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Does This Mean Todd Collins is Gone?


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I was going to say the Raiders but they already have a first rounder in Russell. Al Davis does want the coach to resign. I'm sure it has someone in mind to replace him. Maybe it is his namesake Al Saunders. That leaves Russell out in the cold with a fat check. But that might not be a bad idea to give Collins the reigns for the two or three years he's got left in his career. That is a good system when executed properly.

BTW, I don't have confidence in Jason Campbell yet. I don't think his wide outs have confidence in him yet either. A new system will not make a difference if the QB lacks touch and accuracy on a consistent basis. Flashes of stardom will only leave us with michealwestbrookitis. I don't know if Lazor was a QB but Zorn might help Campbell with pocket presence which has a huge effect on the passing game. If Campbell doesn't get more confidence in the pocket, this offense will continue to suffer.

Seriously, did you watch the games at all??, I saw good prescence, and great toughness and he was under pressure consistently from a poor offensive line don't forget Santana Moss was injured during some of the over throws and every quarterback underthrows sometimes. You fail to mention the dropped passes that would have sealed games for the skins this year or the defensive collapses at the end of games as well. I find it hard to understand such thoughts, but seeing your same thoughts in relation to Collins taking over for Russell in LA might just put things in a better perspective in relation to you. Zorn has to teach Campbell to check down more often when under pressure instead of looking for the big play and he will be fine, Jason made some crucial mistakes that he must learn from but, he kept playing and kept putting us in position to win, now regardless of the new OC He must finish what he starts. Even if he does, I doubt he will silence individuals like you.

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Bye bye Todd... thanks for coming in late in the season and proving that Al wasn't full of hot air.

Thank you for the playoff push Collins, but I already knew Al wasn't full of hot air. I didn't see a ****ty playbook at work, I saw a young QB struggling behind a shoddy o-line.

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they make 70th anniversary sean taylor jerseys and they arent knock offs.

the company makes jerseys with other people names on it to sell jerseys.

darrell green was the face of our franchise for a long time, trust me this darrell green jerseys i have isnt a knock off.

anyways, they will make jerseys of favorite players for teams no matter if they still play or not..

thats why you can find different jerseys for older players and even newer ones in older style jerseys

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As others have said TC goes with Saunders. He is a system guy. His production is a result of the system not the man.

The longer TC plays the more his weakness will be exposed. He is the perfect backup for any Sauders run team.

He has almost no value in a West coast style offense IMHO.

Brunell is also gone. You will see 2 new backups. in 2008

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Collins does THRIVE in Saunders offense but what I saw was an intelligent QB. He can learn something else. It's not rocket science. Campbell on the other hand has shown me NO intelligence. It's taken him much too long to develop. He has some skills but Zorn is going to have to work with him everyday (and he should have started last week) until next season begins to have him close to being somewhat ready to play. I hope Todd is back. Definitely don't want Scott Brunell back.

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