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Snyder and Cerrato says Williams Rumor was false


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No I don't know that and neither do you. However, that Gregg's agent is willing to go out there and share this conversation can go a long way in supporting the idea that they didn't more so than they did. What it boils down to is what some people are willing to believe based on a preconceived point of view of the individuals and the organization. That's not being objective, that's being narrow minded.

My feelings and opinions are well documented on this thread. But as has been mentioned, Williams agent wanted to make sure his client wasn't on the hook for making statements that weren't true and were inflammatory towards a coaching legend. The Skins agreed that he did not make those statements. This was a mutually useful agreement for the both of them.

The information was still floated out there, and Williams reacted to it by going in for a meeting today that determined his fate here. Which seems to be one conclusion that a smear campaign would be designed for.

FWIW, I have been completely open to this FO for 8 years. Backing them up, and understanding their moves. We are far enough along to actually see trends that have popped up. And employees leaving on bad terms is a pretty heavy trend we've had. I am not a conspiracy person or someone who doesn't give the benefit of the doubt. But I honestly believe I have been fooled by this FO too many times at this point. Maybe I'm swaying negative, but a lot of reasonable people on this board have come to the same conclusions.

There is nothing about me personally that isn't open-minded considering two days ago I believed this FO was on track and had never felt otherwise. I understand that negativity doesn't float as well around here because once again, I felt that way two days ago.

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So Williams never said bad things about Gibbs. Then what was the reason that they didn't hire him? I read into that the possibility that the other rumor is likely true. That Williams didn't want Danny and Vinny getting their little fingers into personnel decisions and that's why he is not our HC.

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I'm not even a little surprised that this was the media's fault.

Nor am I even a little surprised that most people here believed that Danny/Vinny were to blamde for the leak for some supposed 'smear' campaign.

How do you know it was the media's fault? The FO simply admitted to GW that GW did not make the comments in question. They didn't say they weren't the source of the rumor. Did you ever get caught telling a lie when you were a child, and your mother confronted you about it, and you had to admit it was a lie? That's kinda how this situation appears to me.

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No I don't know that and neither do you. However, that Gregg's agent is willing to go out there and share this conversation can go a long way in supporting the idea that they didn't more so than they did. What it boils down to is what some people are willing to believe based on a preconceived point of view of the individuals and the organization. That's not being objective, that's being narrow minded.

I am sorry but you are way off on this one. This is not a case of pre-concieved notions. Look the term up if you are unclear as to what it entails.

Snyder has a long track record now with the skins. He is not new to this dance. There are no preconceptions left with him. We know what he does and we know what he is capable of at this point. We know how people get run out of town with him, and it always involves gossip being spread about them being somehow bad. An established pattern of behaviour is quite different than a pre-conception of someone you are not at all familiar with. That dog simply will not hunt.

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I am sorry but you are way off on this one. This is not a case of pre-concieved notions. Look the term up if you are unclear as to what it entails.

Snyder has a long track record now with the skins. He is not new to this dance. There are no preconceptions left with him. We know what he does and we know what he is capable of at this point. We know how people get run out of town with him, and it always involves gossip being spread about them being somehow bad. An established pattern of behaviour is quite different than a pre-conception of someone you are not at all familiar with. That dog simply will not hunt.

I'm well aware of the meaning of the term. Your post indicates that you may need to consult the meaning however. He does have a bit of a track record, but some of that is based on, yep, media reports. Some of it factual, some of it not. That leads to assumptions. Assumptions are based more on what we don't know than what we do know. In this case, there are plenty of those. Hence, folks have a preconceived notion about this situation based more on what they think they know about Dan Snyder than what they really know.

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I know this will be a repost of sorts, but I need to spit this out.

Since evidently the front office witch hunt continues despte facts being right there, I suppose I'll have to be the bad guy and highlight it..



In today's meeting Williams asked Snyder about media reports that he had disrespected Joe Gibbs. "Both Snyder and Cerrato agreed that that had never occurred and those reports were totally false," Demoff said. "They wished each other well in the future and the sides parted."


Its not like I expect the panic striken mobs on this board to accept this or even deal with it.

Most of the board blamed Snyder/Cerrato (which was wrong), I myself blamed williams (which also turned out wrong).

When all is finally said and done, it was the reporters/bloggers that started a rumor that was false and blew it up.

Lets all drop the front office hate for a minute and actually unite against bad journalism.. Ok ?

SNyder must be taking tips from Hillary...."slime and deny"!!!!!!

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Just because Snyder denied the smeer does not mean he did not plant it in the media to begin with. He knows a little about using the media to accomplish his goals. Now it is the media to blame and not Snyder for this mess?

Yes, all parties have denied it so the media MUST be right. Obvious Snyder manipulation. I think it is all a cover-up to mask Danny's involvement in the Bhutto assassination.

But frankly, you should be more worried about those silent black helicopters hovering over your backyard.

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So Williams never said bad things about Gibbs. Then what was the reason that they didn't hire him? I read into that the possibility that the other rumor is likely true. That Williams didn't want Danny and Vinny getting their little fingers into personnel decisions and that's why he is not our HC.

makes more sense...especially in view of Ceratto's recent promotion.

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No kidding. As with many things recently, some here seem to be falling for what the media is saying and how they are portraying things hook, line and sinker.

Actions speak louder then words. This is not the media's fault. Snyder has cheapened and disrespected this franchise.

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Which is why they interviewed him three times, rather extensively. :doh:


right...because they just didn't know him and how he operated after 4 years. buuutttttt....it made perfect sense to interview other candidates whom they have never met (or not been exposed to on a day to day basis) twice at most. cmon now Jason...you're one of the best posters on this board.....don't slip into spin mode yourself!

seems perfectly reasonable to me!!!!! at least through the looking glass called the DS era!!!!!

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right...because they just didn't know him and how he operated after 4 years. buuutttttt....it made perfect sense to interview other candidates whom they have never met (or not been exposed to on a day to day basis) twice at most. cmon now Jason...you're one of the best posters on this board.....don't slip into spin mode yourself!

seems perfectly reasonable to me!!!!! at least through the looking glass called the DS era!!!!!

Kinda easy to keep bringing him back since he was in town. Fact is, the circumstantial evidence (bringing in only D-Coordinators to interview, for example) seems to lead that a lot of that early interview cycle was to see if Williams was a viable candidate.

Considering how much Gibbs recommended the guy, and how much Snyder seems to respects Gibbs, why would he not consider him a candidate?

From what little evidence we have, it seems everything was on the up and up.

As for the Williams rumor, I don't see how doing that really benefits the FO by doing that, particularly since they are counting on Williams' assistants to stick around.


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Kinda easy to keep bringing him back since he was in town. Fact is, the circumstantial evidence (bringing in only D-Coordinators to interview, for example) seems to lead that a lot of that early interview cycle was to see if Williams was a viable candidate.

Considering how much Gibbs recommended the guy, and how much Snyder seems to respects Gibbs, why would he not consider him a candidate?

From what little evidence we have, it seems everything was on the up and up.

As for the Williams rumor, I don't see how doing that really benefits the FO by doing that, particularly since they are counting on Williams' assistants to stick around.


that's not my point Jason. They knew everything there was to know about Williams. They know next to nothing about the other candidates and yet settle for two interviews? That's one circle you can't square!

If you are in a position of authority over someone for 4 years.....especially someone senior...you know just about everything they will do, think and say...at least in the job department. you know how they "operate"....there is no mystery. you don't need 4 interviews. I have been hired for senior positons based on fewer interviews! they never wanted Williams...

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1 - What has our offense done in the past two years to warrant keeping Al?

2 - What has our defense done in the past to warrant keeping Gregg? Sure, we were ranked okay (if you rank by yards, which seems absurd if you ask me). Think back to the Cards game. We were up, and it was very late in the game. The Cards drove the length of the field in little to no time and should have won. Think back to Buffalo. Same story. In fact, how many times has that happened in four years? How many leads have we blown (we led the league!)?

3 - Blache was already DC last year. His role may be changing, but how is keeping him on in the same position NOT continuity?

4 - Jim Zorn will be good for JC. Nobody on here can even question that statement. Al Saunders' offense is for quarterbacks with exactly the opposite skill sets of those in a Jason Campbell. Campbell is a big guy with a cannon, inconsistent accuracy and a sluggish release; Al Saunders requires an accurate, quick release QB who can work wonders due to precise timing.

Snyder's getting a raw deal. I fully support everything that's happened so far. Gibbs deserves any of the blame that should be dealt. He left with a year left on his contract claiming he wanted to spend more time with his family only to go back to NASCAR a week later. Say what you want...

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He may not want another three year coach, but in reality, who is out there that is going to survive this three year process? The only two who have name brand recognition and could past three years would be Jimmy Johnson and Bill Cowher. Any other coach would not be able to get three years without earning it in some fashion. I have to say that I thought Gregg Williams was a great coordinator, but I didn't think that he would be much of a head coach. If they are not going to get Cowher, then they should get a young coordinator and go from there. I believe that Meeks, Spagnoulo or McDaniels should be one of the guys getting it. I wouldn't mind the dark horse candidate in Russ Grimm. He would be great if it were him. I just don't want some retread in Fassel. To me, he has proven that he is a good coach and not a great coach. I believe that he was just a stop gap if he were hired, holding the job open for Cowher.

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From what little evidence we have, it seems everything was on the up and up.

I agree entirely. We'll never know, but here's my guess as to what happened. I think Dan and Vinny actually wanted Gregg to take the job, but as someone who would be working for Vinny, not as either Vinny's boss (like Gibbs) or even Vinny's equal. I think Gregg balked at that. At that point I think Gibbs was hoping he could work out a compromise between them to make it work, which is why Gibbs was urging Gregg to stay in the process. I think when Vinny's promotion was announced that was either a signal that Gregg was out, or a last chance for him to call up and say "OK, I accept working for Vinny". Whichever it was, Dan and Vinny decided to give up on Gregg and look for their second choice, who apparently was Fassel (if the press reports can be believed).

So, I think the reason the process has looked so bad is that Dan and Vinny's plan A (Gregg but with limited authority) blew up on them, and they've been scrambling to put together a plan B.

Just my guesses, but I think they fit the known facts pretty well. It comes down to a couple of strong-willed people (Dan and Gregg) with pretty big egos who couldn't find a way to work together. I'm sorry it didn't work out, but I don't think it makes either man a bad guy.

I think it's quite unfortunate that we seem to have to make every situation fit a cartoon view of the world with a hero who can do no wrong and a villian who can do no right. The real world is full of situations that are not good and evil but just stuff that happens.

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