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They make it sound sooooo appealing to live in DC


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About 128 of every 100,000 Washington residents have AIDS, compared with 14 cases per 100,000 people nationwide, according to the study released in November.


While I love the Skins, I do not think I will move there to be closer to the team.

You know, if they just tainted the needles to turn users purple, it would be much easier to locate the junkies. :security:

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The needle-exchange program is a good idea. IF people will do drugs, this at least could reduce HIV (this was held up by Congress as an especially irrational part of the already-irrational war on drugs).

BTW, regarding prostitution, compare the STD rates where prostitution is illegal as opposed to the rate in that place in Nevada where it's legal.

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You'll get aids if you move to DC!!!

I lived there 18 years, got it 22 separate occasions!

On a nice summer's evening we gets the whole family on top of the roof and points our binoculars towards DC to watch the junkies, crack hos and pimps battle it out. If they ever got over their fears of crossing the Potomac, our suburbs here in Northern Virginia could be overrun, but I guess they can't swim so we're safe.

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all those people probably live in one neighborhood too.... I live in Baltimore now and read crime stats all the time... they have a lot of crime but they are mostly in about a 6 block radius and no where near me.

While the DC AIDS rate is eight times the national average, you are fifty times more likely to suffer a serious farming injury in Indiana compared to living in DC. :D

I wouldn't want to live there with all the risks of getting a limb ripped off by machinery. (If the Children of the Corn don't get you first).

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