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Feel Like Smackin' Someone....

Capt. Kaos

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a friend of my roomate came over last night and said something along the lines of

"how bout sean getting shot in the leg like a punk"

some unknown force kept me from beating him to the point of death right there. had it been today, i might have.

i just can't believe the insensitivity and lack of class of some people.

People just dont care anymore. A total lack of civil decorum rules this world. We are all guilty of this. Everyday. We tend to be to damn brutally honest for our own good. No sense of right and wrong. Reason for such a stupid, insensitive comment. Are you sure you can consider him such a friend?

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I unlike you guys have somewhat of a problem controling my emotions. Every morning before I go into work I stop at sheetz and grab a coffee, this morning wearing my ST jersey this guy walks by and bumps me in sheetz causing me to spill a bit of coffee, luckily for him not on my jersey. Then he says watch where your going, like it was my fault even though i was standing still. I gave him the classic F-off. Then it happens. He points at my jersey and says one less thug in the world. I dropped him, one hit right in the middle of sheetz, poured the rest of my coffee on him and got in my car and went to work.

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I unlike you guys have somewhat of a problem controling my emotions. Every morning before I go into work I stop at sheetz and grab a coffee, this morning wearing my ST jersey this guy walks by and bumps me in sheetz causing me to spill a bit of coffee, luckily for him not on my jersey. Then he says watch where your going, like it was my fault even though i was standing still. I gave him the classic F-off. Then it happens. He points at my jersey and says one less thug in the world. I dropped him, one hit right in the middle of sheetz, poured the rest of my coffee on him and got in my car and went to work.

Something tells me you're lying.

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Lie or not that post gave me an incredible gift, a smile.

Something I didnt think I'd feel for a little while atleast. I am the sort that tends to rationalize what I can and get angry at what I can't rationalize so today I am a very angry individual. Not that I act out on those feelings but it gives me a sense of comfort to know that I am not the only person feeling this way.

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As I Sit here at work in a total state of numbness, trying to understand the last several hours. Without much luck I might add. Shedding tears for everyone that loved Sean, including myself and trying to find some comfort among other friends and fans on ES. In walks a customer, asks how my day is going.. I answer honestly and tell him " not so good, my favorite NFL player passed this morning".

To which is reply was.. "oh yeah, I heard something about that. There's more to that story, he probably did something to deserve getting shot"

It took every ounce of self-control I could muster to not smack the **** out of him right where he stood!!!

What would possess a human being to say that about another human being, aside from some horrific acts (none of which ST took part in) noone "deserves" to be murdered. More importantly, no little girl "deserves" to have her daddy taken from her, no family "deserves" to have a member torn away, no human being has the right to destroy lives the way that this tragedy has.

Sorry for my venting, had to get it off my chest and the first 3 people I called to help with that were in meetings.

God Bless Sean's Family, Friends, Teammates, and Fans.....

My prayers are with everyone this tragedy touches!!!

Retire #21!!!!!


The person who said obviously was ignorant. But, you did the right thing by holding your ground. Not doing so is how the cycle begins. One person views an act as "disrespect" and feels like he needs to get "revenge" on that person. The second person retaliates and decides to drag his "boyz" into it. The whole mess escalates all because of a perceived slight and that's why we have people killing people today. I'm not saying this would have happened in your situation, but sometimes the bravest thing to do is simply walking away and praying for that person. I believe in karma and what goes around comes around. He'll get his.

While I can imagine how difficult that must have been, way to go for standing your ground.

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Something tells me you're lying.

I wish i were. Apparently someone got my tag number and the police showed up at my work today :rolleyes: . They lectured me for 10 minutes on how this could have landed me in jail or with a hefty fine and went on to say that the ******* I hit refused to press charges , I guess he felt like an ass after he thought about what he had said. Either that or he didnt want to get hit that hard agian. I was also apparently very lucky that the hot coffee I poured on him didnt leave any burns due to the fact that he was wearing a winter coat :rolleyes: Not sure if sheetz can press charges or not.

Glad I could make someone smile today.

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I'm trying not to start a new thread on this, thought I'd put it here. Sounds like others have having trouble dealing with the callousness of people. I just got hung up on a sports talk radio show in Kansas City.

Yea, I feel boiling mad about it. I NEVER, NEVER call in about stuff. You can see I am in like the first 1600 members here at Extremeskins yet have VERY few posts (and almost all of those are because I got caught up in the Click for Cans thing).

But, I hope others will take a deep breath with me and remember a couple things. Number one is that I can guarantee you I have been flippant about others' losses at other times in my life. That is our culture and that is the nature of modern life. There are about a billion things that come up on a daily basis we probably ought to care deeply about. We just can't, almost no one is built that way. The other thing is that it is wrong of me to want to hit out, no matter what. I instead wrote the following email to the host who hung up on me (Petro on WHB, 810 Kansas City). I'm plenty sarcastic, but don't wish him any harm and I think that is a better outlet then hitting anyone. See what you think:

"Got hung up on by you, so I will finish my sentence here. The point I was making was that you said this young man whose body is not cold and in the ground yet is QUOTE ridiculous UNQUOTE for not using the resources available for to him to distance himself from his violent past. That is crap. You are big enough to admit it, or you are low enough to hang up on someone pointing it out. Either way there, that's on you. In this case, the young man apparently was doing all he could to distance himself from his mistakes that everyone, including his father outside the hospital his son was fighting for his life in, has admitted and wants to use as motivation to keep other kids from making similar mistakes. If you would raise one finger to make sure you know what the hell you are talking about IN THIS CASE, then, yes, you can go on at great length about the big picture and big issues, since God only knows that we need Petro to tell us all what the big picture is. I thank our Heavenly Father that we do have you to inform us what the big issues are and to hang up on those blasphemous enough to disagree with you on any single point. By the way, I work as an RN including stints in downtown Baltimore, Africa, Kansas City (Two Rivers), and elsewhere. I can only guess how misguided my thoughts would be regarding violence in the US without a sports radio talk show host to steer me right.

Former listener "--TH

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I wish i were. Apparently someone got my tag number and the police showed up at my work today :rolleyes: . They lectured me for 10 minutes on how this could have landed me in jail or with a hefty fine and went on to say that the ******* I hit refused to press charges , I guess he felt like an ass after he thought about what he had said. Either that or he didnt want to get hit that hard agian. I was also apparently very lucky that the hot coffee I poured on him didnt leave any burns due to the fact that he was wearing a winter coat :rolleyes: Not sure if sheetz can press charges or not.

Glad I could make someone smile today.

Keeping this short back in 99 on the first Sun after that overtime loss to the Cowboys a fan told me that he'd hope our Skins would go down in a plane crash. It came from his heart. I preceded to punch him in his nose. It felt so good and was a major reason for the hatred I have today for the Turds. I was a bit younger then and wouldn't do that now. And I do appreciate the outpouring of support on their cowboy zone site. Im shocked.

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Turn the other cheek folks. I got a Eagles fan for a boss. He basically said "he brought it on himself."

Take a deep breath and turn the other cheek.

The only thing I would add to that is maybe saying something controlled and non-violent before turning the other cheek. Maybe something along the lines of... IN THIS CASE, all reports inside and outside the Redskins, all reports inside and outside of the family that I have heard indicate that THIS young man was doing what he could to come to grips with mistakes and make them right. I do not ask more of that for myself, I do not think I would ask anything more of that from a son or daughter. It might make for a better culture if we take two seconds to listen to the particulars in a specific case before painting everyone with the same brush.

The other thing I want to do is look at all the times I have brushed off some news item about a public figure like I new the whole story, when I knew zilch and had no basis on which to pass judgment. I need to look at myself as well as others, in my case.

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