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WOW!!!We were NOT originally the "Boston Braves",but rather the "Newark Tornadoes"!!


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According to Wikipedia....I had know idea...!


George Preston Marshall was originally fielding this team,but could not have them in New York because of territory disputes,which was his original goal...(even though this team PLAYED at Braves field!)

Did anyone else know this?

So if anyone wants to get technical on our name,this is something quite interesting!

I guess if we are ever required to change our name with all the talk about how offensive it is....we could be the


Now....What I want to see from our respected and talented members, is a logo of a cool tornado on our current helmet and colors!

We don't even need to change our Anthem song...................MUCH...?

"Hail before the Tornadoes"

"Hail before the storm"

"Hail to the Tornadoes"

"Hide before you're torn"

Silly...I know! :silly:

NOTE:I know the team would have been based out of New York,but's interesting how the article (wikipedia) says that we already were the tornadoes yet we were playing at Braves field...which was our stomping grounds!

Can someone correct me on this...?I though we were ORIGINALLY..the Boston Braves and sorry if this is wrong!(which it has to be!!)

Champs in 1937,42,82,87,91!HTTR!!

The Boston “Football” Braves, owned by George Preston Marshall, entered the National Football League in 1932 after the Newark Tornadoes franchise folded and played at Braves Field. They had tried to base the team in New York, but were blocked by the NFL’s territorial rule. The Braves head coach was Lud Wray, and were led by Hall of Famers Cliff Battles (Running Back) and Turk Edwards (Offensive Tackle). Their first game was held on October 2, 1932 in which they lost to the Brooklyn Dodgers. The next week, the Braves would gain their first franchise victory, with a 14-6 win over the New York Giants. The Braves would complete their first season with a 4-4-2 record.
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"July 9, 1932

The Beginning: George Preston Marshall heads a syndicate (with Vincent Bendix, Jay O'Brien and Dorland Doyle) that buys a NFL franchise for Boston. They contract to play at Braves Field, home of the National League baseball team, and are called 'The Braves.'"

This is a direct quote taken from the history page from Redskins.com. I would assume if this was true, it would only be appropriate for it to be reported there? I can't say for sure that this is false, only that I would assume it would be general Redskins knowledge, as it isn't apparently since it's not on the site.

Furthermore, I would not be happy with a name change, regardless if anyone thinks its offensive. 75 years of history shouldn't be cast aside...its not like we're using the name in a comedic manner, its supposed to be a proud and strong name.

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"July 9, 1932

The Beginning: George Preston Marshall heads a syndicate (with Vincent Bendix, Jay O'Brien and Dorland Doyle) that buys a NFL franchise for Boston. They contract to play at Braves Field, home of the National League baseball team, and are called 'The Braves.'"

This is a direct quote taken from the history page from Redskins.com. I would assume if this was true, it would only be appropriate for it to be reported there? I can't say for sure that this is false, only that I would assume it would be general Redskins knowledge, as it isn't apparently since it's not on the site.

Furthermore, I would not be happy with a name change, regardless if anyone thinks its offensive. 75 years of history shouldn't be cast aside...its not like we're using the name in a comedic manner, its supposed to be a proud and strong name.

...And I agree 100%!I will always see us originally as the "Boston Braves"...then...."Boston Redskins"...then of course the "Washingtom Redskins.

But it sounds to me that this was before any formal agreement had been made and/or signed...?

If this is the case...?Then it's VERY possible that there has been some misleading information for the last 75 years...!

Cause I have NEVER heard of this before and I have been a fan since I was 5 years old...

Is it possible..that the Redskins are originally the Newark Tornadoes?In our infancy of course?

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All that says is that the Tornadoes franchise folded the year before the Braves/Redskins franchise began. The sentence does not directly state that the Tornadoes moved to Boston. It's just slightly misleading the way it was written.

Try this -

"After the Newark Tornadoes franchise folded, the Boston “Football” Braves, owned by George Preston Marshall, entered the National Football League in 1932 and played at Braves Field."

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Ok well the tornadoes just folded and then the created a new team. Marshall did not buy the tornadoes, but say that was true you have to dig deeper. The Tornadoes were originally called the Duluth Eskimos

When Duluth Eskimos owner Ole Haugsrud sold his defunct team to a promoter in Orange, New Jersey in 1929, it was renamed the Tornadoes. The first game for the new team was a scoreless tie against the New York Giants on September 29, 1929. The team relocated to Newark, New Jersey in 1930 and became the Newark Tornadoes.

So Hail to the Eskimos

here is another interesting tidbit. Ole Haugsrud who owned the Eskimos had the rights to buy into any future team in Minnessota which he did in the 1960s and became a 10% owner of the Vikings.

He later sold the team back to the NFL. Part of the deal was that he would have first rights to any future NFL team in the state of Minnesota. When the NFL expanded to Minneapolis-St. Paul in January 1960, Haugsrud was given 10% ownership. He remained part owner of the Minnesota Vikings until his death in 1976.

So we are related to the vikings in a 6th cousin kind of way. :laugh:

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A wikipedia article is only as good as its sources, which are listed at the bottom of the article. That article only lists a handful of sources, and none of them have anything to do with the Newark franchise.

But it does link to a wikipedia article on the Tornadoes, which in turn has some good links to actual sources. Those links suggest the following events:

1) There's an NFL team in Newark called the Tornadoes, owned by some (nameless) promoter who bought it from Ole Haugsrud.

2) It folds in 1930.

3) The franchise is sold back to the NFL, who now have an extra franchise "license" to sell to a new owner.

4) George Preston Marshall gets the franchise, ends up in Boston because he can't get New York, and the Braves start playing in 1932.

That doesn't suggest any family lineage of any kind. There was a team, it dissolved, and the NFL filled the gap by allowing some other guy to start a team. That second team just happened to become the greatest franchise of all time.

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All that says is that the Tornadoes franchise folded the year before the Braves/Redskins franchise began. The sentence does not directly state that the Tornadoes moved to Boston. It's just slightly misleading the way it was written.

Try this -

"After the Newark Tornadoes franchise folded, the Boston “Football” Braves, owned by George Preston Marshall, entered the National Football League in 1932 and played at Braves Field."

Yes exactly, it states the Tornadoes folded. It did not state that Marshall purchased the Tornadoes only that the Braves came into existence the following year.

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Marshall bought the franchise for some really cheap amount after it folded. It's basically that they ahd this open slot franchise and wanted someone to buy it after the previous owner bailed on it when it folded.

Don't be alarmed folks, we began as the Boston Braves and it will stay like that.

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