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Obama to Give Speech on Race Tomorrow


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Honestly, most of what the pastor said is not all that outrageous, if you break down the entire speeches rather then play 10-30 second clips. The media has been chomping at the bit for two years to paint Obama as "the angry black guy" and now they finally have the guilt by association tools to do it. It is another smoke screen by the media to stop talking about the issues and Obama's platform, and start talking about sensationalism-style topics that bring in high ratings.

Funny how whenever those right-wing christian evangelists say basically the same thing, but instead blame all the problems on "gays, abortionists and liberals", it gets about five minutes worth of coverage, even when candidates for the presidency actively seek out their endorsement.

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What is scary is that while he isn't defending Wright's comments, he won't run away from them either.

In fact, he sounds like he is trying t justify the pastor's attitudes.

As I said before, this isn't helping him.

It's too late to run from them. He can't say "the guy is an idiot and I disagree with everything he stands for." Clearly Obama doesn't think that, so he has to explain why Wright's not and idiot and understands the comments, even if he doesn't agree with them. Otherwise Obama comes across as a political hack.

Can anyone link the transcript?

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Keep it up NoCal Mike- every time you Obama lackeys defend Wright and drink more of the koolaid

it only drives another Reagan democrat to vote for McCain in November.


The Dishonesty of Hope

Obama has risen on his words, and will be hard-pressed to talk his way out of this one.

In the first sermon Barack Obama ever heard from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the pastor railed against “white folks’ greed,” the bombing of Hiroshima and “the callousness of policymakers in the White House and in the statehouse.” For Obama, the experience was formative. The sermon’s title, “The Audacity of Hope,” became the title of Obama’s second book and the theme of his presidential campaign.

Now that videotapes have surfaced of Wright’s more scorching diatribes — arguing that America deserved 9/11, exclaiming “God damn America” for spreading drugs in the black community, and declaring the U.S. the “US-KKK-a” — Obama professes shock, even though he attended the church for nearly two decades and Wright was his spiritual mentor. Evidently, Obama wants us to believe they never talked about anything besides the Gospel and the weather.

Nothing is so unbecoming as a beacon of the new politics resorting to such naked evasion. Obama adviser David Axelrod tried to tell reporters on a conference call that a reason Wright was disinvited from giving the invocation at Obama’s announcement speech in February 2007 was that it was so cold, the program had to be shortened.

Axelrod quickly admitted they kept Wright from the podium because he was potentially controversial. He was loath to do it because it means Obama knew about Wright’s venom well before he expressed surprise and dismay over the videotapes. Given that black-liberation theology — inherently anti-white and hostile to America as a repository of white sinfulness — underlies the Rev. Wright’s ministry, there couldn’t have been any escaping it.

Are we to believe that the Rev. Wright had the ushers scan the crowd at every service and, if Barack Obama and his family were present, reverted to a mainstream Christianity and colorblind calls for love and mercy? That Wright suddenly hit upon his theory that the U.S. government had hooked blacks on drugs in the videotaped sermon of 2003, and never mentioned a word of it before?

When Wright loosed his broadsides against the United States, members of the congregation didn’t look at each other awkwardly because their pastor had said something uncharacteristic and embarrassing. Instead, they erupted in paroxysms of affirmation; they were used to such statements and enjoyed them.

Of course Obama knew of Wright’s commitment to “social justice” (read racialism and anti-Americanism). It’s why the Rev. Wright told the New York Times last April: “If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance himself from me. I said it to Barack personally, and he said yeah, that might have to happen.”

But just three weeks ago, when asked about his church at a campaign event, Obama replied: “I don’t think that my church is actually particularly controversial. It is a member of the United Church of Christ. It’s got a choir. We sing hymnals. We talk about scripture. You would feel at home if you were there.” At least if you didn’t mind vitriolic ravings with your Bible readings.

Obama was spinning, a pattern of late. When he made an idiotic pledge in Ohio to withdraw from NAFTA unless it’s renegotiated, one of his foreign-policy aides reassured the Canadians it was just campaign rhetoric. Before she was forced from the campaign, top-level Obama aide Samantha Power told the BBC that as president, Obama would reevaluate his position in favor of a rapid withdrawal from Iraq, exposing one of the policy pillars of his campaign as a fraud.

The Rev. Wright drives a wedge into the central contradiction of Obama’s campaign — an orthodox liberal politician who rose to prominence in a left-wing milieu in Chicago and has never broken with his party on anything of consequence is campaigning on unifying the country. There is nothing particularly unifying about Obama’s past and his voting record. The senator has risen on his words, and will be hard-pressed to talk his way out of his long, jarring association with the gleefully divisive Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

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Keep it up NoCal Mike- every time you Obama lackeys defend Wright and drink more of the koolaid

it only drives another Reagan democrat to vote for McCain in November.


The Dishonesty of Hope

Obama has risen on his words, and will be hard-pressed to talk his way out of this one.

In the first sermon Barack Obama ever heard from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the pastor railed against “white folks’ greed,” the bombing of Hiroshima and “the callousness of policymakers in the White House and in the statehouse.” For Obama, the experience was formative. The sermon’s title, “The Audacity of Hope,” became the title of Obama’s second book and the theme of his presidential campaign.

Now that videotapes have surfaced of Wright’s more scorching diatribes — arguing that America deserved 9/11, exclaiming “God damn America” for spreading drugs in the black community, and declaring the U.S. the “US-KKK-a” — Obama professes shock, even though he attended the church for nearly two decades and Wright was his spiritual mentor. Evidently, Obama wants us to believe they never talked about anything besides the Gospel and the weather.

Like I said, when Fauwell and Robertson said the same thing it got the media's attention for five minutes and was forgotten about.

And on top of that, you retorted my comment about "taking 10 second soundbytes out of speeches" by posting an article that does the same thing. Instead of doing that, post an entire speech and lets see the context of these three to five word quotes.

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Henry and a few others are correct-

1) If you believe Obama did NOT know about Wright's vision of the world- after listening to him for 20 years, having Wright marry them,having his kids baptized by Wright, listening to his FELLOW CONGREGANTS for twenty years, reading the church magazine, seeing Farrakhan win a lifetime award...

then Obama has to be one of the most oblivious and stupid people ever to make it into elected politics.

2) Thus, one can only conclude that Obama DID IN FACT know about Wright and was aware of his positions for two decades. And either he agrees with those ideas, or he is so phony he would just keep going to a church he disagreed with because it gave him "street cred" to get elected in the cesspool of liberal Chicago politics.

Mind you, all this time his wife and kids are listening to this racism, anti-semitism and America hating bile.

So which is it? Is Obama just completely a total moron- or a race peddling huckster trying to hoodwink and bamboozle the rest of us?

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Great point about all of the distractions.

Yes, I thought that was a great point.


I think 90% of Americans know that Obama does not believe or support the words of the Pastor. The 10% that do think it, are not going to vote for him anyhow, and made up there mind YEARS ago, before they knew Obama.

So really......what are we talking about? It is interesting how easily (even myself) we get caught up in these distractions all the time. I know I found myself caught up in these distractions in past elections.

As I have said many time on this board - issues matter very little in politics these days.

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When is the last time someone gave a major speech on race-relations in this country and got all the attention this did? Anyone know?

There are not many politicians with the balls to talk about the issue. So I would say it would be a long long long time ago.

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It's too late to run from them. He can't say "the guy is an idiot and I disagree with everything he stands for." Clearly Obama doesn't think that, so he has to explain why Wright's not and idiot and understands the comments, even if he doesn't agree with them. Otherwise Obama comes across as a political hack.

Can anyone link the transcript?

You may be right. That is the quagmire Obama is in now, and probably can't get out of.

He spent 20 years not running from this pastor and his views (and listening to Obama's wife talk, they have obviously heard the things the pastor has been saying).

Yet trying to defend these attitudes doesn't help Obama, either.

And for me, Obama showed himself a political hack 4 days ago when he was asked about these racist, hate-filled comments from Wright's sermons, and Obama said he never heard any of them. :laugh: :doh:

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There are not many politicians with the balls to talk about the issue. So I would say it would be a long long long time ago.

Mel Gibson, Michael Richards, Don Imus...

When was the last time a major candidate for the Presidency had a spiritual mentor and father figure who is a virulent racist and anti-semite?

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Henry and a few others are correct-

1) If you believe Obama did NOT know about Wright's vision of the world- after listening to him for 20 years, having Wright marry them,having his kids baptized by Wright, listening to his FELLOW CONGREGANTS for twenty years, reading the church magazine, seeing Farrakhan win a lifetime award...

then Obama has to be one of the most oblivious and stupid people ever to make it into elected politics.

2) Thus, one can only conclude that Obama DID IN FACT know about Wright and was aware of his positions for two decades. And either he agrees with those ideas, or he is so phony he would just keep going to a church he disagreed with because it gave him "street cred" to get elected in the cesspool of liberal Chicago politics.

Mind you, all this time his wife and kids are listening to this racism, anti-semitism and America hating bile.

So which is it? Is Obama just completely a total moron- or a race peddling huckster trying to hoodwink and bamboozle the rest of us?

He never said he "didn't know" about it, he said he doesn't agree with everything he says just like most people might not agree with everything their priest, pastor, rabbi etc etc etc say.

Also, you are assuming every sermon ever given was chock full of these types of speeches, when all you have produced is a couple of 30 second clips, but yeah I am sure that is an "accurate potrayal" of 20+ years.

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"And for me, Obama showed himself a political hack 4 days ago when he was asked about these racist, hate-filled comments from Wright's sermons, and Obama said he never heard any of them. :laugh: :doh:"

Absolutely correct. And there are probably a few million other Americans who feel the same way.

Obama pretends to be a "non-politician" but put in earmarks for his WIFE'S OWN HOSPITAL IN CHICAGO.

Obama pretends to "transcend race" yet had a mentor who is filled with hatred for Jews, the United States and whitey.

Obama pretends to be "bipartisan"- yet has the MOST LIBERAL voting record in the Senate- voting with the other party less than any other member in Congress.

Face it, the guy gives a good speech but is really a phony and fraud. "We are the change we have been waiting for"?!!

That sounds great- just like the things Mussolini and Stalin used to say before the masses in the 1920s...

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No Cal Mike-

So I guess that explains why Falwell and Robertson were able to finish amongst the final three people to become President then?

Last I looked, neither one of those guys EVER WON MORE THAN 15 DELEGATES to win the Presidency.

Nice logic sherlock.

I am talking about Republican candidates seeking their endorsement, not them running for President themselves.

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I think the speech worked extremely well.

The commentators reaction after the speech has been extremely positive. Lots are calling it an extraordinary speech. A Republican Strategist was blown away (black strategist though, it that matters one way or the other, not sure).

Seems he hit a home run from the news reaction.

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