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Snyder and Cerrato says Williams Rumor was false


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I know this will be a repost of sorts, but I need to spit this out.

Since evidently the front office witch hunt continues despte facts being right there, I suppose I'll have to be the bad guy and highlight it..



In today's meeting Williams asked Snyder about media reports that he had disrespected Joe Gibbs. "Both Snyder and Cerrato agreed that that had never occurred and those reports were totally false," Demoff said. "They wished each other well in the future and the sides parted."


Its not like I expect the panic striken mobs on this board to accept this or even deal with it.

Most of the board blamed Snyder/Cerrato (which was wrong), I myself blamed williams (which also turned out wrong).

When all is finally said and done, it was the reporters/bloggers that started a rumor that was false and blew it up.

Lets all drop the front office hate for a minute and actually unite against bad journalism.. Ok ?

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I'm not upset about that rumor, because I didn't believe it. I'm more upset in how they treated the coaches during this search. Its obvious they weren't considering Williams any more, but they were either dragging him along in case everything fell through or they just didn't want to deal with it yet. I could be wrong, but I doubt seriously that they figured he would be back as DC with a new head coach, so why the delay in promoting Blache?

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I'm not upset about that rumor, because I didn't believe it. I'm more upset in how they treated the coaches during this search. Its obvious they weren't considering Williams any more, but they were either dragging him along in case everything fell through or they just didn't want to deal with it yet. I could be wrong, but I doubt seriously that they figured he would be back as DC with a new head coach, so why the delay in promoting Blache?

I actually think they were still considering GW and they cut him loose as soon as they realized they werent anymore.

I think they are just really being careful with this one cause the Dan doesnt want another 3 year coach. Most likely good advice from Joe about getting a solid staff together. I think Dan is a lifetime skins fan who respects and listens to Joe.

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No kidding. As with many things recently, some here seem to be falling for what the media is saying and how they are portraying things hook, line and sinker.

I'd say that's rather naive. The entire purpose of a political smear is to let the cat out of the bag, while retaining some plausible deniability. Perhaps not just the local, but the national media, fabricated the smear for vindictive reasons. Or, perhaps the only party with a vested interest in taking the edge off Gregg Williams' popularity, leaked the rumor in the midst of the absolute fan firestorm of backlash against Williams treatment. Their treatment of Williams was shoddy, and we have no idea in the world whether the 'smear' originated with the F.O. or the media.

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i dont know that it is not true... who is to say that the troll "snyder" is not lying about it to GW.. i mean come on.. someone may have said it or not.. dont know, but just because he denies it does not make it true either... he lied to all of us in the press conference... so why not continue... i just dont know!!

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I'd say that's rather naive. The entire purpose of a political smear is to let the cat out of the bag, while retaining some plausible deniability. Perhaps not just the local, but the national media, fabricated the smear for vindictive reasons. Or, perhaps the only party with a vested interest in taking the edge off Gregg Williams' popularity, leaked the rumor in the midst of the absolute fan firestorm of backlash against Williams treatment. Their treatment of Williams was shoddy, and we have no idea in the world whether the 'smear' originated with the F.O. or the media.

Nothing naive about it. It's the realization that there are always 2 sides to every story and that one should not be too quick to jump on and believe every report from the media. Now that would be naive. Of course in this case, there's the fact that Gregg's agent is the one who is saying that the 2 sides agreed this never happened. Seems to me we have an idea now.

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I actually think they were still considering GW and they cut him loose as soon as they realized they werent anymore.

I think they are just really being careful with this one cause the Dan doesnt want another 3 year coach. Most likely good advice from Joe about getting a solid staff together. I think Dan is a lifetime skins fan who respects and listens to Joe.

horse crap... if he listened to joe, then gw would still be with the team and be the coach.. if gw is telling the truth, joe told him to stay in the running meaning joe was supporting gw for the job... snyder listened to know one.. period..

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No kidding. As with many things recently, some here seem to be falling for what the media is saying and how they are portraying things hook, line and sinker.

The media said Williams was no longer being considered as HC, and look how us dummies fell for that hook line and sinker.... I feel stupid for listening to the media when they told us Zorn was in and Saunders was out as well.....

Just because Snyder denied the smeer does not mean he did not plant it in the media to begin with. He knows a little about using the media to accomplish his goals. Now it is the media to blame and not Snyder for this mess?

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I don't see how anyone can say the rumor originated with the media.

I'll be the first to say JLC and Mort both do shoddy work, but Mort didn't say his sources and JLC was up front about it coming from the Skins. Which to me fits the bill. If it was just made up my a media type, another media type would have jumped on them.

I can't blindly follow the Skins FO anymore. There is too much evidence to the contrary of them being upstanding. It can't all be made up due to the media disliking Snyder. Especially when we know how close Vinny is with some in the media.

The shoe completely fits in this instance. Williams leaves the day after the smear, and it seems he initiated todays meeting. Exactly what something along those lines is supposed to accomplish.

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i think it's pretty obvious what snyder is doing... he's waiting... waiting until the super bowl is over so he can pick his coach from the best... i think he's going after someone on the patriots and i love it... if you want the best coach you take him from the best team... they all know belicheck's formula (not the cheating one) and can capitalize on it with another team...

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It doesn't matter what the media reports, good or bad Snyder will never have my respect because he has handled this all wrong from the beginning. I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to take his time with the search, but the way he has strung along not only the candidates, but also the current staff is inexcusible. If he is so afraid to communicate with people he should have had someone in place to do it. Joe Gibbs calling every one 2 weeks later does not count.

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i think it's pretty obvious what snyder is doing... he's waiting... waiting until the super bowl is over so he can pick his coach from the best... i think he's going after someone on the patriots and i love it... if you want the best coach you take him from the best team... they all know belicheck's formula (not the cheating one) and can capitalize on it with another team...

That's been tried. Notre Dame? Cleveland? Did either of those teams make it to their respective postseasons?

The coach can't do anything without the right players. NE scouting is amazing. NE's ability to match good players has been great, and now that has led them to be able to get great players who want to win.

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It doesn't matter what the media reports, good or bad Snyder will never have my respect because he has handled this all wrong from the beginning. I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to take his time with the search, but the way he has strung along not only the candidates, but also the current staff is inexcusible. If he is so afraid to communicate with people he should have had someone in place to do it. Joe Gibbs calling every one 2 weeks later does not count.

How do you know he strung them along? Media stories? There is a lot of stuff going on. Truth is you don't know the whole story, therefore you cannot decide if it was handled wrong.

How about we wait and see how it all plays out then decide.

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The media said Williams was no longer being considered as HC, and look how us dummies fell for that hook line and sinker.... I feel stupid for listening to the media when they told us Zorn was in and Saunders was out as well.....

Just because Snyder denied the smeer does not mean he did not plant it in the media to begin with. He knows a little about using the media to accomplish his goals. Now it is the media to blame and not Snyder for this mess?

Right. Just like many fell for Cowher, Fassel, Carroll, Grimm, ect... Now maybe one of those will get a job as well, but the point still remains. May not like it, but that doesn't make it any less true. And again, it was Gregg's agent who was sharing the conversation with JLC where the parties agreed that the reported incident never happened.

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Right. Just like many fell for Cowher, Fassel, Carroll, Grimm, ect... Now maybe one of those will get a job as well, but the point still remains. May not like it, but that doesn't make it any less true. And again, it was Gregg's agent who was sharing the conversation with JLC where the parties agreed that the reported incident never happened.

So then why did someone tell the media that it did in the first place? These reports are based on something. Contrary to the uninformed opinion of how the medias work, these reporters get information from sources. Someone put out the information that GW smeered Gibbs. Who would do it? Who benefits from it? Certainly not GW and his agent! Snyder benefits from it as it gives him cover for firing GW the very next day, even if he later denies the rumour. Who else would benefit from such a rumour floating about and would be able to get it believed by the media?

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