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Sean Taylor/Pittman Spitting Incident


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I think we need to stick to remembering all of the good things about Sean!

Bringing up this type of stuff at the 1 month anniversary of his death is a shame.

This board needs to continue to focus on all of the positive memories of #21. ES has been a great forum and home for the Redskin community to grieve, mourn, & celebrate the life of ST. Let's not waste that with one person's rememberance of some BS event that happened such a long time ago! I certainly won't remember #21 this way!

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I think we need to stick to remembering all of the good things about Sean!

Bringing up this type of stuff at the 1 month anniversary of his death is a shame.

This board needs to continue to focus on all of the positive memories of #21. ES has been a great forum and home for the Redskin community to grieve, mourn, & celebrate the life of ST. Let's not waste that with one person's rememberance of some BS event that happened such a long time ago! I certainly won't remember #21 this way!

I agree man, the good memories about Sean will always live longer than the bad ones. Perhaps I am attempting to change people's perception of the spitting incident as a negative in Sean's career. As I have learned more about Pittman's off field transgressions, I think we should give ST props for giving that wifebeating piece of **** a nice loogie to the face.

I love ST just as much as y'all do. However, I feel the emotions surrounding his death has led some on this board to declare him a saint and that we should never mention any of the mistakes he made. I disagree. When we look back at ST's career thirty years from now, I think his remarkable transformation from an immature "thug" (as the mediots called him) to a maturing father makes him even more of a heroic figure.

We can't fully grasp Sean's remarkable personal journey if we simply gloss over the spitting incidents and his problems with the law. They were just as much a part of his life as his defensive TD's against Philly and the Bucs.

The mistakes he made made him seem more human to me, and maybe that is why I loved him so much. R.I.P. Sean, you will always live on in our hearts!

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ST played his game right on the edge, seemingly without regard to his own well being. So what if he went overboard a little on Pittman. We didn't hear what Pittman was saying to him anyway. Could have been anything. ST paid his fine, and didn't break any laws. It wasn't like he cut the guys knees out or anything. You make out like it was such a big deal. Pittman is still healthy and can beat the piss out of his wife at will.

What I don't understand is why you bring it up? Fierce competition and pride were what ST was all about. Who knows what Pittman called him or his mother. ST was probably showing a good deal of restraint by spitting rather than clocking the guy. Let it drop.

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Why is it Sean's job to dish out punishment in the form of one of the most disrespectful things you can do to another human being for a legal issue? Is that what football players are for? I thought it was a football player's job to help win a football game. Sean did the exact opposite of that by being thrown out.

Seriously man. I can't believe this was brought up. I am willing to bet anything that Sean and the Redskins organization did all they could do to forget this incident. Too bad it had to be brought up again.

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Quit telling Jesus to shut up! He's not even discussing on this thread.

Besides the fact that he died for your sins, he could easily make you disappear simply by thinking it. I don't think he will do that, though. He's not that kind of guy.

I do think you owe him an apology.

:silly: Nice one man :laugh:

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Who cares about this now? Of course there was no better person to have a mouth full of spit fly at them than pittman..He had probably been talking dumb **** that whole game and sean let him have it. Having said that Sean knew it wasnt the right thing to do, but damn, why am I even talking about this? :whoknows: Anyhoo, ST was and will continue to be the greatest Safety ever to play the game, and no stupid ass spittle will ever take away from that. RIP SEAN. We love you man. HTTR!!!

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I agree man, the good memories about Sean will always live longer than the bad ones. Perhaps I am attempting to change people's perception of the spitting incident as a negative in Sean's career. As I have learned more about Pittman's off field transgressions, I think we should give ST props for giving that wifebeating piece of **** a nice loogie to the face.

I love ST just as much as y'all do. However, I feel the emotions surrounding his death has led some on this board to declare him a saint and that we should never mention any of the mistakes he made. I disagree. When we look back at ST's career thirty years from now, I think his remarkable transformation from an immature "thug" (as the mediots called him) to a maturing father makes him even more of a heroic figure.

We can't fully grasp Sean's remarkable personal journey if we simply gloss over the spitting incidents and his problems with the law. They were just as much a part of his life as his defensive TD's against Philly and the Bucs.

The mistakes he made made him seem more human to me, and maybe that is why I loved him so much. R.I.P. Sean, you will always live on in our hearts!

I appreciate your wanting to fully humanize Sean. However, I think you & I disagree on my main premise. You choose to remember Sean by "humanizing" him with not only what good he did, but the bad as well. I choose not to do that. I'd pefer to look at someone's life as a summation of all the good things Sean brought to this world. A teammate, a player that many loved, a father, a son, & a future husband.

I look at the things you bring to the table as minor mistakes that we all make and are forgiven for. I also believe that upon Sean's death, his judgement for his short time on earth was based more on the great things Sean brought this earth, not the bad.

I believe that his life will be more memorable for all of the good. I won't remember for a spitting incident 30 years from now. I'll think of a tragic, senseless murder of a player from a team that I love.

If you want proof of what Sean meant to this world, I'll have to rely on the people who know him best. His family & his teammates. Go back to the Fed Ex tribute..link included and play the section where the players give a one word definiton of Sean...That's what I will truly remember him for...

99- HEART; 53 - Passion; 26 - Respect; 99 & 17 - I love you

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This thread is clearly classless considering its timing. Do you intern for Wilbon or something?

And just because people agree with you does not, in any way, make you right. People agreed with Saddam Hussein, too.

If you need others to validate your opinions, then you've got bigger problems.

Easy on the personal attacks my friend!

That's not a personal attack. Perhaps you need to re-read that Rule.

If you don't want your posts to be fair game, then don't post.


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I'm outta here.


I hope you realize what you just did.


Some people will probably think he's serious.
Five stars.

Oh yes.

I actually hadn't thought about the spitting incident since it happened.

Then you brought it up again.

This thread sucks.

So I'm guessing you lied in your first post or just felt the need to come back & spam the thread after your initial post.

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a thread like this is usually slanted in such a way that the person setting it up isnt going to think ' your right, he did do wrong and got what he deserved I agree and have changed my mind'. No, it may be worded as if 'what do you think?' when really it means 'I think history should be rewritten to make Sean a saint because the other guy is a bad guy' and anyone that disagrees.....

On that basis what e33green should really do is set up a a list that people can vote on as to which opposing players deserve to have our players spit on them in the remaining games and the following 2008 season. We could also vote as to which player has the honour of carrying out the act in each game. Ah, it will be a proud moment for us all. Our players gobbing on a 'bad guy' every week. Bravo!

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I don't know that much about Michael Pittman and I am not trying to justify what Sean Taylor did but I remember hearing something that Michael Pittman made some remarks that were controversial about his white girlfriend where if it were a white guy saying it about a black girlfriend he would have the race card thrown at him.


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