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ESPN: Jets vets unhappy with spending spree (merged)


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The New York Jets have been one of the most active teams in the NFL's free agency period, signing left guard Alan Faneca, defensive tackle Kris Jenkins, defensive end/linebacker Calvin Pace and right tackle Damien Woody to big-money deals.

In total, the team doled out approximately $142 million for the four players -- $74 million of it guaranteed. While the spending spree might have the Jets' fan base energized, some of the team's veteran holdovers reportedly are wondering when the Jets will show them their money.

"You pay guys you don't even know, and the guys in the locker room -- the guys that have your back -- you don't give a damn about them," an anonymous player told The New York Daily News. "It shows where the loyalty is."

The Jets are coming off a 4-12 season under second-year coach Eric Mangini and general manager Mike Tannenbaum. The team made the playoffs as a wild-card team in the first season of the new Jets regime.

Last season, the team traded guard Pete Kendall to the Redskins, rather than give him a pay raise, which he had publicly lobbied for in training camp.

Among the players who have made it known they would like new contracts are wide receiver Laveranues Coles and tight end Chris Baker. The Jets also are trying to negotiate a long-term extension with star safety Kerry Rhodes, who will be eligible for restricted free agency after this season. According to the Daily News, the Jets and Rhodes remain far apart.

Another anonymous player referenced the team's trade of Jonathan Vilma to New Orleans in his criticism of the team. Vilma, who never fit in the team's 3-4 defense, was traded to the Saints for draft picks.

"They're getting rid of the young guys and bringing in old guys," the anonymous player told the Daily News. "I don't know what they're doing."

One of the newest additions, however, said he thinks the team is spending big in the hopes of putting a dreadful 2007 behind it.

"There's a definite sense of urgency to turn things around," Faneca said, according to the Bergen Record. "I think the attitude in the building is right. Making changes and being aggressive in the offseason only helps."

This sounds very familiar to me. Almost like the Jets are the new Redskins. I think we all know how this is going to end up.

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"You pay guys you don't even know, and the guys in the locker room -- the guys that have your back -- you don't give a damn about them," an anonymous player told The New York Daily News. "It shows where the loyalty is."

Yes, give into your hate and your path down the drak side will be complete :evil:

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I cant believe coles is demanding a new contract after that whole fiasco where he screwed us blue and got another contract out of the jets to facilitate a trade even though he had several years left on his existing one.

That guy could have a 10 year 500 million dollar contract all of it guaranteed and he would be ****in for more.

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I cant believe coles is demanding a new contract after that whole fiasco where he screwed us blue and got another contract out of the jets to facilitate a trade even though he had several years left on his existing one.

That guy could have a 10 year 500 million dollar contract all of it guaranteed and he would be ****in for more.

When did he screw us blue? He didn't want to be here anymore so we traded him. I guess the cap hit sucked that year but I don't see Coles as a loss at all. I like watching the guy play.

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Jets | Anonymous player complains about spending spree

Wed, 5 Mar 2008 20:29:17 -0800

ESPN.com reports an anonymous New York Jets player complained to the New York Daily News about the team's spending spree during this year's free agency period. The Jets have given out approximately $142 million for four players with $74 million of it guaranteed. "You pay guys you don't even know, and the guys in the locker room -- the guys that have your back -- you don't give a damn about them. It shows where the loyalty is," the anonymous player said. He added, "They're getting rid of the young guys and bringing in old guys. I don't know what they're doing."


It is unbeleivable that the Jets have spent $142 million on four players. Now had this been the Redskins they would have been blasted by media and fans, but I don't hear any media people downing the Jets. I have actually heard praise for what they are doing. I can see why a player could be pissed as with the Kendall deal. Jets didn't want to pay Kendall the money but have to replace him with Fanica and pay much more than they would have had to pay to there own player. Free agency is going to ruin the NFL. Most of these players get that big payday and after that they stop giving 100 percent. I'm glad the Skins didn't sign anyone from this years weak free agent pool!

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Jets | Anonymous player complains about spending spree

Wed, 5 Mar 2008 20:29:17 -0800

"They're getting rid of the young guys and bringing in old guys. I don't know what they're doing."



This probably should be in ATN.

The answer to the question the unnamed Jets player (any bets its Coles?) possed is they are trying to win now not develop a roster for the long term. Why? Both the coach and the GM know they are on a short lease after last season - its win this year or they will not be around to reap any rewards of developing younger talent.

They 'only' actually spent $74M - its the guarantees that matter but they have probably stacked the Jets cap in the coming years.

Thing is it does not matter how much they spend it all is going to come back to Clemens at QB. If he can play they will be respectable if not all the rest of the money spent is wasted.

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I guess the Jets want to be like theskins of old but they must realize it didn't work for us and did nothing but bring media scrutiny for years to come.

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