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Survey: Some Florida teens are extremely stupid


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"Some". How many are "some"? A few? A small percentage? Less than one hundred?

Sounds like a ruse to get abstinence-only programs eliminated. Bad idea.

I was thinking more along the lines of "And some teenagers . . .

  1. Think these are stupid questions.
  2. Have a sense of humor.

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Once again, how many is "some"?

Like I said before, it sounds like a ruse to get abstinence-only programs eliminated. Bad idea.

And I'm saying that abstinence-only education is a ruse, because it's biologically inverse to everything we know about teenagers. :D

1. The lads just cannot get pregnant (I contend that if they could, our society wouldn't even be talking about a lot of issues that we do, and drive-thru abortions would be legal and normal).

Valid thought.

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Once again, how many is "some"?

Like I said before, it sounds like a ruse to get abstinence-only programs eliminated. Bad idea.

do you really think abstinence only programs work? do you really think banking your kids future on the fact he or she wont give in to temptation? we hope as parents they dont but do you really want to bank on it?

if so i think thats absurd.

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Abstinence works 100% of the time that it is used. Proven fact.

What about Mary Mother of Jesus? :D

What % of the time does teaching abstinence-only to teenagers work? :whoknows:

Did you not try to get laid in high school?

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I think you need to move to the time of Hester Pryne dude.

ok you got me..... what the hell does HESTER PRYNNE and the scarlet letter have to do with kids being subjected to sex on tv everyday of their mortal lives?

i really dont know .... please enlighten me

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Abstinence works 100% of the time that it is used. Proven fact.

like i said..... you are going to bet your kids life on doing something most of us didnt?

of course i teach my kids its better to wait but at the same time i teach them what contraception is and how important it is if they should have a moment of weakness

abstinence only programs teach that only....... just dont do it is the motto

NEWSFLASH- high teenage pregnancy rate leads experts to belive abstinence only programs don work.

more on the std and teen pregnancy rate on your 5 oclock news.

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It's a moot point when the technique is used - 100% accuracy can't be overcome. What alternative is there?

The problem for teenagers is condoms are 99% effective and 100% more fun.

You can use abstinence-only all you want, but how many 18 year olds can when given an alternative?

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Abstinence works 100% of the time that it is used. Proven fact.

Teaching Abstinence Only does not mean that it will be used by teenagers.

Proven fact.

Bumper-sticker slogans don't solve real world health problems.

Also proven fact.

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i saw a news report that 25% of american teen girls have herpes or some std. most common was herpes.

kids today arent having sex.... theyre f***king! like rabbits from what i can tell. no way you are going to stop them so..... givem a damned condom at school at church hell i dont care just cover their s**t

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ok you got me..... what the hell does HESTER PRYNNE and the scarlet letter have to do with kids being subjected to sex on tv everyday of their mortal lives?

i really dont know .... please enlighten me

Why was Hester Prynne made to wear the letter "A"?

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Why was Hester Prynne made to wear the letter "A"?


but still what does that have to do with trying to teach kids sexual responsibility versus tellin them it is bad to have the most pleasurable fun time they have ever experienced and not to do it?

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like i said..... you are going to bet your kids life on doing something most of us didnt?

of course i teach my kids its better to wait but at the same time i teach them what contraception is and how important it is if they should have a moment of weakness

abstinence only programs teach that only....... just dont do it is the motto

NEWSFLASH- high teenage pregnancy rate leads experts to belive abstinence only programs don work.

more on the std and teen pregnancy rate on your 5 oclock news.

I agree that we teach our children to abstain - like you, I did it too with success. We don't want our children to have children. However, the use of contraception is not always reliable and an unplanned pregnancy occurs.

I simply don't agree with so-called experts on the subject. By using various methods other than abstinence-only teaching, we are subjecting our children to taking a chance. We're also encourging them that it is acceptable to engage in sex outside of marriage. That is not the responsibility of a school, but the parent(s).

I'll be back later this evening - got plans for supper and need to go. Thanks for the discussion.

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i saw a news report that 25% of american teen girls have herpes or some std. most common was herpes.

kids today arent having sex.... theyre f***king! like rabbits from what i can tell. no way you are going to stop them so..... givem a damned condom at school at church hell i dont care just cover their s**t

They were humping like rabbits back in the day too.

I was sitting at the dinner table with my parents when my cousins drug use came up. My dad said he remembered kids smoking reefer in his school some 50 years ago. Then my mom pointed out that teen pregnancy was a big problem in her Catholic school around the same time. I said "So what's changed exactly? What makes your generation so much more innocent than mine?"

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Teaching Abstinence Only does not mean that it will be used by teenagers.

Proven fact.

Bumper-sticker slogans don't solve real world health problems.

Also proven fact.

Teaching contraception does not mean it will be used either,in fact aren't the results about the same in studies?

I believe that abstinence only programs also include the basics of contraception options...Anyone know for sure???

Teaching the risks and personal worth and responsibility were my chosen method,which seemed to work well. :whoknows:

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