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CP Post Game Comments (kicking coaches out of locker room, (merged).


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so with CPs comments and the way TC attacked the Bears on the last TD drive. i want to know who was calling those plays. if it was gibbs, al, or TC on the field reading the coverage, since he does know the al playbook its a feasible conclusion.

the attacking late in the game mentality had to start somewhere.

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Holy smokes!

The Redskins have been handicapped by Gibbs' overly conservative playcalling, but this is still a Coach whose football team that has had 2nd half leads in 9 out of 13 games.


and they are 6-7. gibbs need to go. you just made that point clear.


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So Gibbs needs to go so the franchise can start all over again.That sure hasn't worked very well in the past.I believe some of the problems that have plagued this team can be attributed to Joe but many are beyond his control.In my opinion,Coach Gibbs should finish out his contract then possibly continue with the team in a manegerial capacity.

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So Gibbs needs to go so the franchise can start all over again.That sure hasn't worked very well in the past.I believe some of the problems that have plagued this team can be attributed to Joe but many are beyond his control.In my opinion,Coach Gibbs should finish out his contract then possibly continue with the team in a manegerial capacity.

:applause: :cheers:

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What makes you think he's saying anything like this? That would be unlikely, don't you think?

I don't know what he is saying.

I'm not totally sure what Portis said as I didn't hear it :)

I am only going by what the first post in this thread where it is alleged Portis said in a post-game interview that they kept the coaches out of the locker room b/c they didn't want to hear how close the game was going to be.

I was merely saying that IF that is what the coaches are saying before a game, it seems like an odd thing to say. It seems like before a game you would give a pep talk or words for your players to rally around.

Not a win-by-the-skin-of-our-teeth hope. :)

Don't take my words as some harsh condemnation of Gibbs. I'm not one of these "geniuses" that is calling for him to be pushed out the door and blow up the team.

I want Gibbs to stay.

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I agree. Ive yet to hear from Gibbs "This is a good team, with the ability to put teams away". All ive heard is comments about how every week is going to be a struggle. I know if I was a player id be tired of hearing it. You want to have confidence in your own abilities.

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so with CPs comments and the way TC attacked the Bears on the last TD drive. i want to know who was calling those plays. if it was gibbs, al, or TC on the field reading the coverage, since he does know the al playbook its a feasible conclusion.

the attacking late in the game mentality had to start somewhere.

when were on that last scoring drive when it became third down Gibbs started fumbling with is headset to cut it on and i read gibbs lips saying you gotta think we gonna punt or something like that..i know for sure he said punt into his head set anf he was probably telling al to run the ball and play it safe and then punt..

Thank goodness al ignored him and three the ball

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Uno Boss,

Way to COMPLETELY speculate.

Ever stop and think that Gibbs may have just been saying to someone "Make sure the punt team is ready?" Or maybe he said exactly what you said. The point is, who freakin' knows?

PS: I love how Joe gets blamed for the playcalling in the losses, but when we win, it was Saunders doing.

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Here is the link for those who like to hear the exact words:



I hope Gibbs will watch that and hopefully learn something we can use for the next 3 games. This is one area where I think Gibbs' leadership could really improve.

I think Gibbs got used to playing down expectations and getting his team focused when they were clearly the superior team in the 80s. Now it's different, and so I hope he realizes soon that with this team he needs to pump them up a bit sometimes.

You have to be able to do both, and you have to know when to use each type of motivation.

Anyway, CP said it very well and very clearly. Someone needs to email Gibbs this link! :)

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Negativity breeds negativity. You hear it long enough, you begin to believe it. I believe the coaches have brainwashed the team into playing close games. If the coaches show no confidence in the player's abilities, then we might as well fold up the tents and disband the franchise. It's a shame that the players are the one's to make themselves believe. This has been my rant against Gibbs since he came back. He was always a worry wart in his first stint, but he always gave his team the confidence to beat anyone. This time, he shows no confidence. I couldn't believe it when we threw the ball on 3rd and goal to put us up 24-13. Imagine if we had have been playing like that all year long? We might be 8-4.

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Looks like they may have even had an impact on Gibbs as he actually allowed us to throw the ball a lot more, which led to a lot of success.

Did you happen to see the stat quoted last night stating over the previous 3 games Campbell set a franchise record for the most pass attempts by a Redskins QB? Here are JC's numbers:

Cownuts = 54 attempts

Bucs = 49 attempts

Bills = 37 attempts

Last night, Campbell and Collins combined to throw 36 passes. Technically, that's fewer than any of the previous 3 games.

I'm not saying it wasn't nice to see them keep throwing the ball, but how can you correlate the players actions with making Gibbs "throw the ball a lot more." We threw it less.

It looks like you're trying to make things fit in with your personal viewpoint, rather than looking at the numbers.:doh:

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Portis has a good point.

I think that stategy of saying this is going to be a close game etc. etc. etc. is more suited for a different type of team.

In Gibb's first go around the Redskins generally fielded much better teams and Gibb's wouldn't want them to get too confident.

This team needs the opposite. They need to feel they can blow teams out.

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Sounds like they're tired of his BS. Looks like they may have even had an impact on Gibbs as he actually allowed us to throw the ball a lot more, which led to a lot of success. Sticking with a failing ground game for 60 minutes only has value if it leads to one of two things: 1) Keep the D honest, or 2) wear the defense down. We can throw the ball on anyone when we open it up, so we dont' even need to keep the D honest. Running 25 times a game for 50 yards like against the bills is literally a WASTE OF DOWNS and opportunties to throw the ball for big gains. Also, our O-line isn't going to wear anyone down. It's about damn time he realized that and opened it up. That's the only reason we were able to win today, because he didn't coach like a retard. And I sure am thankful for that.

"Allowed us to throw the ball a lot more"? Did you miss the graphic they put up last night where Campbell has set a new franchise record over the last 3 games for most pass attempts in 3 consecutive games by a Skins QB EVER? That does not sound like Gibbs is holding anyone back from throwing the ball. We never through that many times in 3 games with Joey T in the game. Or Doug W. Or Mark R.

Come on, this beating on Gibbs for not throwing the ball has got to stop because he has sure changed things. Open your eyes and see what is happening rather than just listening to the same old assumptive gripes week after week.

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Uno Boss,

Way to COMPLETELY speculate.

Ever stop and think that Gibbs may have just been saying to someone "Make sure the punt team is ready?" Or maybe he said exactly what you said. The point is, who freakin' knows?

PS: I love how Joe gets blamed for the playcalling in the losses, but when we win, it was Saunders doing.


It's just like when Brunell was QB.

When the offense was playing great and they were getting the ball downfield, it was all Santana Moss' doing. Mark got no credit.

But when the 'O' had an off day, it was all Brunell's fault. :rolleyes:

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Gibbs isn't the one out there unable to manage a measly one yard on fourth and 1. most of the problems this year, aside from injuries, have been on the players and no amount of wanking will change that: bonehead penalties; pathetic execution; incessant turnovers that have led to game ending scores. in the end...this season is about players who never came together as a team with an identity and purpsoe. it's been a comedy of errors from day 1.

I think problems go three ways with this team:

1) injuries

2) boneheaded plays by the players

3) coaching scared

Maybe 2 is caused by 3 and 3 is caused by 1.

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What makes you think he's saying anything like this? That would be unlikely, don't you think?

Have you ever listened to the press conference leading up to the games. I know he has to talk coachspeak and not give the other team bulletin board material, but he pretty much hypes up the other team to godlike status and talks like our players couldn't find their own helmet if it was handed to them.

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So Gibbs needs to go so the franchise can start all over again.That sure hasn't worked very well in the past.I believe some of the problems that have plagued this team can be attributed to Joe but many are beyond his control.In my opinion,Coach Gibbs should finish out his contract then possibly continue with the team in a manegerial capacity.

I'd like him to say thanks for the memories and not be a manager. He's not a great talent evaluator and I think he'll really want to go back to NASCAR anyway.

He's done a good job of pointing us in the right direction, but honestly I want a hotshot asst. GM from another team and a hotshot offensive minded assistant coach to come in here and modernize this team for football in 2008, not 1982.

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So Gibbs needs to go so the franchise can start all over again.That sure hasn't worked very well in the past.I believe some of the problems that have plagued this team can be attributed to Joe but many are beyond his control.In my opinion,Coach Gibbs should finish out his contract then possibly continue with the team in a manegerial capacity.

This is the truth and was brought up in an intelligent manner pre-game by Collinsworth. We've had 5 coaches in 9 years. That doesn't bode well for a team gelling together or any overarching football philosophies.

Also, why people refuse to see that we've had 11 starters miss games this year and many of them multiple games or season ending injuries. We've also had backups that have been forced to start miss games. The Rams have had similar problems and it took them over half a season to get one win.

CP did also bring up, as mentioned, that TC gets no practice reps. I for one don't think he is by any means better than JC, but he is a veteran who knows this offense very well. So we almost certainly have more plays at our disposal with him under center.

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Uno Boss,

Way to COMPLETELY speculate.

Ever stop and think that Gibbs may have just been saying to someone "Make sure the punt team is ready?" Or maybe he said exactly what you said. The point is, who freakin' knows?

PS: I love how Joe gets blamed for the playcalling in the losses, but when we win, it was Saunders doing.

I'll continue to speculate if you promise to continue to spin..

Its the most critical third down of our season ....if we make it we eat more time and atleast get into closer FG range..

And you are telling me that our beloved coach was making sure the punt team was ready? When the ST's coach is on the sidelines with him and doesnt have a head set ?

Oh come ooon!!!

Ha ha ha ha

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It's like this, if you speak it into existance, it will come to pass. I'm glad CP & Co. decided to keep the coaches out because that's exactly what they needed to do. If the coaches don't know what to say to get the team going, then it should be up to the team.

I learned a long time ago that you don't say things that you don't want to happen.

A long time ago when I played little league football for the Brosville (Pronounced like "braz" not "bro") Bulldogs, my coach Sammy Williams, taught me a valuable lesson. One day, during a hot humid practice, on a dusty football/baseball field, one of my teamates made a comment stating that we were going to lose our next game against the Southside Raiders. Coach Williams heard the comment and got very angry. He made this kid, run 10 laps around a full sized football field. Now keep in mind, the kid was only like 10 or 11 years old. When the kid finally got back, the coach looked him dead in the eye and said " Son, I don't ever want to hear you say those words again. If you believe that, then what the hell are you doing here. We're the Brosville Bulldogs, we're not in the business of losing". I understood exactly what he way trying to convey. All it takes is one bad seed to create a weed.

First and foremost to win, you must first win in your mind. If you don't believe you can win and win convincingly, then it won't happen in reality. Concieve it, believe it, achieve it.

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