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Reasons why Barack Hussein Obama, Jr is the root of all evil.


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Here is a basic starter list. Please feel free to add on any other reasons why Barack Hussein Obama, Jr is the most evil man alive.

  • He’s an Evil Muslim.
  • His Christian Pastor hates America and even though he’s been let go. He’s probably an unofficial advisor.
  • He’s a minority.
  • He doesn’t wear an American pin on his jacket all the time.
  • He doesn’t always cover his heart during the pledge.
  • He hasn’t let us catch him having an affair.
  • Shady Land Deals with Rezko
  • Smokes(d)
  • He’s a good poker player so that means he’s a good liar
  • Supports Shaira Law.




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Well, he called himself "a blank slate'. So in that regard, I guess this does all apply to him. :laugh:

You forgot he ties helpless girls to railroad tracks and puts banana peels in front of the old folks' home (all while twirling his evil-looking mustache) :)

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He swore with his hand on the Bible. He must be a Bible Thumper.

Or the evil secret apprentice to Darth Cheney.

You moron. He swore with his hand on the Koran. Seriously, I got this e-mail about it. And, as we all know, if you even say Koran you're evil. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to forward that e-mail to 10 people or my dog will die.

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