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Snyder and Cerrato says Williams Rumor was false


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How do you know he strung them along? Media stories? There is a lot of stuff going on. Truth is you don't know the whole story, therefore you cannot decide if it was handled wrong.

How about we wait and see how it all plays out then decide.

The coaches themselves said they had heard nothing and it doesn't matter how this plays out Snyder is terrible IMO.

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Just because they both agreed he did not say anything inflammatory does not come even close to meaning that the Skins didn't plant that information. You know that.

I don't think anyone believed he did it. The real question is why was it reported and who was the source? JLC said it came from the Skins. That makes the most sense.

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How do you know he strung them along? Media stories? There is a lot of stuff going on. Truth is you don't know the whole story, therefore you cannot decide if it was handled wrong.

How about we wait and see how it all plays out then decide.

Williams agent said that Gregg was ready to leave at 2 different times last week and that Joe Gibbs talked him out of it because he was still in the picture.

Now either GW's agent is a liar or the Danny was also stringing Joe Gibbs along this whole time, using him to hold onto GW as long as possible and to make those phone calls to the coaching staff and do all of the apologizing for the Danny.

This whole thing stinks. Now that GW has been fired, maybe we'll learn a little more but then again, maybe not as it seems GW was in the dark as much as any of us have been.

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I don't see how anyone can say the rumor originated with the media.

I'll be the first to say JLC and Mort both do shoddy work, but Mort didn't say his sources and JLC was up front about it coming from the Skins. Which to me fits the bill. If it was just made up my a media type, another media type would have jumped on them.

I can't blindly follow the Skins FO anymore. There is too much evidence to the contrary of them being upstanding. It can't all be made up due to the media disliking Snyder. Especially when we know how close Vinny is with some in the media.

The shoe completely fits in this instance. Williams leaves the day after the smear, and it seems he initiated todays meeting. Exactly what something along those lines is supposed to accomplish.


One thing for media guys to speculate on coaching choice, even go too far by reporting coaching 'considerations' as 'impending'. But I seriously doubt they'd just 'make this up'. Someone high up the food chain fed them this information.

Its what it appears to be, in my opinion. Gregg Williams wouldn't have asked Snyder/Cerrato if those comments had been made because he's got poor recall :) He asked, because he wanted them to have to admit, on the public record, that he never disparaged or criticized a guy he respects, Joe Gibbs.

If you can't read between the lines on this one, I'm not sure I can help you. Media distrust has nothing to do with this one.

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Williams agent said that Gregg was ready to leave at 2 different times last week and that Joe Gibbs talked him out of it because he was still in the picture.

Now either GW's agent is a liar or the Danny was also stringing Joe Gibbs along this whole time, using him to hold onto GW as long as possible and to make those phone calls to the coaching staff and do all of the apologizing for the Danny.

This whole thing stinks. Now that GW has been fired, maybe we'll learn a little more but then again, maybe not as it seems GW was in the dark as much as any of us have been.

If GW's agent is telling the truth, I'm wondering what Gibbs must be feeling right now. If Gibbs didn't think GW had a good shot, why would he have encouraged him to stick it out? You're right......this whole thing really stinks. But of course you have many in this thread who continue to buy what this shoddy ownership is selling.

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Its what it appears to be, in my opinion. Gregg Williams wouldn't have asked Snyder/Cerrato if those comments had been made because he's got poor recall :) He asked, because he wanted them to have to admit, on the public record, that he never disparaged or criticized a guy he respects, Joe Gibbs.

If you can't read between the lines on this one, I'm not sure I can help you. Media distrust has nothing to do with this one.


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I actually think they were still considering GW and they cut him loose as soon as they realized they werent anymore.

I think they are just really being careful with this one cause the Dan doesnt want another 3 year coach. Most likely good advice from Joe about getting a solid staff together. I think Dan is a lifetime skins fan who respects and listens to Joe.

Do you really believe they were considering him up to the point where Williams went to Snyder to talk about what was going on? I don't. It doesn't make sense.

Well, I take that back....MAYBE they thought Williams would take the job after being interviewed 4 times then waiting through the Super Bowl. If they did, they they are pretty naive in my opinion.

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If this was a lie...then I suspect at some point that someone within the media could possibly looking at a law-suit for malice. This doesn't make Dan or Gregg look good at all.

I used to be in the media and trust me if you get a chance to sue someone in the media you take it.

And I also know that in the media you don't report something along these (as inflamatory as this) lines without 2 sources confirming it.

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I think it is preposterous to blame the “media”, & is the worst sort of emotional homerism & demonstrates a lack of critical thinking. The media Get stuff wrong? Sure. Stir the crap? Yeah.

But JLC flat out said the Redskins were doing this. Moretensen said highly placed League and Redskin sources said it. If someone has evidence to the contrary sack up and post it. If you don't, rather than smear the messenger with your vague, slanderous conspiracy theories say "It doesn't add up to me but I have no contacts or any way to disprove it - & unlike the people who didn’t publish it anonymously neither my professional reputation or livelihood on the line if I turn out to be wrong."

To do otherwise is really over the top.

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If GW's agent is telling the truth, I'm wondering what Gibbs must be feeling right now. If Gibbs didn't think GW had a good shot, why would he have encouraged him to stick it out? You're right......this whole thing really stinks. But of course you have many in this thread who continue to buy what this shoddy ownership is selling.

Yep and those are the ones that the Danny will be laughing at all the way to the bank as they keep filling his pockets........suckers!

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The Washington Post only reported what was being reported on ESPN. And it WAS true...no matter how much Danny Boy & Cerrato deny it. They planted the leak so that the situation would come to a head.

Neither has a shred of decency or humanity in their bodies- they should both be run out of town. Snyder learned absolutely NOTHING about decency from Gibbs. Also, Gibbs biggest mistake thus far was leaving this proud franchise in Snyder's hands....a far worst mistake than calling 2 timeouts in the Buffalo game.

Fassel will be the coach and our season is screwed.

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I actually think they were still considering GW and they cut him loose as soon as they realized they werent anymore.

I think they are just really being careful with this one cause the Dan doesnt want another 3 year coach. Most likely good advice from Joe about getting a solid staff together. I think Dan is a lifetime skins fan who respects and listens to Joe.

Then your smoking the same high quality Crack , Vinnys smoking. Dan Snyder is Angelos **** son.

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Okay, I just posted this elsewhere, but maybe it fits more appropriately here.

It's not like Williams doesn't have baggage. 2006, Arch, his Buffalo stint.

Why did the Redskins brass or whoever from inside that building feel that they had to make up such grandiose lies in order to sway the villagers? Are we too stupid to understand that the FO was not happy about Arch and his attitude in 2006? Or that he didn't have a good relationship with the owner in Buffalo?

Instead they just insulted the collective intelligence of every Redskins fan.

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I think it is preposterous to blame the “media”, & is the worst sort of emotional homerism & demonstrates a lack of critical thinking. The media Get stuff wrong? Sure. Stir the crap? Yeah.

But JLC flat out said the Redskins were doing this. Moretensen said highly placed League and Redskin sources said it. If someone has evidence to the contrary sack up and post it. If you don't, rather than smear the messenger with your vague, slanderous conspiracy theories say "It doesn't add up to me but I have no contacts or any way to disprove it - & unlike the people who didn’t publish it anonymously neither my professional reputation or livelihood on the line if I turn out to be wrong."

To do otherwise is really over the top.

Bingo! :applause:

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The Washington Post only reported what was being reported on ESPN. And it WAS true...no matter how much Danny Boy & Cerrato deny it. They planted the leak so that the situation would come to a head.

Neither has a shred of decency or humanity in their bodies- they should both be run out of town. Snyder learned absolutely NOTHING about decency from Gibbs. Also, Gibbs biggest mistake thus far was leaving this proud franchise in Snyder's hands....a far worst mistake than calling 2 timeouts in the Buffalo game.

Fassel will be the coach and our season is screwed.

Ahhh but remember Fassel has told some that he feels "used" by the Redskins...however if they offered him the job I doubt he'd say no to it.

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Just because they both agreed he did not say anything inflammatory does not come even close to meaning that the Skins didn't plant that information. You know that.

I don't think anyone believed he did it. The real question is why was it reported and who was the source? JLC said it came from the Skins. That makes the most sense.

No I don't know that and neither do you. However, that Gregg's agent is willing to go out there and share this conversation can go a long way in supporting the idea that they didn't more so than they did. What it boils down to is what some people are willing to believe based on a preconceived point of view of the individuals and the organization. That's not being objective, that's being narrow minded.

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Yeah, right. Like you can believe those two.

I have read so many stories where Snyder is caring and giving and what he did during the Sean Taylor tragedy was remarkable. The he pulls moves like this with this franchise and it make me wonder...who is the real Dan Snyder?

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Ahhh but remember Fassel has told some that he feels "used" by the Redskins...however if they offered him the job I doubt he'd say no to it.

The Danny has screwed this team up so much, only God himself could fix it. That being said, I really don't care anymore. The Danny can hire Fizzel or who ever else is willing to be his puppet, it' not going to matter. This team is screwed.

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What difference does it make? It didn't have any affect on the outcome. The decision had to of been already made before any of this BS leaked out. On another note, who said JG ever endorsed GW? I never heard him publicly say that GW deserved to be the next Redskins coach.

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What difference does it make? It didn't have any affect on the outcome. The decision had to of been already made before any of this BS leaked out. On another note, who said JG ever endorsed GW? I never heard him publicly say that GW deserved to be the next Redskins coach.

Well he did. It was reported by Riggo and his other co host and they stated that Joe Gibbs did endorse GW.

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The Danny has screwed this team up so much, only God himself could fix it. That being said, I really don't care anymore. The Danny can hire Fizzel or who ever else is willing to be his puppet, it' not going to matter. This team is screwed.

I have reached that point as well kingfish50...if they announced tomorrow that somehow someway they reached a deal so that Bill Belicheck was coming here next season...I think my whole reaction would be :snore:

I feel like I have just been a part of a massive train wreck and I am starting to stagger away from it.

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Nothing naive about it. It's the realization that there are always 2 sides to every story and that one should not be too quick to jump on and believe every report from the media. Now that would be naive. Of course in this case, there's the fact that Gregg's agent is the one who is saying that the 2 sides agreed this never happened. Seems to me we have an idea now.

The two sides agreed that Gregg never made the comments, but that doesn't mean the FO didn't float the rumor in the first place. They may or may not have. Wouldn't seem to me to be out of character for Snyder to do that, but we don't have enough info to say one way or the other.

Seems logical to me that they might have floated it, then GW confronted them about it, and they had no choice but to admit that GW never said it.

Of course we don't know what really happened, and this meeting between GW and the FO really didn't clear anything up. Other than the fact that we know for sure GW won't be here next year.

But to me the most logical answer is, as Tarhog suggested, that GW wanted Vinny and Dan to admit on record that GW never made the comments.

If GW felt the rumor was media-created, he probably would have denied it publicly. Instead, he wanted to hear the men he felt were responsible for the rumor admit the rumor was false.

My best guess is the FO floated the rumor and it blew up in their face.

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What is very obvious to this point is that we have a lot of folks that come in with a disposition already biased against the redskins organization/front office and no amount of facts will dissuade them.

Its the exact reason I go nuts on this board. I do not care for narrow minded people.

Peeps who take a stand good or bad, and will not move because either they are too stubborn or too hateful to lose an arguement.

I respect intelligence only, and hating just to hate is not a smart way to live your life.

But I guess people always need someone to dump on; to hate on. But for the life of me, I never could understand that cynical, hate filled way of thinking. Nor do I understand the herd mentality.

Like those experiments they did years ago, where poeple said the wrongs things on purpose just to fit in with the crowd.

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