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Sorry, but need to get this off my chest.


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To the OP - as a police officer, you are taking a risky job and you go into it knowing that you or your colleagues could be hurt or killed at any time. You accept that, and that acceptance is a built in way for you to handle it when something does happen. Also, you may have to continue working through your grieving, but most law enforcement departments have the resources to bring in grief counselors to help you and your families cope. As sports fans from all different backgrounds, many of us counted on each other last week because we don't have the kind of resources, nor do we understand the gravity of tragedy, the way police officers do. And I'm sure most of us here went about our responsibilites just fine, albeit with heavy hearts.

People deal with things in many different ways. And they have reasons for why something affects them more than something else. I think most of us respect the risks police officers take in trying to maintain peace and order in our world, but it doesn't mean we use it to temper our feelings for things that affect use more directly.

Very well said, police officers a lot of times go unnoticed but at the same time they get all the credit they have coming to them. I can think of a few times where they weren't much help to folks in my area...too busy with other stuff. That's neither here nor there they have a ruff life and do what they need to do in order for us to be safe. God bless them!:cool:

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I salute you, however let's just face facts, look at the condition of this country and society as a whole today. Why is it any athlete professional that is can be paid millions of dollars when today's teachers are paid just above poverty levels. Why do Football players make more money than doctors, police officers or even the men and woman over in Iraq right now protecting us? This country is ass backwards and instead of policing the world and trying to force a certain set of beliefs on other people we need to close the borders and deal with the horrible crap going on in this country like 12 year old girls having babies, Adults sleeping with children, Gas prices so high. So for me it is what it is and it isn't very pretty........

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Sorry, but I just had to get that off my chest. Thank you.


I feel ya, bro...I come from a family of cops myself, and when I see a story about a cop being killed in the line, it really gets to me. It's a thankless job sometimes...sad that it took an event like 9/11 to make people realize who the real heroes are.

Keep up the good work and stay safe, bro... :cheers:

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