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Don't tell Obama he's not patriotic


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It only became an issue because someone's campaign made it an issue.

Sure and I can also start a thread that has Cornell West calling Obama "Comrade" and it gets the same response from his very sensative supporters.

I understand why you are defending him he is "your guy", however just becuse he says so, that doesn't mean I have to believe him.

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Sure and I can also start a thread that has Cornell West calling Obama "Comrade" and it gets the same response from his very sensative supporters.

Yeah...emotions are running high around these parts. :)

I understand why you are defending him he is "your guy", however just becuse he says so, that doesn't mean I have to believe him.

You assumed Obama is my guy but I am still officially undecided. Despite his tendancy to place himself in stupid positions I like John McCain and would consider voting for him if Hillary won the nomination. A race between Hillary and McCain is a complete toss up in terms of my vote.

Correct..You certainly don't have to believe anything he says.

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You assumed Obama is my guy but I am still officially undecided. Despite his tendancy to place himself in stupid positions I like John McCain and would consider voting for him if Hillary won the nomination. A race between Hillary and McCain is a complete toss up in terms of my vote.

It wasn't that hard to figure out that you are, let me say, "more than likely" voting for Obama considering you often run to his defense.

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Obama replied that his choice not to put his hand on his heart is a behavior that "would disqualify about three-quarters of the people who have ever gone to a football game or baseball game."

It seems more like just another excuse. And don't you think that the possible future leader of our country should be as patriotic as 1/4 of sports fans?

What a bunch of crap! I heard another "answer" that he gave in regards to this situation, in which his excuse was; "it wasn't the Pledge of Allegiance", (because some people were erroneously stating that was the context of the situation). And no it wasn't the Pledge of Allegiance, it was the NATIONAL ANTHEM.

I think that all citizens should have to enlist in the military after High School. So they can be taught the proper customs, history, and importance of our flag and country. I think it all came into picture when I saw one of my battalion members coffin draped w/the flag with Taps being played in the background.

Obama likes to twist anything that doesn't suit him. And yes he is good at making crap look like pudding. So this goes out to all of you sheep, Eat up! Because it still looks like crap to me.

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I really wonder if this is an issue because of his name... I wonder if there is a subconscious or semi-conscious mistrust because he has that foreign sounding/Muslim sounding name. That the wearing of a flag pin or not is an issue of racial paranoia or to what degree it is.

When I heard that he was singing the Star Spangled Banner that to me is more telling than whether he has his hand on his heart. The urge to lift your voice in song is an equally strong gesture in my book.

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It wasn't that hard to figure out that you are, let me say, "more than likely" voting for Obama considering you often run to his defense.

Reasonable people are defending him only because certain attacks against him are quite unreasonable. I'm undecided. Hell, I don't even know if I'm going to vote, and I am seriously considering voting for McCain. However, smear tactics should not be tolerated, especially when the evidence doesn't support the smear. If you want to go after him for his platform, fine. But, you keep saying that he has no platform to go after, and yet, you continue to claim he's a Socialist. I'm just not really sure where you're coming from.

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I really wonder if this is an issue because of his name... I wonder if there is a subconscious or semi-conscious mistrust because he has that foreign sounding/Muslim sounding name. That the wearing of a flag pin or not is an issue of racial paranoia or to what degree it is.
I think it's a huge part of it. The hand-over-his-heart issue is usually part of an e-mail that also insinuates that he's a Muslim and emphasizes his middle name.

I wonder, has there ever been another photo of him where he hasn't had his hand over his heart for the Star Spangled Banner? I've only seen the one photo, and I imagine that he must have gone to many sporting events or political events prior to that where the anthem was played. Is that the only documented instance of him not putting his hand over his heart? It seems weird to be going nuts over something that only happened once.

The pin thing Obama clearly did on purpose and maybe even with a little bit of a political statement in mind. That's definitely worth talking about, and Obama seems to welcome that.

And a funny thing is that there is a photo of Obama with his hand on a bible (with his wife and cousin), but for some reason it hasn't been making the rounds on the internet like the anthem photo:


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I really wonder if this is an issue because of his name... I wonder if there is a subconscious or semi-conscious mistrust because he has that foreign sounding/Muslim sounding name. That the wearing of a flag pin or not is an issue of racial paranoia or to what degree it is.

When I heard that he was singing the Star Spangled Banner that to me is more telling than whether he has his hand on his heart. The urge to lift your voice in song is an equally strong gesture in my book.

Maybe you have a better video card than I do, but I didn't see him move his lips until about halfway through the clip. And who could sing along to that horrible version?


I think that he should try out for American Idol until he realizes what job position he is attempting to obtain. As Commander in Chief he will be the leader of troops. Those troops are responsible to know the customs and proceedures in regards to the flag. Don't you think he should be held to the same standards as the men and women of the military? I know if I was running for President, I would at least Google it. C'mon..

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To me yes. I am a Christian man and would like to know what his reasons are. To you it may not be and I respect that.

Does it follow then that you would only vote for a Christian for public office? Even if he dutifully respected your views and governed with a morality that embodied your religion? Just curious...

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Don't you think he should be held to the same standards as the men and women of the military? I know if I was running for President, I would at least Google it. C'mon..

The first thing that I think is that it's much ado about nothing, particularly if (as DJTJ suggested/asked) it is an isolated event. Secondly, I believe in freedom of expression, so that if he is expressing his love and respect of the country by standing at attention, or singing, or saluting, or holding his hat in hand, or his hand over his heart... all of them have merit to me. Thirdly, we draw a distinction in this country between our military and our politicians (including the President) it is civillian oversight of the military.

If I saw Barak doing anything that was actively disrepectful during the Star Spangled Banner that would be an entirely different issue. If he chose to shout "O," if he was taking notes and yacking with his friends, if he was guzzling beer and mooning Republicans... if he did anything like that during the National Anthem I would want him publicly rebuked and think him unfit for the Presidency.

To me, this is a non-event.

I can however repect where your views are coming from. I want the President to be a champion for this country and live and breathe and love the ideals, history, and everything about the United States of America. I want him to be Captain America and John Wayne and Superman.

Still, I understand that there are multiple ways that we can show our respect, worship, and devotion. And I believe that we are entitled to express our love, patriotism, and feelings in the way that makes sence to us.

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1. Hand over heart wont fix our infrastructure.

2. An American flag pin won't insure forty million Americans.

3.Wearing of local Somali wear can't return 4,000 troops killed in theater.

4. Love the small nitpicking .Lets you know the other side is desperate and almost out of ideas.

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But, you keep saying that he has no platform to go after, and yet, you continue to claim he's a Socialist. I'm just not really sure where you're coming from.

His Global Healthcare system is a Socialist thought based program. And many of his fiscal plans include programs to produce a more egalitarian distribution of wealth (not completely, but he wants to close the gap).

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1. Hand over heart wont fix our infrastructure.

2. An American flag pin won't insure forty million Americans.

3.Wearing of local Somali wear can't return 4,000 troops killed in theater.

4. Love the small nitpicking .Lets you know the other side is desperate and almost out of ideas.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

I find it comical how the same people asking for more clarification of Obama's policies and plans do not know the difference between symbolism and patriotism.

Maybe McCain will sway the voters by wearing his lapel pin and then telling us he wants to stay in Iraq for another 100 years.


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1. Hand over heart wont fix our infrastructure.

2. An American flag pin won't insure forty million Americans.

3.Wearing of local Somali wear can't return 4,000 troops killed in theater.

4. Love the small nitpicking .Lets you know the other side is desperate and almost out of ideas.

It's Obama that's out of ideas.

Oh wait, he doesn't have any to begin with

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Reasonable people are defending him only because certain attacks against him are quite unreasonable. I'm undecided. Hell, I don't even know if I'm going to vote, and I am seriously considering voting for McCain. However, smear tactics should not be tolerated, especially when the evidence doesn't support the smear. If you want to go after him for his platform, fine. But, you keep saying that he has no platform to go after, and yet, you continue to claim he's a Socialist. I'm just not really sure where you're coming from.

Let me ask you, as Americans, are we not suppose to look at his past?

Are we not suppose to take a look at who his freinds are?

In the thread where I linked him to Cornell West, it is not because I learned this on listening to the Fat Idiot Rush Limbaugh it is because I took the time to look into the Obama and West connection. That led me to find out how he endorsed Bernie Sanders, the first and only self described Socialist to be elected to the Senate.

Sanders isnt a democrat, he isnt a republican he is Independant. After that I found a connection to the Socialist Party of Chicago, the list goes on. Don't you think if Obama doesn't want to be placed in the same sentence as a Socialist that he shouldn't endorse Socialist's who are not in his party. Maybe he should tell Cornell West that he doesn't like being called "Comrade".

My point is Obama is running for the office of The President of the United States, if we can not scrutinize everything he has done, than we are in big trouble.

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The first thing that I think is that it's much ado about nothing, particularly if (as DJTJ suggested/asked) it is an isolated event. Secondly, I believe in freedom of expression, so that if he is expressing his love and respect of the country by standing at attention, or singing, or saluting, or holding his hat in hand, or his hand over his heart... all of them have merit to me. Thirdly, we draw a distinction in this country between our military and our politicians (including the President) it is civillian oversight of the military.

If I saw Barak doing anything that was actively disrepectful during the Star Spangled Banner that would be an entirely different issue. If he chose to shout "O," if he was taking notes and yacking with his friends, if he was guzzling beer and mooning Republicans... if he did anything like that during the National Anthem I would want him publicly rebuked and think him unfit for the Presidency.

To me, this is a non-event.

I understand and respect your point of view on this. I agree with Obama on the the pin; I think his wife made a slip of the tung, if this was a big deal we all know Bush could've been impeached long time ago for his many **** ups.

Not standing at attention like those in the military are required to do comes off to me as arrogant for a potential Commander and Chief. Maybe he thinks he is somehow above the traditions or the rules of those he seeks to command in the military, or maybe not? Is it the biggest deal for me, no not at all. But I would appreciate it if there was at least a better explanation other than 3/4's at sporting events do worse (to which may very well be true, but they are not asking for my vote as POTUS).

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But I would appreciate it if there was at least a better explanation other than 3/4's at sporting events do worse (to which may very well be true, but they are not asking for my vote as POTUS).

On a philosophical level, I probably would agree with you. On a political level, if he really gave a long thoughtful response to this, it might very well give it credence and weight (just because he's taking it so seriously). Therefore, giving an offhanded answer kind of dismisses it. Even if to some it must be dissatisfying or raise worries.

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Name the war when every troop was perfectly trained

Name the war when every troop had ALL equipment necessary.

The US army is provided for like no other time in history... they have gone through much harder times with absolutely nothing for incredibly long periods of time for us.

Stop the stupidity of those kind of remarks... yes the VA needs to be better.

Its needed to be better for 100 years.

Warrantless wiretaps in there also? could it be a more hodgepodge paragraph of feelgood rhetoric.

His response to the pin question was the biggest non answer ever. Now I'm curious why he won't wear it.

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