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Well, well...the pukes have only $4 M in cap room...


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Do the math, fellas:

Okay total expenditures equals approximately 1 billion

The City is paying 325 million and the NFL is paying 150 million, which equals 475 million (slightly less than half the total).

Now Tr1, since you clearly have some kinda insight everyone else lacks, please provide the following details.

a.) Out of the 500 or so million remaining, how are the payments structured?Hopefully you don't think Jerry is expected to pay this all at once. For Example, how long did it take Snyder to finish paying off the Redskins? It wasn't paid for in 2000 when he went on his first spending spree. How long will he be paying for the stadium? Is it structured so he pays less now and more once the Stadium opens and he can easily gain money just by selling the naming rights?

b.) What is the intrest rate on the loan?

c.) How much has been paying? For all we know his payments may have been similar last offseason when many skins fans (including yourself I believe) critized the bonus Leonard Davis got. (BTW how can you call Jerry cheap and say he's broke after claiming he gave too much garunteed money to Flo?)

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BigDfan, dont even reply and/or waste your time.....If this dude really thinks that JJ is broke and/or cant pay bonuses, then he really isnt worth the reply.......I have a feeling though, that even he dosnt believe this mess, he is just trying to rile up some Cowboys fans.....which is fine if thats what he wants to do, but if he really thinks that anyone...I mean ANYONE here on extremeskins believes this mess... :insane:

Oh I know this but watching him make huge reaches and :dance: is funny as hell

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LOL, shows what we can do with cap doesn't it? I love how they will wisely move through freeagencey. They are in cap hell boys and girls. I see them 3rd or fourth in our division. We need to put Jessica on our payroll and aid TO in his dream vacation packages. I think I might build a site for him now. SEE YOU IN MEXICO HOMBRES.

Till Next Time


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LOL, shows what we can do with cap doesn't it? I love how they will wisely move through freeagencey. They are in cap hell boys and girls. I see them 3rd or fourth in our division. We need to put Jessica on our payroll and aid TO in his dream vacation packages. I think I might build a site for him now. SEE YOU IN MEXICO HOMBRES.

Till Next Time


Sad thing is some people actually believe the Redskins found some secret to creating cap room that other teams can not use. Unfortunately for these guys the Cowboys CAN create plenty of cap room if they wish. As for cap hell :laugh:

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Sad thing is some people actually believe the Redskins found some secret to creating cap room that other teams can not use. Unfortunately for these guys the Cowboys CAN create plenty of cap room if they wish. As for cap hell :laugh:

Redskins fans praising their team for being salary cap geniuses is like calling someone a financial genius for taking out another credit card. Give me a break..:doh:

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Good points. Personally, I think he should just just stick to making fun of the Cowboys not winning a playoff game in 12 years, ya know, an easy target that he has a better chance of landing a punch with. Why mess up a good thing?

considering how you puke fans like to jump on Snyder any chance you get you should just sit back and take it like you dish it.

(not you particularly, but you as a whole)

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This is comical. Obviously skins fans feel their FO/team is in much better shape than ours and feel that Snyder and co. are making all the right moves. We'll see how the rest of the offseason and next years season works out.


(but if we agree then how do we get 10 pages of nonsense and trash talking?):laugh:

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considering how you puke fans like to jump on Snyder any chance you get you should just sit back and take it like you dish it.

(not you particularly, but you as a whole)

It's not a question as to whether us Cowboys fans at the ATN are willing to take a punch, it's whether the punch lands or not. tr1 takes wild swings most of the time and every once in a while, he is gonna land one. This thread isn't one of those times.

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It's not a question as to whether us Cowboys fans at the ATN are willing to take a punch, it's whether the punch lands or not. tr1 takes wild swings most of the time and every once in a while, he is gonna land one. This thread isn't one of those times.

thats your opinion. i believe he has landed here and its truth.

but thats on you to sit back and get mad at or not.

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thats your opinion. i believe he has landed here and its truth.

but thats on you to sit back and get mad at or not.

Dude comeon Tr1, has claimed that Jerry Jones is going broke and may very well have to sell the team.

He claims that there is a very good chance the boys dont sell out there new stadium.

You really think Jones is gonna go so broke he has to sell the team....please.

He has enough assets to barrow the world agaisnt. Getting cash is not a problem for someone wiht around 1.5 billion in assets.

TR1 isnt making any sense.

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Good points. Personally, I think he should just just stick to making fun of the Cowboys not winning a playoff game in 12 years, ya know, an easy target that he has a better chance of landing a punch with. Why mess up a good thing?

well it's the truth. Y'all are supposed to go superbowl or bust every year since y'alls last SB win. Yet you cant win a game in the playoffs, no matter what round you enter into to play.

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Jones has a ton of cash. According to Forbes, more than twice as much as Snyder.

Where does all of this "Snyder is one of the richest owners in the league" bs come from?

Although he is rich compared to us.......he isn't even one of the richest owners in the league.

Oil.....or Kraft>Johnny Rockets.

that's right, that's right... back up the cowboy fans, we know you couldnt wait to do so.

I mean why stick up for your own teams fans? pshhttt, thats so 80's.:rolleyes:

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Dude comeon Tr1, has claimed that Jerry Jones is going broke and may very well have to sell the team.

He claims that there is a very good chance the boys dont sell out there new stadium.

You really think Jones is gonna go so broke he has to sell the team....please.

He has enough assets to barrow the world agaisnt. Getting cash is not a problem for someone wiht around 1.5 billion in assets.

TR1 isnt making any sense.

youre a puppet. straight up. he plays you like a violin and you get all up in arms EVERY SINGLE TIME.

its almost comical. but really sad because its like watching a kid hit his head over and over and over. you wanna say stop but you just cant.

and plus this, you are on a redskins board brainiac. you arent going to get any quarter here and if this is the FIRST time youve met tr1 then you have a world of hurt coming because he shows puke fans NO quarter.

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Being well versed in high finance by multi-billion dollar people. (I just checked my wallet and I have $18 in it so I'm qualified) I can state that most people who have Snyder and Jones' money don't spend theirs, they use someone else's. They learned it while accumulating their wealth. Talk Arlington county into coughing up millions, get 5 or 6 banks in the deal, talk big money to everyone involved, let the greed set in and you have a new stadium. Total out of pocket perhaps 1% of the whole deal. Hype the new stadium and get lots of people to put down $50k for the rights to buy tickets (as Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute.) and you have covered your 1%.

Now all I need to do is get a team. :silly:

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Being well versed in high finance by multi-billion dollar people. (I just checked my wallet and I have $18 in it so I'm qualified) I can state that most people who have Snyder and Jones' money don't spend theirs, they use someone else's. They learned it while accumulating their wealth. Talk Arlington county into coughing up millions, get 5 or 6 banks in the deal, talk big money to everyone involved, let the greed set in and you have a new stadium. Total out of pocket perhaps 1% of the whole deal. Hype the new stadium and get lots of people to put down $50k for the rights to buy tickets (as Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute.) and you have covered your 1%.

Now all I need to do is get a team. :silly:

Generally, I agree with you Hap, but something has happened here. The Stadium is being built, but I haven't seen anyone pony up yet...so where's the money coming from...and if it's a bank, who's collateral is it?

I know my bank gets a bit upset when I suggest spending some of my cash assets I have tied up as collateral.

I just don't think Jerruh is very liquid these days.


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Generally, I agree with you Hap, but something has happened here. The Stadium is being built, but I haven't seen anyone pony up yet...so where's the money coming from...and if it's a bank, who's collateral is it?

I know my bank gets a bit upset when I suggest spending some of my cash assets I have tied up as collateral.

I just don't think Jerruh is very liquid these days.


You can't be this dense so just stop it. The F'n stadium itself is the collateral. When you get a loan to build a house, do you give the bank some other collateral? No, they hold the note against the house. Its the same with any commercial project, the numbers are just larger. Jerry Jones is as broke as you are smart. Translation, he's got lots and lots of money.

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youre a puppet. straight up. he plays you like a violin and you get all up in arms EVERY SINGLE TIME.

its almost comical. but really sad because its like watching a kid hit his head over and over and over. you wanna say stop but you just cant.

and plus this, you are on a redskins board brainiac. you arent going to get any quarter here and if this is the FIRST time youve met tr1 then you have a world of hurt coming because he shows puke fans NO quarter.

This post makes less sense than anything else in this thread.

First you say he gets me up in arms every single time (while you type in bold, saying you are yelling).

Then you say "if this is the first time"...so which is it.

Then we look and see i have been here longer than you and have posted more.

Then look at my screen name and my posting, my knowledge on the redskins is far deeper than the cowboys, but that wouldnt even matter on this topic.

Whos puppet am I. A puppet means that someone else is controling me. Meaning i would be a cowboy fans puttet in this context? So who is the cowboy fan behind me.

Again, i simply said how do you agree with Tr1's notion that Jerry Jones is:

1. Paying for the stadium out of his own liquid cash (not a loan or anything)

2. The stadium will not sell

3. He will be so broke that he is forced to sell the team.

If you stand behind those beliefs, you are the puppet (Tr1's of course), not me.

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