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ESPN Sports Nation Poll: Which HC job is most attractive?


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Brings up an interesting question... if GW gets the job, wonder how much the Dan will pay?

Gibbs was what... $6 mill? SOS was $5 mill. With Garrette at $3 mill... you'd think that GW would have to be at least around $4 mill. That seems like a lot of money to pay GW.

Oh well, not my problem :laugh:

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Brings up an interesting question... if GW gets the job, wonder how much the Dan will pay?

Gibbs was what... $6 mill? SOS was $5 mill. With Garrette at $3 mill... you'd think that GW would have to be at least around $4 mill. That seems like a lot of money to pay GW.

Oh well, not my problem :laugh:

It will be when beer hits $1 an ounce. :laugh:

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How on Earth do they come up with these color schemes, every team should have a set color for polls and leave it at that. We shouldn't be green, Miami or Philly should.

But when I saw that poll I said to myself there is NO way the Redskins coaching job isn't the most attractive.

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the Falcons gig isn't so bad as people/press is making it to be imho, think about this way....there will not be the high expectations placed on them to be successful ASAP (the HC will be slotted a 3-4 yr window) to turn the situation around.

the Ravens gig is a very attractive situation in that they still have the pieces to be successful (add a few more pieces to go along with what they already have) and their Castle up there in Owings Mills and a very nice FO imho.

the Skins gig is the most attractive imho for the stand point that they would have the most success in 08' out of the bunch with the system/players they currently have.....

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Who wants to take over the Ravens or the Falcons?

The Ravens have an offense that cant produce no matter what they do, and MOST importantly, a defense that is now old as the hills! Anybody who takes over that job is going to see a retooling of the defense as old stars like Lewis leave. There is going to be some rebuilding there.

The Falcons job is a disaster as well, as they dont have a QB. As of yet, there also doesnt look to be a good candidate available in FA, so they are essentially left with their most important position, sitting in limbo for most likely years. The last thing a first time HC wants is to have their first 3 seasons on their record as 5-11 6-10 6-10. Essentially both teams have glaring personel holes(which is why they were so bad).

The Redskins have made the playoffs 2 out of the last 3 years, and their only real personel holes are depth issues. Its hard to say defense has problems when its been top 10 WITH injuries. Its hard to say you have a hole at QB, RB, WR, or TE. And its hard to say you have holes at OLine when the ARENT injured. Most of the time vacancies open up because a coach gets fired. Not in this case.

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Wow! Big surprise!! *sarcasm*

Seriously, if you have a team with a lot of talent that happened to make it to the playoffs despite everything that happened to them, plus, add an owner who pays his coaches up the wazoo, of course the skins job would be the most attractive. You ain't really need a poll to figure that out.

But, I would say though that the Ravens job would be pretty attractive. With the exception of this year, they've always had a good defense. Not to mention, they have a nice facility and a good GM that's proven to get good players.

I actually wanted Garrett to go B'more. It woulda hurt the Cowboys, and it might've improved their offense for a change. They should've given him more $, so he would've taken the job.

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There is nothing wrong with the Ravens job. The have good players in place, few free agents and they're ready for a playoff run. Great front office and owner. Garett should have taken the job. Now he'll have to deal with Jerruh and TO getting older.

Atlanta isn't too bad either. The head coach there will go as far as his first round qb will.

The Skins job is tricky but is probably tied with the Ravens job. How Dan Snyder acts will make or break this one. Hopefully Gibbs rubbed off on him a little.

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It's not even a matter of personnel, scheme, owner, etc... Well, owner will matter if someone doesn't want to work for Danny boy.

The thing is, the Redskins, Giants, Steelers, Cowboys, Patriots, Eagles, these will always be jobs in demand due to the media market. Maybe the Eagles aren't nearly as big, but the rest deifnitely are. In no particular order, unless maybe the Giants and Patriots ahving the largest media market.

What person wouldn't want to coach in one of these large markets? They instaneously get their face on the map and in history.

Other teams like the Bears (though storied), Colts, 49ers, Chargers, Saints, Bills, Jets, etc... They have their highs and lows, but don't get nearly as much attention.

It's basically like asking who wouldn't want to coach the Yankees or Red Sox or Braves? These are just big teams that people will always know about. Michigan, OSU, Notre Dame, also big name schools.

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