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Probably because I'm the only everyday Pacquiao fan on this thread. But you sound like the typical Mayweather fan. Like Pacquiao better than Mayweather, you're a hater. I think he's a piece of **** but I really don't trash Mayweather unlike you with Pacquiao. I think his style is boring and even the trainer of Keandre in the video you posted said, "Floyd really doesn't do anything special." I don't think he does either. That's an opinion. That's not bashing. If I would have said, "Mayweather's career is garbage and started putting asterisk next to most of his victories like you do with Pacquiao, that would be bashing.

Typical Mayweather fan?? You are a Manny Pacquiao fan and a Manny Pacquiao fan ONLY. I'm a hardcore boxing fan who recognizes Floyd Mayweather as the best in the game right now. Big difference. If u look at my post history in this thread and your post history in this thread, I don't think anyone would question who only likes one fighter and who likes multiple fighters. Just bc I recognize Floyd as the best doesn't mean I'm only a Floyd fan. You, my friend, are a blind bias Pacquiao fan and you've made that plenty clear. You also HATE Floyd Mayweather and that's cool. But you tend to hate on him a lot and that's just not a good look for you bro. You clearly push an agenda and now that you realize Manny isn't on Floyd's level it's really eating at you.

Edited by Rexx1240
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Show me where I've hated on Mayweather. I can show a ton of post where you've hated on Pacquiao. I never once said Mayweather's career is garbage. If you want to compare their careers again, I win again. You think Mayweather had the better career obviously. I disagree. I think Pacquiao's body of work is much better. Pacquiao excites me. Mayweather does not. If you consider avoiding punches all night with minimal offense exciting, more power to you. But you do realize that you're in the minority. I'm sure I'm not the first person you've heard say this.

And dude, if I wasn't a boxing fan, I doubt that I'd be sitting here watching Friday Night Fights. If you want to call people non-boxing fans. Go look at all the Mayweather fans that just watch his fights. I personally got on a few last Saturday. The last time any of them saw a fight was last September. That's a non-boxing fan.

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Why is it if you're not a fan of Mayweather, that must mean you're a hater of Mayweather? Let's be real, there's plenty to dislike when it comes to Mayweather. I'm a Pacquiao guy. Does that automatically make me a hater? And like I said, Rexx has shown MUCH more dislike towards Pacquiao than I ever did towards Mayweather. I never said his career was garbage. I don't even believe I called him overrated. I certainly don't think he's "TBE."

I'm not saying he should be the second coming of Gatti or even Pacquiao himself, but I've seen slick fighters before and I have never seen anyone (maybe Sweet Pea) that is as cautious as he is when it comes to fighting. I just think he's dull to watch

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Of course he's dull to watch at 40yo!! Like I said, in his prime and under Roger he was much more offensive and much more exciting. You have a long history of Mayweather hate and everyone here knows it. Sure u can point to recent comments I've just made about Manny but as I said, I was proving a point. You dislike Mayweather. I don't dislike Pacquiao. But his fans such as yourself will make it look that way bc of points trying to be made in a debate. I don't randomly go out of my way to bash Manny much like u do Floyd. Do I think his career is overrated?? Yes I do. Is he an overrated fighter?? Yes he is. That's not to say he's not good or great (whichever side of the fence u stand). That's simply saying media pundits and fans have put him on (and sometimes above) the level of Floyd Mayweather. That is what I mean by overrated.

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Now you're lying. I never go out if my way to bash Floyd and you know as well as I do is that there's PLENTY to bash Floyd about. I'm still waiting for any type of evidence that I've been as bad on Mayweather as you have been on Pacquiao.

Unreal. The man has SIX victories of future hall of famers (In Their Primes) and he's overrated? And that's not counting victories against Margarito, Clottey or Bradley. Boxings ONLY 8 division champion AND lineal champion. Overrated? Get out of here.

And is the fact that the media pundits put Manny on the same level as Mayweather is what got you anti-Manny? In case you didn't know, they all pretty much had Floyd a solid #1 and Pacquiao a solid #2 in the p4p rankings over the years. Most picked Floyd to win last week.

But you do realize that ya boy is just not a likable person where Manny comes across as way more likable. Just his comment the other day when he called Manny a "coward." With his reputation, that's the last word that should ever come out of his mouth. That's why people don't like him.

Edited by DM72
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Wow what a load of **** Lol ok moving on...

Canelo has said he wants Pacquiao after Kirkland. That would be an interesting fight.

Also hearing reports that Pacquiao may only clear $25-30M after all his tax debts, Arums's "special fees", and other monetary obligations. That figure just seems extremely low even with all the hands in Manny's purse, literally. I can't see how that's accurate but I'll stay on top of it.

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Also right before Manny is set to appear before the NSAC next week to explain the ShoulderGate scandal, one of the members of the commission steps dowm. Bill Brady, a member of the 5 person panel since 2007, sent his resignation to the governor this week.

Edited by Rexx1240
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Here we go. I hate when fighters do that, but it is what it is. Let's make a name off of a legend that has probably seen his best days. Plus, why is Canelo calling out a 147 lb fighter? Shouldn't he be calling out GGG?

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Here we go. I hate when fighters do that, but it is what it is. Let's make a name off of a legend that has probably seen his best days. Plus, why is Canelo calling out a 147 lb fighter? Shouldn't he be calling out GGG?


It reeks of DLH whispering in Canelo's ear. The one thing I have admired about Canelo is that he has not shied away from fighting the toughest fights out there, even when his management wanted him to do something else.

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Canelo can't make 154 lbs anymore. Manny isn't moving 154 to fight Canelo. Plus, he's gonna be out of action for quite some time. Canelo better keep his focus on Kirkland. I expect Kirkland to test Canelo's chin tonight and get the surprise TKO. We'll see it goes.

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I harbor no ill will towards Manny, I just get annoyed with his fanboy-ish fans who tend to not be fans of boxing overall, or just not big watchers of it that you can't really have a discussion with outside of "Manny is the greatest because...........BECAUSE"

Also, this myth that he is some kind of nice guy/role model for society is annoying as well.  He hasn't had anything as headline-catching as Mayweather's discretion but he has done plenty of shady things himself yet the media continued to play this up as good guy vs. bad guy.


Kirkland vs. Canelo should be a fun fight. I will take Kirkland by a late round TKO. 

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That works both ways. I swear, I PERSONALLY know a slew of Mayweather fans who only cares about boxing in May/September. They wouldn't know guys like GGG or Andre Ward from Adam. It's not just Pacquiao fans.

I would know because when Mayweather fights, their cheap asses call me to see if I'm getting the fight. They NEVER call for anyone else's PPV.

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And that matters why now exactly ? A week later ?


Get over it, your boy lost and only then claimed some BS injury.


Everybody always talks about Floyd being money hungry... yet Manny basically set himself up to lose...for a payday.


That's simply moronic if he really thought he could win. How many punches did he land again over 12 rounds ? May threw and landed more punches...yet he is the one accused of running and holding ?



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You don't have to think he won, you can't deny that he won.


It was blatantly obvious Floyd won.

You don't have to think he won, you can't deny that he won.


It was blatantly obvious Floyd won.

Let's not get carried away. It's not as if Floyd beat Manny to a pulp. He was backing up, pot shotting and grabbing most of the night while Manny was the aggressor. Yes, he won, but let's not act as if he won every single round.

You really want to get into the mind of Floyd Mayweather Sr? You might not recover.

The man does know boxing. I believe we both would love to sit and talk boxing with him.

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