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GREGG WILLIAMS is SORRY! (Make your comments about Williams and the D here).


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I've been one of the harshest critics of GW since he starting playing a powder-puff, sit and wait defense four weeks ago. I figured with ST injured he would go even further into a shell.

He didn't. He called more blitzes and stunts yesterday that he had in all the prevous four weeks combined. The defense looked like the Redskins D we've come to love.

There were several glaring missed coverages on Owens (how do you not cover him?) that wouldn't have happened if ST was in there. I doubt Owens would have even wanted to be thrown to. Not to be a sore loser but if ST was in the game we win by two touchdowns.

I totally agree! Some say that a good defense can adjust, but no one can adjust to a T.O. If Sean was in, I think Sean would have handled T.O. I say that T.O. himself knows if Sean would have been there, it would have been a different story.:notworthy :applause: :cheers:

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We did double team him ...With our defensive backfield being as depleted as it is we did exactly what we had to do with the resources that we had...if not the safeties and LB's, at times, who would you suggest that we double team him with?

Do you think that if we sent the whole team at TO that Dallas would not have adjusted to that with Whitten, Clayton or even ran us to death?...We had to play an entire POTENT offense out there not just TO.

Funny how the teams I listed don't have a safety of ST's quality and NONE of them let TO beat them by himself. We didn't double him, all his TDs minus 1 were in that cover 2...with him just breaking the zone. We expected inexperienced safeties to be able to run with him, without so much as a bump off the line of scrimmage. We didn't get pressure to force Romo sits to pee to let go of the ball earlier. Dallas knew EXACTLY how to exploit a cover 2, and we didn't adjust.

We didn't throw a cloud coverage at him (a corner AND a safety). We didn't roll our coverage to adjust to him running deep. We didn't assign a safety exclusively over top of him. If he beats that coverage (like R. Moss did vs. us) and you can at least say they tried to account for him.

On the flipside, the "had ST played" scenario isn't valid. You don't think Dallas would've exploited the gaps underneath with him 30 yards deep? You really think we would've held them to 7 points? It's a luxury to have him back there, not a right. Every season our defense uses the injury bug excuse to explain why we aren't performing. Their performance shouldn't rely upon EVERY starter being healthy. That isn't maximizing talent. We shouldn't be reeling everytime someone goes down. Are we supposed to hold our breath to wait for Rogers & Taylor to come back, only to use Springs as the excuse next year?

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Funny how the teams I listed don't have a safety of ST's quality and NONE of them let TO beat them by himself. We didn't double him, all his TDs minus 1 were in that cover 2...with him just breaking the zone. We expected inexperienced safeties to be able to run with him, without so much as a bump off the line of scrimmage. We didn't get pressure to force Romo sits to pee to let go of the ball earlier. Dallas knew EXACTLY how to exploit a cover 2, and we didn't adjust.

We didn't throw a cloud coverage at him (a corner AND a safety). We didn't roll our coverage to adjust to him running deep. We didn't assign a safety exclusively over top of him. If he beats that coverage (like R. Moss did vs. us) and you can at least say they tried to account for him.

On the flipside, the "had ST played" scenario isn't valid. You don't think Dallas would've exploited the gaps underneath with him 30 yards deep? You really think we would've held them to 7 points? It's a luxury to have him back there, not a right. Every season our defense uses the injury bug excuse to explain why we aren't performing. Their performance shouldn't rely upon EVERY starter being healthy. That isn't maximizing talent. We shouldn't be reeling everytime someone goes down. Are we supposed to hold our breath to wait for Rogers & Taylor to come back, only to use Springs as the excuse next year?

speakng of "valid".....you're absolutely right! only the Skins have the magic scheme that can stop the two offenses no other team in the league has contained! It's so painfully obvious.

you're banking on an assumption that we know is "invalid"...that the alternative scheme you propose will be executed correctly...and that the Boys can't counter. afterall....all the DBs who played Sunday are built to jam strong, fast players like TO at the line.

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speakng of "valid".....you're absolutely right! only the Skins have the magic scheme that can stop the two offenses no other team in the league has contained! It's so painfully obvious.

you're banking on an assumption that we know is "invalid"...that the alternative scheme you propose will be executed correctly...and that the Boys can't counter. afterall....all the DBs who played Sunday are built to jam strong, fast players like TO at the line.

I dunno...we had (& have had) success against elite receivers by not letting them run free. Taylor's one of the few safeties in the NFL with the speed to recover in that scenario. We knew all week preparing for dallas that he wouldn't be able to go. Was our best chance of success really banking on backup safeties being able to cover TO in a cover 2, where they're absolutely the last line?

We had success in a man coverage earlier in that game. As soon as we went into cover 2...TO & Romo sits to pee were licking their chops coming out of the huddle. Jaws showed what they did to cover 2s. All they had to do was overload zones with vertical routes...surprise, surprise.

The only reason we were in the game is because of JC & our offense. 2nd half, anytime they needed yardage, why would they go with anything else when they can just chuck it up to TO and get off the field?

The things that worked we got away from. It was as if Dallas was just waiting for us to go into cover 2 so that they could eat it up. They weren't prepared for anything else we did, and we played into their hands...

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I'm glad this thread was made because he is sorry. I just couldn't understand why the hell on 3rd and whatever you line your corners 8 to 10 yards offf the receiver. You will convert everytime. what kind of defense is that? and they say he's one of the best...my ass. they do not when if we stop them on 3rd downs. i think they coverted like 75% of 3rd downs. piss poor defense performance!! Wish i had a phone number or two id call and cuss their ass and fine the coaches for defensive calls like that.

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Some people on here need to face reality and stop defending GW!! It is his lack of personel and game adjustments that is hurting this defense and ultimately the team!! As the general of the defense, it's his duty & responsibility to recognize the talent level of the players he has and adjust his defense accordingly. He knew Doughty and Prioleu suck in coverage and should've been helped out with precise blitzes. I still don't know why Doughty was in the game instead of Fox and he chooses Torrence over Macklin? Fox played decent last year as safety and Macklin has started for other teams and held his own. His arrogance in his own defensive "genius" has continuously contributed to the destruction of our defense! (We're still paying dearly for letting Pierce, Arrington, & Clark go) He has to realize, there's no coach alive who has a scheme that performs by plugging any player. Ask Phil Jackson now that he doesn't have a all-star team anymore, but reguarded as one of the best, if not the best NBA coach of all time! GW needs to start game planning according to the talent he has available. All of these defensive upgrades this year with the overall talent we have and way we're performing is unacceptable!! It's no reason he shouldn't be coaching the same way he was 2-3 yrs ago when he had a top 5 defense!!

:point2sky Perfect post, I believe his reason is he is becoming used to that 2 plus million a year he is collecting:2cents: To be arrogant and continue to have success is one thing, but this dude Williams is an arrogant butt, and someone needs to take him behind a shed and beat some common sense into him. The greatest thing that Gibbs ever did was being able to adapt to the stregnths he had on his roster in Gibbs 1.0, too bad Gibbs can't teach that to Williams. I mean what type of credible coach starts a rookie safety when he has other options and veterans? But then we have these mindless zombies on here that think and truly believe that this man doesn't make mistakes :doh:

For all you Williams supporters out there let me tell you something...

If it looks like crap and smells like crap.....USUALLY IT IS!

Greg Williams puts his pants on just like we all do 1 leg at a time and since I have never seen him walk on water he is capable of mistakes and his blind arrogance is again a major shortcoming. Vernon Fox is a better athlete and has more experience playing safety GREG WILLIAMS should have started him rather than this Reed Doughty who is nothing more than a special team player. He should also be getting Macklin into the game somehow but no not MR. ARROGANCE:doh: For all you people that are so gullable and believe in Williams and his lack of adjusting, I have some prime sea side property in Nebraska, want to buy it? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Exactly, I do not know what we thought we should have done with T.O. yesterday but use the players available to us with ST being injured. Springs was the best available option at corner and Doughty at safety and they were simply outmanned and rightfully exploited by Dallas.

With Taylor being out, Ed Reed and Palamaluo being busy at the time, what would the Redskins fans/Defensive Coordinators suggest that we should have done but play the players available and expect them to make plays?

You know this post would have had SOME credibility to it, however how do you even admit your game plan was based on stopping TO and he burns you for 4 FRICKING touchdowns.

Well let me teach you about coverage, especially covering TO, the first thing you do is lay a hit on him, get in his head we all have seen when he gets a good shot HE IS NOT THE SAME PLAYER. Number two you roll the coverages to the side of the field he is on;) You can also determine who has the best chance of covering him and you have him ghost TO, THAT IS WHAT YOU DO AND WHAT GREG WILLIAMS SHOULD HAVE:mad:

But to sit up here in interviews and say your game plan was built around taking him out of the game, then add in the 8 - 10 yard cushions on 3rd down and you have the gall to say Greg Williams called the right plays? Yeah he called the right plays alright, the right plays for TO to burn the hell out of Reed Doughty who should have never been in there in the first place.

You really need to look more into things rather than believing and drinking Williams Kool Aide because the plays he called and the game plan regardless of whether ST was back there or not was dumb, retarded and plain bush league.

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The lack of accountability for both Westbrook last week and TO this week is puzzling. I realize they are good players and will make plays, but to pay them so little attention makes no sense. I am not sure which instance is worse. Westbrook is the only legit O threat on Philly so that is totally inexcusable, but so is continuing to play the same D scheme that has already allowed TO multiple TDs. Stubborn to a fault. Why pass TO off to Doughty, Torrence, or Priouleau and keep the CB up to guard a zone containing nobody? Brilliant.

That right there is a direct result of a fool believing in the scheme and not the personal. GW says to us all it's his scheme and he can plug anyone in and it will work, :doh: Again this is a totally ridiculous and ass backwards way of thinking and for two weeks in a row Greg Williams refusal to adjust has caused the opponents #1 option to beat us.

Again Andre Carter and Phillip Daniels needs to get ahold of him and beat some sense back into him because Greg Williams is what is holding this defense back and losing us games now that the Offense has started to be productive. And for all you Williamites out there I hope you follow him right to his next team because he needs to be let go ASAP and have someone who is smart enough to look at the personal on his roster and develop plans that fit the personal, not the ego of a arrogant coach. :2cents:

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I'm sorry, Sean Taylor is a playmaker, but a defense shouldn't collapse with out him. Good defenses can overcome an injury.

What you fail to understand is that you are preaching to HOMERS. Despite the fact that the Skins have given up 4 touchdowns per game in the last two weeks,,,,this defense would be the best in the world if it wasn't for Taylor being injured.

Somehow in homers minds, the fact that we have no pass rush is not an important fact. The fact that our linebackers are old and cannot cover or get to the corners fast enough....never seem to sack the QB...well...don't bother the homers with the facts.

We would be great if Taylor could just play. Its that simple for them. Sean Taylor would SINGLE handely stop all 8 TD's in the last two weeks.

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What you fail to understand is that you are preaching to HOMERS. Despite the fact that the Skins have given up 4 touchdowns per game in the last two weeks,,,,this defense would be the best in the world if it wasn't for Taylor being injured.

Somehow in homers minds, the fact that we have no pass rush is not an important fact. The fact that our linebackers are old and cannot cover or get to the corners fast enough....never seem to sack the QB...well...don't bother the homers with the facts.

We would be great if Taylor could just play. Its that simple for them. Sean Taylor would SINGLE handely stop all 8 TD's in the last two weeks.

yes..the whole season can be condensed into the last two weeks....and a stellar statistician and deep, deep thinker such as yourself obviously took into account that despite all the miscues...both of those games should have been won had it not been for a miscue by Cooley and an INT by JC.

remarkable how deep self-deception can run at times....or is it simply an unwillingness to look at ALL the facts?

the simplicity of the opposing mindset...the anti-homer homers if you will...is astounding at times. as though starting basically 2 rookies and a back-up CB in the secondary is a change that can magically be overcome by talent and scheme in the sweep of one week. who's fooling whom here?

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from the WP following Sunday's game in Dallas:

""Point blank, Coach [Williams] made the right calls. He called the right things, we just didn't make the plays, and T.O. made 'em," cornerback Fred Smoot said. "We messed up mentally."

This is exactly what happened, if we were playing zone, cover 2 or whatever, which worked against Roy Williams just fine with ST playing, corners still have to be responsible for a receiver until another receiver threathens their zone if there is no other threat he is to stay with the receiver until the play ends not just stay put and watch an idle portion of the field. TO should have been covered underneath better by the corners, if he gets to the safeties unmolested it is basically a done deal like on three of his four TD's. This had nothing to do with the play calling but was just poor execution by our DB's.

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This is exactly what happened, if we were playing zone, cover 2 or whatever, which worked against Roy Williams just fine with ST playing, corners still have to be responsible for a receiver until another receiver threathens their zone if there is no other threat he is to stay with the receiver until the play ends not just stay put and watch an idle portion of the field. TO should have been covered underneath better by the corners, if he gets to the safeties unmolested it is basically a done deal like on three of his four TD's. This had nothing to do with the play calling but was just poor execution by our DB's.

Or the D-Coordinator (especially a "genius" one) could realize what he's runnign isn't working and make an adjustment, at least trying something else.

Sure, our defense is worse because of the injuries and that plays a part in how they're playing. But the coach still needs to call the right defenses and adjust when it's not working.

It's a pattern we've seen too many times now: GW starts us off in a defense. It either works for a while, until the offense adjusts and starts beating it; or it never works particularly well, and we never adjust out of it, and it struggles all game long.

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Or the D-Coordinator (especially a "genius" one) could realize what he's runnign isn't working and make an adjustment, at least trying something else.

Sure, our defense is worse because of the injuries and that plays a part in how they're playing. But the coach still needs to call the right defenses and adjust when it's not working.

It's a pattern we've seen too many times now: GW starts us off in a defense. It either works for a while, until the offense adjusts and starts beating it; or it never works particularly well, and we never adjust out of it, and it struggles all game long.

This is the problem with our fandom, half of us are saying that because GW sticks with the same plan and does not adjust that other teams adjust to his game plan in the second half of games, "ala the Cowboys game", and THIS is hurting us but the other half of the fans says that he switches schemes in the second half of games, "ala the Giants game", when what we were doing in the first half was working and THAT is what's hurting us.

We are trying to make a case of why GW needs two be fired with to conflicting arguments.... His defense works when players execute plays throughout the game.

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This is the problem with our fandom, half of us are saying that because GW sticks with the same plan and does not adjust that other teams adjust to his game plan in the second half of games, "ala the Cowboys game", and THIS is hurting us but the other half of the fans says that he switches schemes in the second half of games, "ala the Giants game", when what we were doing in the first half was working and THAT is what's hurting us.

We are trying to make a case of why GW needs two be fired with to conflicting arguments.... His defense works when players execute plays throughout the game.

This is in Williams' defense? You're just showing that he's not making the appropriate decisions either way.

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Or the D-Coordinator (especially a "genius" one) could realize what he's runnign isn't working and make an adjustment, at least trying something else.

Sure, our defense is worse because of the injuries and that plays a part in how they're playing. But the coach still needs to call the right defenses and adjust when it's not working.

It's a pattern we've seen too many times now: GW starts us off in a defense. It either works for a while, until the offense adjusts and starts beating it; or it never works particularly well, and we never adjust out of it, and it struggles all game long.

this quote is all opinionated, if you look at the facts players make plays and coaches put the players in position to make those plays. If a player doesnt execute it makes the coaching look bad but what if the player makes the play? does the coaching look good or did that player make a play? i say this when GW calls his scheme its worked very well when his defense is healthy, i have never seen him exposed when he has all his starters, someone prove this wrong. When GW has talented players starting on defense he puts them in position to make plays, for example S Taylor is on track to be a pro bowler, before this season people were ready to right him off. He was in miami and sitting out camp but GW put him in position to cover the deep ball/big play. This is a new cover 3 element to our scheme that has worked, also the dropping of a DT into zone coverage has worked, the addition of Fletcher (GW's brought him in) has worked. If people think hes a bad Defensive Coordinator they need to look at which player isnt making the plays their in position to make. :2cents:
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How's that?

I am pretty sure that I was showing that the fans want GW fired but they really do not know the reason why they want him fired.

The overall, "He's not a good defensive coordinator," isn't a reason? They cite that he doesn't change his plan, and you cited an instance where he changed a working plan to a poor one and lost the game.

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The overall, "He's not a good defensive coordinator," isn't a reason? They cite that he doesn't change his plan, and you cited an instance where he changed a working plan to a poor one and lost the game.
they have no proof its speculation, how can someone say for sure he changed the scheme or not? to me the score and how much time is left dictates if a coach changes their game plan not what a fan thinks happened during the game. If anything he has kept this team in position to win every game barring major injuries during the course of the game, injuries are set backs and dont allow the game plan to be executed because no one game plans for injury they game plan to win.
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The overall, "He's not a good defensive coordinator," isn't a reason? They cite that he doesn't change his plan, and you cited an instance where he changed a working plan to a poor one and lost the game.

See that's where you went wrong, what I cited was half the fans are saying one thing (GW's not adjusting after offensive adjustment after the half is his problem) and the others are saying another (GW's adjusments after halftime when things were going right is his problem). Both are saying that we need to get rid of Williams with 2 conflicting arguments and this shows me that neither knows WHY they want to get rid of GW but for the fact that someone else has said it.

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See that's where you went wrong, what I cited was half the fans are saying one thing (GW's not adjusting after offensive adjustment after the half is his problem) and the others are saying another (GW's adjusments after halftime when things were going right is his problem). Both are saying that we need to get rid of Williams with 2 conflicting arguments and this shows me that neither knows WHY they want to get rid of GW but for the fact that someone else has said it.

And I still wonder how this is in defense of Williams. The fact that Greg Williams can't make adjustments when needed and does change when not needed are not mutually exclusive. In other words, he can screw up both ways, and he does.

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And I still wonder how this is in defense of Williams. The fact that Greg Williams can't make adjustments when needed and does change when not needed are not mutually exclusive. In other words, he can screw up both ways, and he does.

LOL...the point is that it is NOT happening but it is in fact a figment of the fan's imaginations and a product of group think. Every game, fans lead themselves to believe that GW botches games because they have these preconceived notions... If one fan says that he changed the "D" ,the next fan is going to follow suit and if one says that he did not adjust, the other will follow. No facts, no basis but for the simple reason that someone else said so and it sounded good.

Why would he have the uncanny ability to adjust when not needed and not adjust whenever he needs to unless he was trying to lose games on purpose?

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