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Gilbert Arenas comments regarding Sean Taylor


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As always, A search was done before posting.

From Gilbert Arenas blog on NBA.com


R.I.P., Sean Taylor

Sean Taylor … oh man, that is a tragic story. You know, I didn’t really know him personally. The only football players I see is when they come into the arena. So, I don’t know him personally, but I know his number, so I know he’s a popular player here in D.C.

With me, what I hate about the whole thing is that there’s people out there in the world who I call losers because they wait for somebody else to get big and get famous and then they come and try to take from them because they’re too lazy to actually work themselves.

That just hurts my heart to see people like him, sleeping with his family and someone decides to come into his house to get a couple dollars when he could be out on the corner begging for money to get those dollars. You know, those quarters add up. Add those quarters up from a couple hours a day and you’ll be good, bums do it all the time. It’s a good living. There’s bums that I give $5 or $20 to a day. If you hit the right corner … BOOM … you’ll be living like Taylor in a couple years.

But if you decide to go into somebody’s house armed to take a couple dollars … I mean, who keeps money in their house? I’m not a scientist or a genius, but I know if you come into my house you aren’t going to get nothing. You might get some pocket change, but the big money, that’s what the banks are for.

So you come into somebody’s house and then you shoot him, that is … I don’t even know what to say. Jesus Christ! Give me a break here. Is that what a good life is about now? You look for somebody who’s rich and then you rob him?

What happened to drug dealers robbing drug dealers? That just doesn’t happen anymore? I’ve seen the movie American Gangster and they didn’t go bothering no rich people.

I don’t understand it. That’s like the new thing now, going into athletes’ houses and just robbing them. It happened to Eddy Curry, Antoine Walker and then they tried to get Flip Murray too. It’s like, man, is that what they do? Just scout out athletes houses and then strike?

Then a player dies in a tragedy like this and if it was on the other hand he was at a club and it happened everybody would be like, “Why was he in a club?” But you can’t even be in your house anymore without finding trouble.

Man, I’m going to have to leave some tickets for Bush to a Wizards game so he can have his secret service set up outside my house. This is ridiculous.

Rest in peace, Sean Taylor. I hope the D.C. area and the Redskins fans can get over this. I know he had a little daughter and it’s going to be real hard for her right now.

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Gilbert had a lot in common with Sean ... both fan favorites and the best players on their teams ... both a little bit misunderstood ... both working really hard at their sport ... both from broken homes but with very strong father figures ... both with rough parts of their childhood but more middle class than ghetto ... both unmarried but with young kids and trying to do things right.

...Gil was even wrongly arrested down in Miami once.

I guess the difference is that Gilbert did buy a house in the DC area, while Sean still lived at home in Florida ... not that it couldn't happen here, but you read how Gilbert talks about bums and his summer games in the projects in Southeast, and you can tell he feels really safe in the DC area.

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