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My Story - Getting Punched by Chris Cooley's Dad


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So here it is from the dad's perspective.

"We get to our end zone seats, and 15 minutes before the game, a guy and his friends sit behind us. They've been partying for 3 hours before the game. Right off the bat they announce to forgive them ahead of time cause they plan on being obnoxious the whole game. Then Julie slips that I'm Chris' dad, and drunk guy grabs my hand and won't let go, slurring about how glad he is to have Cooooooley on the team. I clench my teeth, grin, and bear it. Then they let everyone in the section know I'm there, so I'm sure to be distracted from the game. Fine, goes with the territory. Then the kicker: 5 minutes into the game, first good Redskins play, and boom, a full beer crashes all over my seat and legs. I lost it for a second, and popped him in the chest. I felt bad immediately and thought uh-oh, lawsuit. But the punch seemed to sober him up a bit, and I calmed down. Disaster averted.


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Is it me or is Cooley just the guy who the Redskins future is centered around. i'm his biggest fan. He's everywhere doing signings and real down to earth. We're very fortunateto have him, Giants can have their Shockey, I'd go to war with 47 anyday

Ironically enough, Jeremy Shockey is Chris Cooley's idol! I wonder if Cooley realizes that he can look down, instead of up, when it comes to Shockey?

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Is that fair of you to judge him without knowing the story? Maybe the dad had a problem and the mom ran off with the kids. Maybe that problem is over now. Interesting that Cooley uses the term "let us" see the father. One would think it wouldn't be a question.

It's not for us to judge them without being very familiar with the facts, eh?

Lots of people run away from marriages where the other person is not being a bad spouse, sometimes they take the kids, often they don't.

Can't say what happened in this case, only that he has a relationship with his father and seems OK with him, so it's not for you to cast aspersions like 'deadbeat.'

You are right, which is why I prefaced my link with saying that it's a sad fact that I made the assumption!

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I tailgated with Cooley's family (his dad had 50 tickets in all) @ Denver in 2005. Denver is as close as they will ever play to his home town. His Mom and Dad were cordial with eachother. His grandma even held my beer when I went to the port-a-potty (hehehe).


Wow.. He does look like a mountain man. Like a Viking, in fact...

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You are right, which is why I prefaced my link with saying that it's a sad fact that I made the assumption!

You know what---that's kind of on both of us.

The way that sentence read to me was "That's sad. Anytime I read about a single mom, I assume the dad's a deadbeat."

So, I jumped on you because I misunderstood what you meant. I'll edit my post.

My bad. That's one of those where it wasn't that you were unclear it's just the language sometimes is imprecise.

OOPS! :cheers:

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What a random story, pretty funny though. Gotta say, Dan T. did a pretty good job presenting the scenario through Cooley's dad's eyes, lol!

I'm tellin ya man, all the people around us thought what Mr. Cooley did, was very un cool. I had to tell the guys sitting behind me to chill because they wanted to get him kicked out, whether it was Mr Cooley or not.

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I'm tellin ya man, all the people around us thought what Mr. Cooley did, was very un cool. I had to tell the guys sitting behind me to chill because they wanted to get him kicked out, whether it was Mr Cooley or not.

Maybe he was more intoxicated than you... or, it could be a joke thing... when my friends and I are bar crawling, if you spill a drink on a guy, that guy gets two free shots on you. One for spilling the drink on him, the next for alcohol abuse.

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Maybe he was more intoxicated than you... or, it could be a joke thing... when my friends and I are bar crawling, if you spill a drink on a guy, that guy gets two free shots on you. One for spilling the drink on him, the next for alcohol abuse.

I didn't see a drink in his hand the entire game. He seemed like a cool guy after it all happened though. I think if he was really mad or if he wanted to hurt me he would have punched me in the face. Who punches people in the chest?? Weird mountain men, that's who. :laugh:

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I tailgated with Cooley's family (his dad had 50 tickets in all) @ Denver in 2005. Denver is as close as they will ever play to his home town. His Mom and Dad were cordial with eachother. His grandma even held my beer when I went to the port-a-potty (hehehe).


That guy looks a lot different than the guy I met in Seattle...

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He hung with us and tailgated at the 2005 Seattle playoff game - we must have had 100 Redskins fans at that tailgate. He was beyond cool. Likely the thread starter may have been a little more intoxicated than he let on (nothing wrong with that - just sayin') and Cooley Senior just had a momentary natural reaction to getting beer spilled on him. I can see it happening pretty easily.

Regardless, he spent the entire pre-game with us in Seattle and we really enjoyed it (see Mark the Homer's picture on page 1).

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