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comment in Miami Herald article troubles me.


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There is an article taling about an injury to the femoral artery and how quickly you lose blood but this comment about ST's incident stuck out.

Police said they received the call for help about 15 minutes after the shooting.

Now it was originally reported that taylor's girlfriend said the phone did not work so she had to use her cell phone and now I have heard that the phone lines were not cut.

Why did it take 15 minutes to call the police?

I keep heraing about all these theories about what could have happened, and the women at my work say that a shot in the groin has to mean a jealous lover, ex-girlfriend, or even his current ex-girlfriend.

I am posting this to get an idea on if I am out of line to think that something is off if it took 15 minutes to call the cope.

What do you think?

EDIT- Sorry I must have missed the other thread on this topic. Mods please close or merge and please have mercy on my soul.

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Also, this has actually been posted, even says "miami herald article."

What I'd also point out is HOW DO WE KNOW it was 15 minutes. It may have merely seemed to be 15 or she mistakenly thought of the time elapsed from waking up to the noise to the time the police got there.

It's really unfair to judge without knowing for SURE what happened with that.

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I think you are reading too much into it.

There can be any number of reasons why it took 15 min's to place the call. She was obviously frantic. She may have been trying to help him first. Maybe she couldn't locate the cell phone. It's possible she did not have her own cell phone and had to try to find Sean's. Basically, in a crazy situation like that, there could be any number of reasons why the call took 15 min's.....

Second, being shot in the groin appears to have been random. It was not as though Sean was asleep when the intruder/shooter barged into the bedroom. Sean was there waiting with a machete. I highly doubt the perp was so sure a shot that while being confronted with a machete-wielding Sean Taylor that they could have quickly aimed to shoot him in the groin just to make a point. The person probably quickly fired at Sean a few times and ran like hell.

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Many things could have taken place within those 15 minutes. When someone is in your house, you are afraid for your life and want to ensure that no imminent threat is still present before you reach for a phone.

I haven't checked this recently, but I thought that phones used to work in such a manner that if you take one phone off the hook, you can no longer make a call on another on that same line. If true, then all an intruder would have to do when they broke in would be to take the phone off hook and then go about their dirty work. It is difficult to speculate on the time frame.

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My friend is a homicide detective...and he says look no further at the obvious...the girlfriend has got to be #1 suspect...who in the right mind would break into a house in Miami not knowing who is in the house or what weapons the people in the house have...unless you have an inside source...they already said the neighborhood is very safe and the majority of people in Miami own weapons or some type of protection.

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My friend is a homicide detective...and he says look no further at the obvious...the girlfriend has got to be #1 suspect...who in the right mind would break into a house in Miami not knowing who is in the house or what weapons the people in the house have...unless you have an inside source...they already said the neighborhood is very safe and the majority of people in Miami own weapons or some type of protection.

if this happened to a player on another team I would entertain this, but i can't even think about his fiancee being part of this ...

I think she panicked, couldn't find a land line, and then couldn't find a cell.

but who knows, maybe that 15 min is inaccurate

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My friend is a homicide detective...and he says look no further at the obvious...the girlfriend has got to be #1 suspect...who in the right mind would break into a house in Miami not knowing who is in the house or what weapons the people in the house have...unless you have an inside source...they already said the neighborhood is very safe and the majority of people in Miami own weapons or some type of protection.

My thoughts exactly. It's likely that the GF knows the killer. It's also likely that the killer knew that ST only had a machette to defend himself. I'd like to see what kind of estate planning that ST did in regards to the GF. I was thinking the GF's x boyfriend may have done it.

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My friend is a homicide detective...and he says look no further at the obvious...the girlfriend has got to be #1 suspect...who in the right mind would break into a house in Miami not knowing who is in the house or what weapons the people in the house have...unless you have an inside source...they already said the neighborhood is very safe and the majority of people in Miami own weapons or some type of protection.

I undestand that point. But maybe the intruder knew Sean well (i.e. a friend or a person he pushed away b/c of the bad influence), knew he didn't have a gun, and wanted to injure him. Whether it was to keep ST from coming after them or just to purely injure him. I personally think it was someone he knew or maybe pushed away...Just my opinion...

Either way, it's a shame ST lost his life this way! My wife and I were crying last night thinking about his family and little girl! The thing that got me was she'll never experience her father's love! :(

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This thread should be merged with this one: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224294

My thoughts exactly. It's likely that the GF knows the killer. It's also likely that the killer knew that ST only had a machette to defend himself. I'd like to see what kind of estate planning that ST did in regards to the GF. I was thinking the GF's x boyfriend may have done it.
I think this is really wild speculation. First, any ex-boyfriend would have to be from like 8 years ago or something, since she had been dating Taylor since high school.

Also, we know that Sean's life insurance named his sister, not his girlfriend, as a beneficiary.


If he never changed his life insurance, I wouldn't be surprised that if he had done any estate planning, none of it names his girlfriend.

Also, given Sean's aversion to agents in general, I would not be surprised if he died intestate and the money will just go to his family.

And even if the girlfriend is named as a beneficiary somewhere, it would have been a LOT better for her after they were married. She would have been able to inherit Sean's entire estate tax-free if she was his wife.

There's really no logical reason to suspect the girlfriend here.

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My friend is a homicide detective...and he says look no further at the obvious...the girlfriend has got to be #1 suspect...who in the right mind would break into a house in Miami not knowing who is in the house or what weapons the people in the house have...unless you have an inside source...they already said the neighborhood is very safe and the majority of people in Miami own weapons or some type of protection.

but if you know the house belongs to a football player that plays in Washington, the house should be empty on a Sunday. They broke in successfully a week before and knew the house was empty, but came back for that safe they weren't able to get in the first time.

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I dont want to accuse anyone because none of us were there, but a couple things bother me as well. For instance the time between the shot and the 911 call seems to have taken a while. I understand you would be scared for your life and you would want to check your surroundings but I sure as hell would check to see if my baby and my bf were ok first and then I would call the police. My guess would be taht would take between 1-5 minutes (not positive because I have never been in that situation) 15 minutes just seems like an awful long time to wait to call the police..doesnt seem right...was she waiting that long to see if it was ok to come out of hiding? Also I want to know why an alarm did not go off? Did they some how shut of the alram when the cut off the phone lines. Was the alarm not set that night for some reason? Also who knew he was down in Miami? Gibbs said he was not aware he was in Miami at that time. He knew about the week prior (because of the break in) and he knew Sean was getting therapy on the Saturday before and had to be back in Ashburn Monday morning.. who knew he was going to be there a couple of days. I am sure a lot of what I am thinking is just chibber chabber but it does concern me a little. I guess no one can really speculate until the facts are given. I really hope that no one close to him had anything to do with this. If so they are going to wish they were dead!

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if this happened to a player on another team I would entertain this, but i can't even think about his fiancee being part of this ...

I think she panicked, couldn't find a land line, and then couldn't find a cell.

but who knows, maybe that 15 min is inaccurate

I'm sure she feared for her life or kidnapping... after all she is the niece of Andy Garcia the actor.

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something just doesn't add up right now. I kinda get the feeling that the identity of the shooter isn't going to be what most people think. Anyone else getting that feeling?

Until we have the truth about it, it's all just speculation. Hell, we may never find out what truly happened.

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Yeah out of respect for Sean I'm not going to get involved in wild speculation because we're talking about his family here....

I hope they find the person(s) responsible for this tragedy but I prefer the topics celebrating his life and morning over his death to those guessing and speculating over what occurred. This is my only retreat from the media that keeps speculating and labeling what occurred that night rather than giving Sean Taylor the proper tribute he deserves. I'd be devastated if this board becomes full of threads with people guessing what lead to his murder. It doesn't fix the fact that Sean Taylor is no longer with us nor does it bring any closure in the way of Miami Police solving the case would.

Thanks and please understand I don't mean this to be rude or that you are any less of a fan of ST than I am. Its just a request and my personal feelings/opinion.

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I'm sure she did not stop and time herself. She had to approximate timing for the police report, which is typical. In a situation like that, five minutes will feel like an entire day. There is no way to know how much time actually lapsed between shooting and reaching the emergency switchboard.

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Usually in this type of case, the police can have a good feeling whether the girlfriend did it, by her reaction. If she doesn't seem overly upset and traumatized about his death when talking to her, then the police become suspicious. It's not enough to arrest her obviously, but enough to start looking at her as a possible suspect.

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