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Poll: Renewing season tickets? (merged)


What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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No renewals are outnumbering renewals. I guess for those who vote Yes, they will finally know what it feels like to be a fan of a franchise such as Detroit, Cinncy, Cleveland, Atlanta, etc. where you go to the games no matter how bad the team is and for how long the team is bad.

Im a glutton for punishment, and a Cubs Fan too! HOLY COW!!!

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Even if Gibbs had stayed, I think my dad planned to give up our club seats after this year anyway. However, we still have two upper deck accounts in the family and if my brother doesn't want to keep his, I'll pressure my dad to resume control of those. I think my dad has been hanging onto the tickets mostly for me anyway. That, and perhaps the fact that he applied in like 1963 and didn't get them until 1981 (awesome timing).

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I'll always have my seats, been in my family since the last cpl of years at griffith stadium, but would think HARD about selling mine for the season next year to someone else. I will ALWAYS have Redskins seasn tickets no matter what, but if we hire Fassel i just wont goto games as long as hes the coach.

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If I had them I probably would but since I wait for people who can't go to the game to sell their tickets at way discounted rates......it really doesn't matter. :)

But if the question is am I still going to go to games and support the team while vociferously bashing this jerk off owner and his lackey front office tool?? You betcha.

Amen to that brother.

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If I had season tickets, I would renew them..Some people on here are so damn fickle..They'll only supports us when we win, or only when they agree with a move that is made..We dont need you bandwagon fans anyway..Then when we're winning, they'll be wanting their tickets back.

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I split tickets with my Mom. Both of us are trying to reason out whether or not its worth going.

I've had my two seats for the last 8 years, and it's getting harder and harder to justify spending $1500 dollars to watch Snyder bend the team over a bar and **** it in the ass with no lube.

So I guess my answer is. I don't know yet.

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You people will calm down when the season gets closer to "REDSKIN" football. I support the B&G no matter who plays or coaches. It's either in your blood or not. I live in Florida and will still buy my 43 yard LL seats. Give them up....hell no!

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I really don't think it really matters who is hired. Snyder has proven to be clueless and no matter who we hire it's going to be a disaster.

I'd rather stroke a check for about $250 for Maryland season tickets and go enjoy a family atmosphere on Saturday afternoons.

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I voted yes, but I changed my mind, if we have to start all over again with a whole new offensive and defensive system it will take us back years and waste all of our players who are in their primes of their careers right now ala Portis, Moss, Randle El, Cooley

Why can't we ever see our team reach it's full potential. It's always new coach - learn new system - don't win superbowl within two/three years - start all over again...

Where as good, consistent teams get a coach - learn the system in 2-3 years - maybe not win superbowl either within that time - modify and adjust to the core system - playoffs???!!!!

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