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It's your civic duty to not only vote, but to be informed. So I ask all of you to look closely at all of the candidates. Even if you have already decided who you like, look at their views on all the issues, and look at the other guys too. I just spent a lot of my time reviewing these sites, and I think it was well worth it. Now its your turn.

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I was wondering earlier what exactly John McCain did between Vietnam and Congress. Turns out he remained in the Navy.

That is somewhat of a red flag to me that McCain has no experience outside the federal government. Since High School he has only been a part of government... US Naval Acadamy ---> US Navy ----> US Congress.

Also, his official biography (on his website) mentions he married twice, but doesn't put anything in there about his divorce. I actually had no idea he'd gotten a divorce, until I did a google search to find out what happened to his first wife.

McCain's Divorce

Before John McCain's tour of duty in Vietnam, he married Carol Shepp, a model from Philadelphia. On his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam in 1967, McCain was shot down and captured.

While he was imprisoned, Carol was in an auto wreck (1969), thrown through her car's windshield and left seriously injured. Despite her injures, she refused to allow her POW husband to be notified about her condition, fearing that such news would not be good for him while he was being held prisoner.

When McCain returned to the United States in 1973 after more than five years as a prisoner of war, he found his wife was a different person. The accident "left her 4 inches shorter and on crutches, and she had gained a good deal of weight."


While still married to Carol, McCain began an adulterous relationship with Cindy. He married Cindy in May 1980 -- just a month after dumping Carol and securing a divorce. The newlyweds honeymooned in Hawaii.

McCain followed his young, millionairess wife back to Arizona where her father helped catapult McCain into politics,


I bet this will be heavy artillery for his opponent when the gloves come off.

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McCain's Divorce

Before John McCain's tour of duty in Vietnam, he married Carol Shepp, a model from Philadelphia. On his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam in 1967, McCain was shot down and captured.

While he was imprisoned, Carol was in an auto wreck (1969), thrown through her car's windshield and left seriously injured. Despite her injures, she refused to allow her POW husband to be notified about her condition, fearing that such news would not be good for him while he was being held prisoner.

When McCain returned to the United States in 1973 after more than five years as a prisoner of war, he found his wife was a different person. The accident "left her 4 inches shorter and on crutches, and she had gained a good deal of weight."


While still married to Carol, McCain began an adulterous relationship with Cindy. He married Cindy in May 1980 -- just a month after dumping Carol and securing a divorce. The newlyweds honeymooned in Hawaii.

McCain followed his young, millionairess wife back to Arizona where her father helped catapult McCain into politics,[/Quote]

This is certainly interesting. the field just keeps getting narrower and narrowerfrown.gifmad.gif . Of course b/c he's a white male this will be viewed as "good personal moves, political saavy and doing what he needs to do to get ahead."doh.gif If these things were done by Hillary to her husband she'd be a "*****, a ho, and trailer trash". If Obama did this to his wife he'd be a "typical black man, pimp or really cool".

As I hear what the new NY governor is admitting to, I'm thinking...why isn't anyone up in arms about this dude? Is it his handicap? Is it his forthrightness? You can have affairs and use drugs as long as you're up front about it? Ridiculous what we(americans)are willing to accept when the fields are thinning b/c of low moral values these days.doh.gif There's no way this guy would have survived an election and he's now in office thru no fault of his own and he's just spilling all of his secrets and people "respect" him for that.doh.gif Can you imagine what folks would say if the candidates in this election were this forthcoming w/the skeletons in their closets?

Thanks for posting the above comment. Now I have no one to vote for in Nov. I'm sick of voting for the lesser of the evils!

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Her weight gain and loss of height may or may not be the reason he turned to other women. I don't think that we have enough information from this brief article on the situation.... keep in mind he was a POW and after that 5 year ordeal he was probably a little messed in the head that may have also had something to do with it. I don't think anyone should make rash assumptions.

And to the OP, I think its great you are excited about your first election -- it is great that you want to make an informed decision when you cast your ballot. Candidate websites however should not be your sole source of information. They marketing tools/pr vehicles for candidates and should only carry so much weight.

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Her weight gain and loss of height may or may not be the reason he turned to other women. I don't think that we have enough information from this brief article on the situation.... keep in mind he was a POW and after that 5 year ordeal he was probably a little messed in the head that may have also had something to do with it. I don't think anyone should make rash assumptions.

You're right paige3. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I know that POW's come back different people most of the time. Maybe he didn't want to subject her to what was going on in his head or maybe he was afraid he'd snap or something...who knows. I did leap to an assumption based on what I saw in that short article. Thanks for reeling me back in. Even tho you didn't direct your comments to me by name...you were right in what you said. The other stuff about NY's mayor was just a rant and had nothing to do w/the subject at hand. But when I heard all of the stuff that he's admitting to I was flabbergasted.

I'm still sick of voting for the lesser evil tho:mad: :( . That's what it seems we're constantly faced with in politics these days. Where have all the good people gone? Are there any left? I don't want to throw my hands in the air or close my eyes and just touch the screen come election day.

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I don't see the mainstream left going after McCain about all this stuff. But you can bet your arse the national review/washington times/FOX news/AM radio would make this story 1a for as long as possible if a Democrat did something like this.
Be patient, it'll come soon enough.
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I don't see the mainstream left going after McCain about all this stuff. But you can bet your arse the national review/washington times/FOX news/AM radio would make this story 1a for as long as possible if a Democrat did something like this.

That sounds like whining :)

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I'm still sick of voting for the lesser evil tho:mad: :( . That's what it seems we're constantly faced with in politics these days. Where have all the good people gone? Are there any left? I don't want to throw my hands in the air or close my eyes and just touch the screen come election day.

There are plenty of great candidates. I'm a huge fan of Mike Gravel. He's getting my vote. I'm proud to vote for him and don't see him as the lesser evil in any sense.

I think the first problem is looking at the candidate the Democrats offer (Hillary/Barack) and then looking at the candidate the Republicans offer (John) and assuming that these are your only choices. Just browsing through this thread shows you do have options.

Of course, the second problem is that even if you do figure this out, no one else seems to understand it. We're letting the political system dictate to us for whom we vote. It's kind of scary that way.


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And to the OP, I think its great you are excited about your first election -- it is great that you want to make an informed decision when you cast your ballot. Candidate websites however should not be your sole source of information. They marketing tools/pr vehicles for candidates and should only carry so much weight.

My favorite site has been ontheissues.org. They take quotes and voting records and summarize/categorize them. It makes it really simple to get a start on the "figuring out" process.

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paige3girl < ---------- she's a smart chick

Yup. I've always found that it isn't a good idea to judge other people's relationships. I know that other's don't understand mine so likewise it isn't realistic to think that I can understand what's going on behind someone else's closed doors.

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