call yourself "Redskins Insider" please post regularly with inside information.

If you want to keep having "guest posts," updates about which concerts you're going to this summer, long data-crunches about free agency moves we made seven years ago, along with the occasional hunch about what potential moves "make sense to you" or "I can see that happening," then change the name of your blog to "Redskins Speculator."

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I'm one of those people who thinks the blog is fine.

Some of the stuff I don't care about, other stuff I do.

But, I'll take it over the garbage posted on the team website.

The Skins have a recent history of having poor front office management. That's a fact. If what they are doing this offseason is going to be the norm, then it has to happen for a few seasons in a row.

I'd rather have a skeptic point of view on what the team is putting out there, than a "everything is cool" one from the team.

Whether it be JLC, Jason Reid, Maske, whoever. I trust those guys to report the real world over Larry and his company line.

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"Require"? what kind of thinking is that? If that is what is needed to uplift one's spirits..then I respectfully suggest the problem really lies elsewhere. I don't need some blogging widget...or a poster bent on controlling atmospherics...to shape my emotional responses to the team. that will be a product of the play on the field....as it should be.

I'm speaking to the quality of the information I get. I don't give a rat's patout about negativity/positivity. I care about accuracy and substance. I'm not defending JLC. I'm reacting, in truth, to the mindless, often childish, push on the part of many to single out the "tone"..."the feel good" part of the message as the distinguishing criteria for separating good from bad. it's equally dangerous thinking. spoon fed is spoon fed...whether the message is negative or positive.....dude.

The point is there really should not be a tone to a beat writers writting . He should simply report the facts as facts they are not with his "flavor" all the time . There is nothing wrong with a bit of editorialising here and there but that is all JLC does . The other thing is I wouldn't mind the constant digs at the team if any of his inside knowledge was accurate ... so much of what JLC reports is nothing more than conjecture which is fine for a message board flunkie like me but a national sports reporter ?

We have had a bunch of different draft prospects through skins park...coaches ar out on visits... we held the open try out day for draft elligible area players ... the NFL draft is coming up players are back training there are things to report ... maybe not much but little snipets.... We even had some real redskins news ...the Mathis signing last friday and when does JLC respond ? Monday. Okay he had family issues but he managed to get someone to man the blog while his wife was giving birth why not now ?

He has found things to write about though like Vinnys new nick name (important) the redskins refusing to allow the Saints to interview Eric Shaffer for a FO possition (see how i said that in one sentance - it doesn't need 3 paragraphs) or the ground breaking news that in the past 7 years we had a NFL high 80million dead cap number . Now I know that is not good news but not exactly ground breaking news ...it is the equivelent of looking at a packet of cigarettes and noticing the surgeon generals warning for the first time today and saying "wow these things are bad for you ... i thought they had vitamins and stuff in them"

I think the fact that Chris Cooley has launched his own blog site and evidently wants to reach out to his fans this offseason but the fact he would rather talk to himself than JLC speaks volumes (20 questions with Chris Cooley) ... Jim Zorn would rather talk to David Elfin as would Dan Snyder that speaks VOLUMES.

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