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Stone Temple Pilots planning extensive tour

USS Redskins

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Scott Weiland has quit Velvet Revolver and STP is supposedly planning a 50+ city tour that will run into the fall.

The official STP website has April 7th, 2008 on the homepage - hopefully they will announce the cities then and maybe announce a new CD?


Best rock band around - cant wait to see them!

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he's better when he's on drugs anyways, so lets just enjoy him until he overdoses..you can't help anyone that really doesnt want help and the people around him should realize that by now after several trips to rehab..

absolutely. couldn't agree more

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STP just wants to get in on the money that Velvet Revolver made. They will break up again within 6 months because Scott is a douchebag and cant keep his rock star ego/drug habit in check. Those guys are looking for another paycheck because the side project they did didnt amount to crap.

Slash and the boys will be fine once they find a decent front man.

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I saw STP at the Patriot Ctr back in like 95 or 96 i think... ma have been 94. Either way it was a great show, except that Meat Puppets opened up for them, and it wasnt that great. Love STP, much better then the revolver.

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Foo Fighters and STP - thats a helluva line up.... I will be in Columbus on May 17th for the first show and I hope they come to Cincy in the Summer.

Last time I saw STP, in 2001, they were sharing the bill with the chili peppers. I like RHCP but STP blew them off the stage.

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i think that stp could have been one of those bands that went down as one of the best of all time but weiland cant stay off the heroine. ill still go see them though. i agree that stp foo fighters and nin is going to be one hell of a show.

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Wow I really thought and keep hoping that Scott will fully kick the drugs. Hopefully for his sake it is lower on the food chain of powerful drugs cause the heroin will certainly be the death of him similiar to my favorite past singer Layne Staley. If it isn't kicked he will OD pretty soon is my bet because he just catches me as a go for it all kind of rocker with his antics. I still love the music though, hope he keeps rockin and that I get to see them on tour some time, how about a tour with the remaining members of AIC, now that would be a dream come true.


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I read this morning that Scott Weiland was fired by the other members of Velvet Revolver due to his continued drug use and erratic behavior. I hope that he gets his act together before he and STP go on tour.


After reading the comment by Duff, Matt, Dave and the illustrious "GUITAR HERO," Saul Hudson, a.k.a Slash, I find it humorous that the so called four "founding members" of Velvet Revolver, better known to themselves as "the Project" before I officially named the band, would decide to move on without me after I had already claimed the group dead in the water on March 20 in Glasgow. In response to Slash's comment regarding my commitment, I have to say it is a blatant and tired excuse to cover up the truth. The truth of the matter is that the band had not gotten along on multiple levels for some time. On a musical level, there were moments of joy, inspiration, fun... at times, but let's not forget the multiple trips to rehab every member of the band had taken (with the exception of one member, no need to mention his name). Personally speaking, I choose to look forward to the future and performing with a group of friends I have known my entire life, people who have always had my back. This also speaks to my commitment to my music and my fellow band mates in STP and to the fans who I feel would much rather watch a group of musicians who enjoy being together as opposed to a handful of discontents who at one time used to call themselves a gang.

p.s. don't be fooled by veiled trickery

p.p.s good hunting lads, I think Sebastian Bach would be a fantastic choice.

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