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Redskins Debate Series: All time TOUGHEST Redskin


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here's one that no one has mentioned

Fred Smoot

Last game, he tricked the trainers to go get something for him just so he could come out and play again after puking his guts out.

Also, before he went to minnesota, i remember him having a shoulder injury that was apparantly pretty painful, but he still tackled WR/RB's in the flat like a pro. You could tell each takle hurt him.

Also, Darrel green was pretty tough. See punt return vs Chicago.

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Bubba Tyer thinks the toughest he's seen is Fischer.

Legendary Redskins athletic trainer Bubba Tyer characterized #37 as the toughest player he’d ever encountered. When Darrell Green, an NFL great in his own right, one day reportedly described himself as a more "physical" player than Fischer, Tyer claimed all he could think was, "yeah, right."

Compliments of Tarhog and TK

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Does anybody remember that pic of Jacoby's hand in SI when they did that long cover feature on NFL injuries of retirees?

Jake's fingers are gnarled like tree roots.

This was back in 2001, but I can't imagine they look any better today.

Much of the damage probably came in the 1986 (Jan. '87) playoffs when he had his hand completely wrapped into a ball of tape for the NFCC game @the Meadowlands. Looked like a mummy's head on the end of his arm.

That was pretty tough not to sit it out when he only had one pincher.

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ken houston... his career was unbelievable and he could lay the wood in the backfield... oh, and you have to mention theisman, any QB that returns punts with a single bar face-mask is gonna make my list...

honorable mention for mike "mr. never fair catch" nelms...

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Just food for thought here, but I'm noticing an overwhelming trend........If you tallied the total amount of African American players vs. Caucasian players who have played for the Redskins over the years, the percentage would be overwhelming. HOWEVER, as I go through this thread, 2/3's of the votes are for Caucasian guys. Not attempting to start a racial war here, but merely throwing that out there as food for thought.

To me, its of the same ilk as the "smart, heady, white basketball player".....and "the tough white guy football player."

I personally disagree with this line of thinking that occurs so naturally to others.

That said, Mark Mosely was clearly the toughest Redskin of all-time (just kidding).

I can't believe some of ya'll just let this lay !!?? I am continually amazed at BOTH white and Black folk who cannot just LET IT GO !!! That being said...

It is obvious that most of you have a prejudice againt Samoans and Inuits !!

Mark Schlereth

Joe Salavea

are the toughest !!

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Dave Butz or Brian Mitchell.

I remember Matt Millen calling a Redskins game (when he was in the booth) and a fight erupted between Mitchell and another player. Millen stated that Brian Mitchell was the toughest guy that he had ever played football with, no question.... and that you'd have to be crazy to pick a fight with him. He said nobody on the team every wanted any part of Mitchell, including the linemen :laugh:

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I can't believe some of ya'll just let this lay !!?? I am continually amazed at BOTH white and Black folk who cannot just LET IT GO !!! That being said...

It is obvious that most of you have a prejudice againt Samoans and Inuits !!

Mark Schlereth

Joe Salavea

are the toughest !!

Well sometimes things need to be said. Otherwise, actions fall into the category of acceptable b/c noone has said anything about it. Seriously, go through this thread, as I have done, and I will submit that it now appears to be 50/50 in terms of votes.................yet the all-time roster percentage is probably something much more like 75/25 (A.A./C.A.)

Its clear based on the votes of this thread that our fans tilt toward the caucasion players more often than the african american players when considering toughness. I posted my comments with the sole purpose of causing some to stop and think about why that is.

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