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Sorry, but need to get this off my chest.


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There's a little bit of a different here. Mainly that if police take time off it doesn't mean criminals do.

If you postpone a football game you simply postpone a football game. It doesn't have much of a negative impact on anything.

Apples and Oranges.

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Two things:

1. Sorry for your losss. It hurts when any one we love or know, or like pass away.

2. Who said there's only room in our hearts to mourn or care about one thing at a time? I'm sorry for everyone everywhere ever who is sad or lost someone, or needs help... In addition to your troops that have been lost, there are countless children dying from hungar, or being murdered in front of thier parents by drug lords that our government funds... Why only mention your loss? Is your loss more or less than anyone elses? No. It's horribly sad in all cases for someone. This is a message board for the Washington Redskins, and as such one of our favorite players on our team was murdered. In a forum made specificly for talking about the team that we all love, it seems completely appropriate to come here to greive. I'm sure that when you lose a member of your team, you greive appropriatly when ever you are in a forum to speak or communicate with other people who are greiving the same loss as you are. Did we personally know Sean Taylor the way you knew the Troopers that fell? No. Not most of us anyway. But does that mean that it doesn't hurt us at all, or at least to the point where we feel we want to come to a forum filled with other people that feel the same way we do to talk about it? No.

So please. I'm all for perspective, but you need to have some as well. This is a Washington Redskins Message Board. If we, as fans who live and die by every play (put into proper perspevtive after this weeks events) feel the need to mourn, or greive about a member of OUR team, this seems like a more appropriate place to do it then going to the funeral of a fallen Trooper and trying to tell their friends and family abuot how sad they should be about Sean Taylor....

Thank you for the service you do for your fellow man, and I hope you know that I mean no disrespect to your fallen Brothers, as a culture it seems strage that we celebrate the athleticly gifteted, or the good looking over that of the people that really help us in this world such as yourself or teachers or firemen... But it doesn't mean we shouldn't greive when we lose someone we consider to be in our family. Even if it's just our Football Family....

Well said! :notworthy

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Sorry but your troopers are not natonal names, nor anyone special. We have ALL lost a friend or love one in silent abyss. Beng a tropper in CO is no different than a mine worker in WVa. Both dangerous jobs but chosen occupations. I myself was in a near fatal accident, no one but my family cared. When a pro athlete is murdered it is big news because their occupation should is not considered perilous and they, unlike your tropper, are on a national stage.

This is a unique situation because the team must attend a Monday funeral and get prepared to play a Thursday game. That leaves 2 days to prepare, both physically and emotionally. That gives the Bears an unfair advantage. In this unprecedented case, I think a one day postponement is warranted.

This situation is unique because the team must attend a monday funeral and get prepared to play a thursday game... Let me guess the troopers don't have to go to work after their friend dies? Are you kidding me? How is this situatino unique? I think you're being insensitive.

I think that you really need to think a bit more before posting. Actually A LOT more.

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The point I was trying to make (which is football related) is that postponing the game is silly. I was trying to say that life does not and will not stop. The football games should ...... must go on. I was writing this for the people who thought that we should stop football life until we are ok. We will never be ok with this.....it is just something that we will have to deal with.

The point of postponing the game wasn't so that the Skins could be "ok". There are logistics impacted when a team has played on Sunday, is scheduled to play again on Thursday and will be gone an entire day between for a funeral. Normally the Skins would be using Monday to watch film, receive treatment, etc. Because of the funeral, they will not have that opportunity to do so on Monday. Now everything will have to be compacted into two days instead of having three to do it all.

Postponing the game was for logistical issues, not emotional ones.

Frankly, I'm bewildered at why the game isn't postponed given the circumstances. I have heard that the Bears were willing to have the game on Fri or Sat. I'm not sure, though, that the Skins ever requested that it be postponed vs. the NFL refusing to reschedule it.

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Wanna bet ST? And I suggest very strongly that second sentence vanish as well. Regardless of content or context, any responses to that poster,Or any other), will be within the rules. Let's make that clear right now.

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Frankly, I'm bewildered at why the game isn't postponed given the circumstances. I have heard that the Bears were willing to have the game on Fri or Sat. I'm not sure, though, that the Skins ever requested that it be postponed vs. the NFL refusing to reschedule it.

Here (in Miami) they reported early in the wk that the NFL had offered to postpone the game if that was what the Reskins needed. The Commish was actually unbelievably gracious in the speech. It struck me because he appeared really affected. Per the newscst, the Redskins decided to go ahead per Pedro Taylor's request.

How awesome is that...

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You win donkey of the year award. How dare you.

Yeah, like I'm gonna be offended by someone so eloquent and articulate. My point is he is no different than any other person who is killed. Being a tropper does not warrant ceremony any more than a fallen soldier or uncle dave. He chose that profession and knew the risks, and did not die some kind of hero. I don't expect you to get it. If you don't agree with something I say this is not the appropriate way to express it. Perhaps unwitty insults are the extent of your vocabulary.

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Guest Rafterman
Finally, someone speaks with a sense of reason. I am sorry about your troops bro. Hopefully the State has the resources to properly care for the families in this tragedy.

It is past time people here get over the ST murder. If they have not found the proper place to put it within themselves by now, they need help.

This tragedy has been an eye opener for me, at not in a positive way.

After seeing the reaction of some of the people on this BBS I'm really shocked to see how many actually do need help.

Some people need to get a grip and fast. Making overt and veiled threats to people in the media because they don't like their opinions, going off with a lynch mob mentality against the suspects. We lose good men in a pointless war in Iraq everyday, where is the outrage for them?

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This situation is unique because the team must attend a monday funeral and get prepared to play a thursday game... Let me guess the troopers don't have to go to work after their friend dies? Are you kidding me? How is this situatino unique? I think you're being insensitive.

I think that you really need to think a bit more before posting. Actually A LOT more.

That is not even close to being the same and I think you know that. You don't have to prepare 18 hours a day to go out and be a tropper.

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I wasn't going to say anything but I changed my mind. I've kept silent on these boards through the entire Sean Taylor shooting. But I can't any longer. I'll try to be nice with my comments though.

To compare Sean Taylor's death with that of a police officer, or soldiers in Iraq, or anyone else is ludicrous. Sean Taylor was a famous athlete that was known across America. Millions of people have heard about him. Like it or not, a whole lot of people will and did mourn his passing.

I've been reading a LOT of coverage about Taylor's death. He was my favorite Redskin. His rookie jersey was the first jersey I've ever bought, finally upgrading from t-shirts after all these years as a Skins fan. I've read in other places that I should be mourning others that died, that I've never heard about, as much as Sean Taylor. Like I'm less of a person because I didn't mourn someone that died hundreds of miles away and it was only reported on local news. That's a load of BS. I was pissed enough when I read it in the media, but now to have someone posting the same drivel here in the heart of Skins territory on the web, it's just the last straw.

Did any of you mourn my best friend when he died of AIDS a few years ago? Did any of you mourn my next door neighbor that died in June? No. I didn't expect you to. You've never heard of them. You didn't know how much they meant to me and thier other friends and family.

Comparing a celebrity death that is publicized through the media to the death of someone that isn't in the media is crazy. Any two deaths are not the same. All deaths are tragic. Ok, maybe not all deaths, some are well deserved. But the point is, your story is touching. I feel for the deaths and disabilities of your fellow troopers. But they have nothing to do with the way people feel about Sean Taylor. Just like the deaths of my friends have nothing to do with it.

There's so much more I want to say, but I think I've said enough.

I agree. Also to the OP, Sean died protecting those who could protect themselves, which is one of the most gallant acts a human being can do. You should be proud of the man.

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Don't worry, I don't think most people are mad at you for your post. Your post is absolutely right. While Sean T.'s loss is devastating, and this Sunday's game is going to be difficult to watch, life goes on. We are going to miss him, but the best thing our team can do is go out there today, play an inspired game, and beat the frickin' HELL out of the Bills!!

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That is not even close to being the same and I think you know that. You don't have to prepare 18 hours a day to go out and be a tropper.

Football is a game. It's outcome has zero impact in the grand scheme of things. By and large, the life of a Football player has little impact to the community, aside from those who use their fame and fortune to give back. The life of a Trooper is all about impact on the community. There is a tangible difference. As a society we absolutely have our priorities backwards in what we value. We assign hero status to players of a game, and barely notice our true heros.

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Thanks for all the kind words from all of you about my profession (Amen skinamatic)

I guess I wrote it wrong. I am not looking for sympathies for my job and what we do. The point I was trying to make (which is football related) is that postponing the game is silly. I was trying to say that life does not and will not stop. The football games should ...... must go on. I was writing this for the people who thought that we should stop football life until we are ok. We will never be ok with this.....it is just something that we will have to deal with.

Once again....thank you for the kind words, but that is not what I was looking for.

Thank you for your service to the citizens of Colorado. There are certainly many easier, more lucrative professions and your choice is commendable.

I think your follow up post makes your original point a little more clear. I agree, life does go on, does get better, and can't be put on hold. We've got to keep moving forward. We won't forget or dismiss the memories of Sean and how special he was, but we must move forward.

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You'll be offended by this, I'm sure, but a professional football player is more important to society than traffic police. Most of the nation hates state troopers because no one knows of the good things you do for people in distress largely because you're pulling people over for going 70 in a 55 on a road that is only 55 so you have a job to make money pulling people who are going 70 over.

A professional football player touches a community and a world because he is the ELITE of the world in what he does. Just as every athlete, professional musician in the National Symphony and every great actor and every top scientist is admired and respected by some because they've achieved a level of greatness the vast majority of humanity never could.

A computer guy, or state cop, or human resources exec is what everyone is and what everyone does and what everyone can be. It's just not going to be the same.

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Thank you for your service to the citizens of Colorado. There are certainly many easier, more lucrative professions and your choice is commendable.

I think your follow up post makes your original point a little more clear. I agree, life does go on, does get better, and can't be put on hold. We've got to keep moving forward. We won't forget or dismiss the memories of Sean and how special he was, but we must move forward.

Sorry, I replied to the wrong post.

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Football is a game. It's outcome has zero impact in the grand scheme of things. By and large, the life of a Football player has little impact to the community, aside from those who use their fame and fortune to give back. The life of a Trooper is all about impact on the community. There is a tangible difference. As a society we absolutely have our priorities backwards in what we value. We assign hero status to players of a game, and barely notice our true heros.

You may have a point there. In that context how is a tropper any different than a doctor or teacher? I hold them in much higher regard.

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Well you have to realize we've all had people die. Do I know about the tragedy that you've just went through? No, they were not nationally known people and the press doesn't have time to cover every death from every day.

Your fellow troopers, yes, affected the lives of many, hopefully in a positive manner. Sean Taylor also did this. Silly as some people may see it, athletes ARE our role models, heroes, and FRIENDS.

I apologize especially if you knew the two men and even more if you knew them well, it's never easy to lose a "brother" of sorts.

NO I wouldn't agree with postponing games but at the same time this is the NFL, which isn't necessary for the proper control and security of a state, so people aren't placing as much importance on the timely re-arrival to work, they're looking at it as more of an accomodation for people that are really hurting right now, which is very understandable.

Once again, really sorry to hear about your loss man, keep your head high and represent your fellow Troopers well.

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