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Am I supossed to hate the ravens?


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You see, I actually live north of Baltimore, and their fans really suck. I used to really hate everything about the team, their fans, and even the city. Now, it is pretty much just the fans I hate. I decided to look back to find out why I started hating them and figured this out. Their fans will tell you that they hate the Skins because JKC tried to block them from getting an expansion team. But the reality is, 8 other teams besides the Skins were trying to block them from getting a team as well. Interestingly enough, one of the other owners that voted against them getting a team was Art Modell. Point this out to Ravens fans and they nearly blow a fuse. Face it, as a whole, and this is definitely a broad generality, but their Fans are not very educated when it comes to football. Additionally, one of the biggest reasons that I hated everything Raven was Brian Billick. He was, without a doubt, the biggest windbag that ever walked the face of the earth. Then, their fans began trying to take on his personality. You had a bunch of drunk, Baltimorons walking around Dundalk trying to use big words when they talked football. It was actually kind of funny. Then, when they won the Super Bowl, it was impossible to live around here. Every year since then, they go into each season thinking they will go to the Super Bowl, and whining about how they got ripped off by the NFL when they don't. Then a funny thing happened. I was given the opportunity to go to Baltimore to see the Skins play a pre season game a couple of years ago, and got to go down on the field as a guest of the Ravens before the game as the teams warmed up. I got to see that their players were actually really cool guys. Ray Lewis is about one of the most genuine people you may ever meet. He gave a group of about 10 kids, each a football, that he took the time to autograph for them. So, after that, I kind of give most of their guys a free pass, except for Terrell Suggs who is a grade A jerk. Now that they have a new owner, and a new coach who I think is an alright guy, I kind of don't mind their team. However, I will just never get along with their fans. They are obnoxious, uneducated, and impossible to be around. Once again, this is just the ones that I have to be around.

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I was born in B-more and raised in Norfolk, VA. I've always been a Skins fan, I was(and still am) a huge D. Green fan. To be honest I never realized B-more had a team until I got older and I didn't like them. Once the Ravens came I started to keep track of them because my dad is a fan and I figured I should be loyal to my birth place. My family in B-more always gives me a hard time about the Skins, but I never knew that there was such hatred between the fans. We only do it to joke around, WOW! Ray is one of my favorite players and I do like the swagger that they have on D.

The Skins will always be my favorite team but because I have some ties there I choose not to hate them, until they play us, then must lose!!

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I really can't understand why some people are saying they dislike the Ravens more than our division rivals (at least a few people have put them ahead of the Giants on their "hate list"). Our division rivals' games have a much greater effect on whether the 'Skins make the playoffs, and if so, how we're seeded...not to mention that there's a lot more history between the 'Skins and our division foes than there is between us and the Ravens. Were there many 'Skins fans who disliked the Baltimore Colts more than the Cowboys, Eagles, or Giants? I wouldn't know for sure, but my guess is that the answer is "hell no!"

While I'm posting annoying blather, I'll also say that I don't understand why people see one's rooting interests as a reflection of that person's character. (That is, I really don't see why people have to hate other teams and their fans with such venom.) If we grew up in Dallas, most of us would be Cowboys fans. That's NOT to say that I don't understand rivalries; they enhance the game and make things more fun for all involved. But is it really that hard to get emotionally involved in a competition without losing all sense of respect, sportsmanship, and decency toward your opponent?

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Here's my take as a Marylander transplanted to VA Beach:

Baltimore's football team now plays in Indianapolis.

I don't give a dang about the Ravens. I think that Model was a bad guy for taking them from Cleveland.

Though, I am an O's fan. Sorry... I just can't get into the Nats. I'm guessing because I've always been O's.

Anyhow, the answer is: Why hate the Ravens? Yet, at the same time, why not?


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I think we should ask this question again after we play them this season and we have tailgated at M&T..... they hate us and I think you will learn to hate them too

I agree with Page3girl and I'm also an O's fan. I just can't stand the Ravens as a team or a fanbase. They're all pretty ****y if you ask me.

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personally I have nothing against the RAvens, WHen I grew up they didn't exist, it was the Ex Balt Colt Fans that got on my nerves, at some point you have to let the past go, I love the style of D that Baltimore has played recently, and I enjoy watching their games now and then, (I love football in general), but I neither like nor hate them. Then again maybe I'm a product of having grown up before the Ravens came to Baltimore too.

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I used to have to do the Maryland Lottery tailgate patrol as part of my job. I would have to comb the parking lots for the best tailgate.... I had to wear a black Lottery tailgate patrol fleece and they gave me a purple ravens wooly cap which I refused to wear. I also always wore my Skins jersey under my fleece. If they tried to put me in that purple camo I would have quit

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I am a llife long Redskins fan 21 years!! However 5 years ago i married and my wife is a ravens fan. So is her family. I find the ravens fans to be very irritating. I have tried to be the better person by pretending to care and root for them, when watching them with my wife. However over the last two years I have found this harder and harder to do each time. I can't stand them. I laugh when they lose and rub it it because we are the skins, were a historical team.The ravens stole a team fom cleveland. Do redskins fans hate the ravens as much as i am starting to!

I am in the same boat as you. They hate us cause Jack Kent Cooke DID lobby against putting a team in Baltimore after the Colts left for the same reasons that Peter Angelos didn't want a team back in D.C. More money for them.

My wife was a Ravens Dancer and I got 2 tickets right next to the tunnel where the cheerleaders & players came out to the field for every Ravens home game. I went to a Skins game at 1:00 and then a Ravens game at 8:00 on the same day one season. Plus I got to go to the cheerleaders picnic (which was a pool party...need i say more?). Those are 2 pretty good life moments that included the Ravens so i cannot hate them.

Focus your hate on the Cowboys, Eagles & Giants.

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I used to have to do the Maryland Lottery tailgate patrol as part of my job. I would have to comb the parking lots for the best tailgate.... I had to wear a black Lottery tailgate patrol fleece and they gave me a purple ravens wooly cap which I refused to wear. I also always wore my Skins jersey under my fleece. If they tried to put me in that purple camo I would have quit

Those are the absolutely worse things they invented since Zubaz(sp)...:laugh: :doh:

Man i went to a Ravens game before, and they games are a straight sleeper, and that annoying ass "Move those chains" bullcrap they say. You can put me in the category of hating the Ravens too.

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I truly hate the ravens. I had no idea Ravens fans hated the skins until a few years ago. I used to root for them, I considered them one of my AFC teams, (though Ive been a steelers fan my whole life) they were the other local team. However, Ravens fans HATE the Redskins. It makes NO sense at all. And for the most part Ravens fans are truly idiotic and know nothing about football. seriously I hate to group an entire people like that, and I ahve friends who are ravens fans, but they are awful. Im going to the game next year, regardless of whose house its in Im wearing All skins colors, and honestly I would be greatly suprised if a Ravens fan didnt try to fight me or mess with me. At that point I will take a sick pleasure in stomping one of those fools.

Edit: Im not looking to a drunken idiot at the game, but Im a 21 year old. If its in Bmore, they are more likely to pick with someone my age then a 40 something, and the second one of em lays a hand on me, legally Im allowed to defend myself.

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i grew up in the Baltimore metro area . I was a Colt and Redskin fan for years. they are thiefs and thugs players and fans . wanna be Raiders of the east ,so they say, of course i hate the Raiders to Now I

hate the City

Hate the team

hate the colors

Hate with a passion their Fans !

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I'm essentially indifferent to distantly supportive. Different conference, different division, different city. I've enjoyed going to the couple games up there...including that Sunday night game against the Browns where Reed had that 107 yard interception return. They have a great stadium and good fan experience. Why they hate us? No clue. Should we hate them? I don't really see why...unless we meet in the Super Bowl...then all bets are off.

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