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WCP: Article explains Snyders cluelessness and Cerrato's relationship.


What should the punishment be if found GUILTY of perjury and other involvements?  

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  1. 1. What should the punishment be if found GUILTY of perjury and other involvements?

    • Goodell replaced:Belicheat banned:Kraft bought out:Patriots to have 3(4)Lombardy's stripped:
    • Nothing should be done to any party....Keep as status Quo!
    • Belicheat takes punishment as he is responsible as Head Coach!BANNED!(Trophies relinquished)
    • Kraft and Goodell should have to do prison time and Belicheat suspended for 1 year!
    • Maximum penalty: Organization removed and replace!(Trophies given to losers of those SB games)

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Those familiar with McKenna's history vis a vis the Redskins simply roll their eyes.

Those new to Mr. McKenna's work, the following phrase should probably tell you all need to know about his professionalism and credibility as an objective observer:

Add to that chooses this trollspeak as justification for his position:

... and choose to take anything else the man "reports" seriously if you wish.


1. Are you suggesting his article contains misinformation?

2. Is there no possibility whatsoever that Mr. Snyder has elected to keep staff in place for reasons other than their skills in their area of responsibility?

3. Are you suggesting that PR does not matter to Mr. Snyder or that it is unimportant altogether to the Redskins as a business operation?

4. Has anyone determined the source of the Gregg Williams disparagement remark? I for one would like to know with certainty. Who within the Redskins organization would have motive other than someone charged with his employment tenure?

Apart from the above, I would say his characterization of the of response among loyal fans was ENTIRELY ACCURATE. Many, many of us would strongly prefer that Mr. Snyder would relinquish ownership.

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He does have an agenda. His past work has confirmed it many times over.

That said, what exactly do the "facts" you gleaned from his piece suggest to you?

If the facts are true than it would suggest a piss poor decision

on Synder's part. Employers should not enter into buisness

relationships with their employees.

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1. Are you suggesting his article contains misinformation?

2. Is there no possibility whatsoever that Mr. Snyder has elected to keep staff in place for reasons other than their skills in their area of responsibility?

3. Are you suggesting that PR does not matter to Mr. Snyder or that it is unimportant altogether to the Redskins as a business operation?

4. Has anyone determined the source of the Gregg Williams disparagement remark? I for one would like to know with certainty. Who within the Redskins organization would have motive other than someone charged with his employment tenure?

Apart from the above, I would say his characterization of the of response among loyal fans was ENTIRELY ACCURATE. Many, many of us would strongly prefer that Mr. Snyder would relinquish ownership.

Better watch out before you get a vacation also.

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As for the article itself, I guess I'm the only one that thinks this was expertly written.

The WCP has found its niche in covering the team. They are the Enquirer. McKenna has done a brilliant job in drawing attention to his otherwise unknown paper. 84 posts, one member banned, a shouting match between veteran members of the board, all in just a few short hours.

If I'm Dave McKenna, I'm kicking back, smoking a fat cigar, and smiling like a proud daddy watching the chaos ensue.

Wasn't the WCP also the publication that wrote about Snyder's 'henchmen' bullying parking lots adjacent to Six Flags? And didn't the WCP also fan the flame war that occured on ES b/w members of the media and the mods on ES? IIRC, those were all GREAT threads at the time, and lots of fun for the members (no matter what they might say). And I bet it sold a lot of newspapers and generated a lot of web traffic.

Hey... if I'm editor at the WCP, these are the cards I play too. It sells papers. You want in-depth 'journalism?' Try the WT or WP. You want opinion / analysis? Try espn. You want homerific? Visit Redskins.com. They ALL fill a niche. The WCP has identified a segment that doesn't exist, and exploited it beautifully imho.

It's kind of far-fetched and sensationalistic reporting, but interesting nonetheless. And as is painfully obvious in this thread alone, lots of folks enjoy reading it and EVERYONE has an opinion.

Well done Mr. McKenna :applause:

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With all due respect to zoony's post acknowledging ES's response to the piece:

Better watch out before you get a vacation also.

Right now you're looking like a good candidate yourself. Other dude got banned for stuff other than his Dan-opinion.

This is from rule 18

ExtremeSkins allows a wide range of discussion. Please refrain from unfounded charges of censorship or other moderator action taken against a member on the grounds an ExtremeSkins Staffer (or team official) simply didn’t like the content of the opinion. We will never remove content from our community based on our personal views of the validity of that opinion. The team will not prevent any communication that is harsh or critical of the team. As a member, if you are engaged for a violation of the rules and happen to have expressed a viewpoint in opposition to that of the ES Staff, the engagement is due to an actual rule violation and not due to the content of the idea.

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Wow, people get all sensitive when it's Dan the Man.

I never even read this McKenna before, so hopefully that's a good thing.

I think all he's saying here is where there's smoke, there could possibly be fire behind the scenes. And when there's millions of dollars at stake, people don't always act properly or ethically, so I don't think throwing this Snyder-Cerrato-Swanson business realationship out there is irresponsible. It's intended to make us go "hmmm...".

All we care about is that our decision makers have our best interests at heart. It always appeared so, but the results were never there. In this league, some heads of the top brass typically roll in those instances, not get promoted (like in Cerrato's case). Or one would at least expect a change in the hierarchy (GM).

So coaches, players, and probably several other front office people have come and gone through Redskin Park, except the people Snyder has outside business relationships with. AND their job performance is extremely debatable. That is the only reason this article makes people go "hmmmm.....".

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This thread has such passion....such distraction. Whole paragraphs filled with theories, accusations, and innuendoes. Plunging stock prices, shady business dealings, lurid agendas...You can feel the frustration, and almost hear the angry pounding of the keyboards.....

.....it must be the offseason.

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And what percentage of the fan base wants to keep Cerrato? 2%? I wouldn't say that's the "beginning" of a "debacle", but still, a lot of fans want a more successful GM to manage the team's personnel.

However, I do disagree with all the whining that Snyder screwed-up by not hiring Williams as the HC.

I have no idea what percentage of fans want to keep Cerrato. From what I can tell, a large percentage of the loudest message board fans all think THEY could do a better job than Cerrato ... but as to what percentage of ALL Redskins fans "want to keep Cerrato," it's hard to say. Probably more than the 2% you came up with, and probably less than, oh ... 30%?

But that's really got nothing to do with what I posted. I posted about McKenna's credibility based on his history, took him to task for some of the childish lines he used and criticized him for using a cheap, sensationalist tactic to have some reason to criticize Snyder. So not sure where you were going with your question. :)

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This thread has such passion....such distraction. Whole paragraphs filled with theories, accusations, and innuendoes. Plunging stock prices, shady business dealings, lurid agendas...You can feel the frustration, and almost hear the angry pounding of the keyboards.....

.....it must be the offseason.

Considering the WCP's obscurity, I'd say McKenna has done a masterful job, hasn't he? This thread has it all! I wonder how many people will pick up a WCP next time they're out, who normally wouldn't?

At this point, I would guess the only thing he is concerned with is that we continue to spell his name correctly ;)

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or how he even manages to grow sychophants in the fanbase!!!

you're right...he is special!

He sure is. He's managed to turn a great number of otherwise apparently intelligent adults into condescending, sarcastic reactionaries who react to anything other than blind-hatred criticism of the man, with tedious regularity, by suggesting the speaker is a fool, sycophant or somehow on the man's payroll.

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84 posts, one member banned, a shouting match between veteran members of the board, all in just a few short hours.

One member banned? I guess I missed a page somewhere.

Who were the veteran members shouting? I thought we had a good discussion early on, until I left to watch the HOF induction, speeches, and have been spending a lot of time since talking to a lot of different friends, reveling in Monk's induction (Green's induction is great and well-deserved, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happier for Monk, partly because the odds were more against him).

I stand by my earlier assertion. There are a couple of simple points to be gleaned. One is new information that I personally didn't know. There may be a lot of other assertions that have a weak foundation, but that's nothing new in anything I read or see on television, so I kind of naturally filtered it out. I think the information about the Six Flags business is new and interesting; not sure why that bit of information should be glossed over and ignored because someone has a background as one who stirs up trouble.

Actually, to get the "real news" it's often good to watch "pro" and "con" shows to get an accurate picture. Watch right-leaning and left-leaning sources. Then, extract the facts from the sources to get as much information as possible. Not sure why this should be any different. I'd prefer people stop talking about "McKenna" and talk about, if anything, the actual information in the article. I think a few posters (fansince62 was one, sorry if I can't remember the others, I think shilsu was one too) all made good points to why it was interesting early on (and I mentioned my reasoning as well). It has nothing to do with McKenna. Sometimes even the Enquirer actually informs the public about something. It's just hidden within a bunch of nonsense. No reason this should be different.

I'm not saying it's earth-shattering, but at the risk of restating something I posted earlier, it's interesting because it appears to provide an observable window into the type of relationship Snyder and Cerrato (and apparently Swanson) share; it seems like it's a bit more than owner-employee. It's observable, unlike (I think I said this before) the usual rampant speculation and assertions people post here. I think, to that degree certainly, it's interesting.

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ok cool....but did you know the estimated value of Internet cybercrime exceeded the estimated value of the global drug trade for the first time about 2 years ago? whoops...off topic...:-).....

let's get back to the business of this article......and admit that it's getting way more attention than the 15 cyber minutes of infamy it deserves.....

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1. Are you suggesting his article contains misinformation?

2. Is there no possibility whatsoever that Mr. Snyder has elected to keep staff in place for reasons other than their skills in their area of responsibility?

3. Are you suggesting that PR does not matter to Mr. Snyder or that it is unimportant altogether to the Redskins as a business operation?

4. Has anyone determined the source of the Gregg Williams disparagement remark? I for one would like to know with certainty. Who within the Redskins organization would have motive other than someone charged with his employment tenure?

Apart from the above, I would say his characterization of the of response among loyal fans was ENTIRELY ACCURATE. Many, many of us would strongly prefer that Mr. Snyder would relinquish ownership.

1. No. I think I'm suggesting it took information and willfully misused it to buttress a polemic, as has long been the author's style.

2. Nothing is impossible. It's also possible Mr. Snyder is a pod.

3. No. That would be stupid, don't you think?

4. No, to my knowledge no one has yet exposed Gibbs-bash Gate. I'm not going to waste my time speculating about it.

You are within your rights to wish Mr. Snyder would sell the team. Me, I'm hoping I hit the lottery this week so I can quit my job, sail around the world and buy a Bugatti Veyron when I get back.

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ok cool....but did you know the estimated value of Internet cybercrime exceeded the estimated value of the global drug trade for the first time about 2 years ago? whoops...off topic...:-).....

let's get back to the business of this article......and admit that it's getting way more attention than the 15 cyber minutes of infamy it deserves.....

"Deserve's got nuthin to do with it"


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He sure is. He's managed to turn a great number of otherwise apparently intelligent adults into condescending, sarcastic reactionaries who react to anything other than blind-hatred criticism of the man, with tedious regularity, by suggesting the speaker is a fool, sycophant or somehow on the man's payroll.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

well....you do know...for every action there is a reaction. think of it as ES classical mechanics.

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If the facts are true than it would suggest a piss poor decision

on Synder's part. Employers should not enter into buisness relationships with their employees.

As a general rule, I agree. At the level these guys are operating, I'm not sure to what extent though. I think I'd like to learn a lot more about the details before getting too excited one way or the other.

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As a former member of the media I am reminded what one of my teachers once told me, "If you remember nothing else from this class remember this, objectivity in the media is bull****. At best it is a myth. You will always have three sides to every story. You have one side of the story and then another side, and somewhere in the middle is the truth."

Does the writer have a slant against Snyder...probably...does that mean that they are making everything up...probably not...the truth is in there somewhere...and you know what? I don't want to wade into this mess to find it.

Snyder is not a clone of JKC, but he is not satan either.

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I'm not saying it's earth-shattering, but at the risk of restating something I posted earlier, it's interesting because it appears to provide an observable window into the type of relationship Snyder and Cerrato (and apparently Swanson) share; it seems like it's a bit more than owner-employee. It's observable, unlike (I think I said this before) the usual rampant speculation and assertions people post here. I think, to that degree certainly, it's interesting.

Interesting, but not surprising. We know that they are friends, and have been for a while. The fact that they also have a business interest together, while new, isn't shocking.

The problem is people trying to draw conclusions on just that bit of information. I find Mckenna's conclusions silly, especially since it is based on the assumption that 1) Vinny is incompetent and 2) Swanson is incompetent, both of which most of us don't have enough information to make judgments on.


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Considering the WCP's obscurity, I'd say McKenna has done a masterful job, hasn't he? This thread has it all! I wonder how many people will pick up a WCP next time they're out, who normally wouldn't?

At this point, I would guess the only thing he is concerned with is that we continue to spell his name correctly ;)

I think, my friend, that you are the wisest man in this thread. :cool:

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