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Feel Like Smackin' Someone....

Capt. Kaos

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As I Sit here at work in a total state of numbness, trying to understand the last several hours. Without much luck I might add. Shedding tears for everyone that loved Sean, including myself and trying to find some comfort among other friends and fans on ES. In walks a customer, asks how my day is going.. I answer honestly and tell him " not so good, my favorite NFL player passed this morning".

To which is reply was.. "oh yeah, I heard something about that. There's more to that story, he probably did something to deserve getting shot"

It took every ounce of self-control I could muster to not smack the **** out of him right where he stood!!!

What would possess a human being to say that about another human being, aside from some horrific acts (none of which ST took part in) noone "deserves" to be murdered. More importantly, no little girl "deserves" to have her daddy taken from her, no family "deserves" to have a member torn away, no human being has the right to destroy lives the way that this tragedy has.

Sorry for my venting, had to get it off my chest and the first 3 people I called to help with that were in meetings.

God Bless Sean's Family, Friends, Teammates, and Fans.....

My prayers are with everyone this tragedy touches!!!

Retire #21!!!!!

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I understand where you're coming from. I was watching one of Sean's videos on youtube, and I seen one of the most evil comments...it was so unreal I can't explain it with words. I didn't want to post it on here, because it's guaranteed that everybody would flip out. I just wish I knew who it was who posted that comment.

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We all need to maintain our poise, and our calm in all this. Everyone is broken over this, everyone is sad, many of us are also angry, but we have a choice on how we react on this anger, we need to make sure we do not let that anger eat up our insides or explode as a volcano like those around us. Please I beg my fellow ESers if you feel you have issues with anger, please get some help, talk to a counselor, pastor, HR person, someone. Sean would not want us to respond to his death by lashing out at those around us.

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After that statement, I thought it wise to quickly and quietly walk away from the "gentleman" and find a task to perform that didnt include his face and my hands!

I just could'nt believe his attitude, I am absolutely sure (the red eyes, cracking voice, and total void of any expression) that my pain and concern was evident. Everyday someone from the human race amazes me, some good, some bad.... but this guy really made me angry!

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After that statement, I thought it wise to quickly and quietly walk away from the "gentleman" and find a task to perform that didnt include his face and my hands!

I just could'nt believe his attitude, I am absolutely sure (the red eyes, cracking voice, and total void of any expression) that my pain and concern was evident. Everyday someone from the human race amazes me, some good, some bad.... but this guy really made me angry!

It is really disgusting how some people just have no regard for human life. I was reading i think on espn.com how someone was wearing a Taylor Jersey at the Washington Caps game last night and the Sabres fan was taunting him over what happened. It is truly sick that some people can even act like this.

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It is really disgusting how some people just have no regard for human life. I was reading i think on espn.com how someone was wearing a Taylor Jersey at the Washington Caps game last night and the Sabres fan was taunting him over what happened. It is truly sick that some people can even act like this.

I heard about this. Didn't the Sabre fan say something like "Is he dead yet?" or something like that?

I'm not a violent person, but I think I would have given that guy a brainbuster if that was directed at me.

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I heard about this. Didn't the Sabre fan say something like "Is he dead yet?" or something like that?

I'm not a violent person, but I think I would have given that guy a brainbuster if that was directed at me.

I read it on an espn message board and i don't know specific details but nobody would make something like that up. It's just dsigusting that people are that sick.

Yeah i can keep my cool but something like that may have made put a fist to that guy's head. He should have been thrown out of the arena for that.

I was also reading the Caps message board and they have a thread under noncaps material and some fans have made light of this whole thing. They ban people all the time on that site but i don't think none of them were banned for their Sean Taylor comments. Absolutely disgusting.

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You did the right thing man some people are just ignorant and he is one of them. I would have just smiled at him and say I 'll pray for you have a good day. I commend people that have to deal with the public on that level. Luckily for me I do not because I would have been fired I have a short fuse.

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Anyone seen Wilbon's take on this?

Wilbon on Sean Taylor:

McLean, Va.: Will your opinion of Taylor change if this does not turn out to be a random incident (e.g. home invasion)?

Michael Wilbon: No...People's opinions are shaped by the way they've grown up, the way they see the world, what they know about the world the person in question grew up in, etc. Sean Taylor isn't the only guy I know who fits his general profile. I've known guys like Taylor all my life, grew up with some. They still have shades of gray and shouldn't be painted in black and white...I know how I feel about Taylor, and this latest news isn't surprising in the least, not to me. Whether this incident is or isn't random, Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it. He ain't the first and won't be the last. We have no idea what happened, or if what we know now will be revised later. It's sad, yes, but hardly surprising.

Columbia, Md.: What makes you think that Taylor was still embracing his old ways? Every thing we have heard from the Redskins and Portis is that this is a new Sean. Apparently the birth of his child really helped to straighten him out. Is this contrary to what you know?

Michael Wilbon: Sorry, but I'n not in the habit of having comapanies with their own public relations agenda tell me about black men and what they feel or don't feel. Pardon me if I'm not that easy.

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It is really disgusting how some people just have no regard for human life. I was reading i think on espn.com how someone was wearing a Taylor Jersey at the Washington Caps game last night and the Sabres fan was taunting him over what happened. It is truly sick that some people can even act like this.

thats completely wrong. especially that person being a fan of a buffalo team. fans of that city, as well as denver, should be the ones helping us through this, not rubbing it in our faces.

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I feel your pain man, I had to come home from school today before I got in a fight.

Some people are so ignorant...my stomach hurts from these people.

They are so ****ing stupid, THEY THINK THIS IS A JOKE MAN!

People are saying **** about this "Taylor sucks, haha" etc.

I couldn't take the **** anymore it made me sick to my stomache literally, I just can't handle it today.



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a friend of my roomate came over last night and said something along the lines of

"how bout sean getting shot in the leg like a punk"

some unknown force kept me from beating him to the point of death right there. had it been today, i might have.

i just can't believe the insensitivity and lack of class of some people.

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Well. I work half a day on Tues. All of my coworkers showed great sympathy to Sean's death. Even the Cowturd fans told my how sad this was and with total sincerity. That was cool.

Such a sad occasion. Id hope my prayers, all our prayers, would have given Sean and his family wonderful results but the Lord had his own plans for him.

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