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How is Abstinence-Only Sex Education Like South Africa’s Driving Exam?


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I would teach them everything, and stress the dangers of having sex, the addictions, and the temptation to go skin on skin because condoms suck.

I would also stress that condoms break from time to time.

Then there is the emotional side of it, like falling in love and getting hurt if things don't work out.

I would also teach them about marriage and how it's so important for them to wait for that special time.

Every person has turning points in their lives, moments that effect their lives wether positive or negotive.

Sex may be the most common action that changes more lives in a negotive way than any other action.

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I have to say, coming from a catholic highschool, my first time took a lot longer than it needed to. I'd never seen a condom out of the wrapper. It's not intuitive how to put one of those suckers on. I kept trying in reverse, It looks like they should roll that way.

I'm stil amazed I didn't kill the moment with my "hold on. I need to read the directions." :( :doh:

Basics like that should be taught. That's my experience with a Catholic school where the sex ed consisted of a biology teacher suggesting we read the chapter on sex, but he wasn't aloud to teach it.

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You are sure of a different mindset than this bunch in NM ...care to donate? ;)

"Birth control should be very affordable."

The students also were accepting donations trying to raise enough money to offset the price of the increase for those students who can't afford birth control now

I'm against Birth Control availability for anyone under 18, and if I thought it would be possible, I'd make a marriage certificate AND a doctor's prescription required to get it.

So far as I'm concerned sex should be made AS DANGEROUS AS POSSIBLE for young people in an effort to make them less interested in doing it.

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I'm against Birth Control availability for anyone under 18, and if I thought it would be possible, I'd make a marriage certificate AND a doctor's prescription required to get it.

So far as I'm concerned sex should be made AS DANGEROUS AS POSSIBLE for young people in an effort to make them less interested in doing it.

Wouldn't that make you a hypocrite seeing as how you are not a virgin and you're not married?

It would be extremely hypocritical for me to endorse abstainance only sex ed. I've never been a big fan of "do as I say, not as I do." Besides, being realistic requires that you acknowledge teenage sexual curiosity is just as much based in instinct as well as outside influences. Some of them will simply do it anyway. I know I wold have.

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Wouldn't that make you a hypocrite seeing as how you are not a virgin and you're not married?

It would be extremely hypocritical for me to endorse abstainance only sex ed. I've never been a big fan of "do as I say, not as I do." Besides, being realistic requires that you acknowledge teenage sexual curiosity is just as much based in instinct as well as outside influences. Some of them will simply do it anyway. I know I wold have.

I don't believe I ever said the law should be changed to make it illegal for them to do it; just that it should be made as dangerous as possible and as a way of providing consequences for the action (STD's, pregnancy, marriage, etc...).

I don't believe in using "protection" during sex or in the more basic forms of contraception. I never have and never will. If you don't want kids, either have your sexual organs sterilized, or don't have sex. That's my feeling on the issue. That's part of the reason why I don't engage in the activity in a casual manner.

Who knows, maybe seeing a number of their fellow teenagers dealing with STD's, being forced to bear children they don't want, and more importantly being forced to marry the mother/father of their child and raise the kid will get it into their heads that sex is not a game. It's serious. Deadly serious at times.

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Actually, in Larry's Fantasy World, the method the Teacher uses to encourage abstinence is along the lines of:

"But all these forms of 'protection': condoms, diaphragms, pills, and lots of other things, really overlook something. They claim that they allow sex, while protecting against things like pregnancy and diseases. And they do.

"But this protection then leads people to assume that these devices allow sex without consequences. And that's BS.

"All sex has consequences. Protected or not. Vaginal or the 'alternative' forms. Straight or gay. Sex always has consequences. Emotional ones.

"Face it. All of you folks have fallen for someone. Spent time with them. Shared with them, for a short or a long time. And then broken up. It hurt, didn't it? Well, guess what? If you've had sex, it hurts worse. A lot worse. And all the pills, and the plastic, and the surgery, and anything else, can't give you "protection" from that.

"Even when nobody gets pregnant, and nobody gets any diseases, there are still 'consequences'."

(Although, "getting hurt" is still better than "getting pregnant and hurt".)

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Actually, in Larry's Fantasy World, the method the Teacher uses to encourage abstinence is along the lines of:

"But all these forms of 'protection': condoms, diaphragms, pills, and lots of other things, really overlook something. They claim that they allow sex, while protecting against things like pregnancy and diseases. And they do.

"But this protection then leads people to assume that these devices allow sex without consequences. And that's BS.

"All sex has consequences. Protected or not. Vaginal or the 'alternative' forms. Straight or gay. Sex always has consequences. Emotional ones.

"Face it. All of you folks have fallen for someone. Spent time with them. Shared with them, for a short or a long time. And then broken up. It hurt, didn't it? Well, guess what? If you've had sex, it hurts worse. A lot worse. And all the pills, and the plastic, and the surgery, and anything else, can't give you "protection" from that.

"Even when nobody gets pregnant, and nobody gets any diseases, there are still 'consequences'."

(Although, "getting hurt" is still better than "getting pregnant and hurt".)

That's pretty much how it was explained to us in my HS Family Life class.
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Larry, you're right that any sexual act has some amount of emotional consequences. I'm not as concerned about those as I am about the physical consequences because I see the emotional ones as being much less important than the physical ones. Especially since the emotional consequences are more debilitating to those fools who believe in concepts like "love".

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The answer to this issue isn't abstinance education in schools. It never has been and never will be.

The answer is very simple... Nobody under the age of 18 should be allowed to purchase condoms. Nobody should be allowed to have an abortion. Any couple that brings a new life into the world would be required to marry and raise the child.

I think you'd see a pretty dramatic reduction in sexual activity by minors if that set of circumstances were in place.


Can I nominate this for post of the year??? This is a perfect example of someone who just doesn't get "it" about society :doh:

What you would see mass, is a large number of increased pregnancies, deaths in teenagers from illegal backyard abortions and STDs would run rampant. . .but hey at least you can say that they see things in your eyes.

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The message that they were trying to send was that practicing safe sex and using a condom doesnt always prevent STDs or pregnancy. The inadvertent lesson that they tought was that it doesnt matter if you play with fire, either way youll get burned, so it doesnt really matter if you use a condom or not.

BINGO!!!! Here is what the site had to say twa linked. . .

So does this mean all teenagers are going to catch an STD?

No. You don’t have to catch an STD. There are things that prevent the spread of these diseases. The most effective is abstinence, not having sex. Condoms also greatly reduce the risk of catching most STD’s if they are used correctly, if they are used every time you have sex or put the penis near the vagina, if they don’t break or leak (doesn’t happen often, but it happens), if they don’t slip off, and if the contents are not spilled near the vagina after sex. [Comment: Sounds like a lot has to go right for this to protect you.]

WTF???!!!! Are you serious???? You are teaching my child that condom's DON'T work???? HOW FRICKIN STUPID!!!!

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I think you'd see a pretty dramatic reduction in sexual activity by minors if that set of circumstances were in place.

The only thing you'd see is kids having unprotected sex and young women being driven to seek out hack doctors who will perform abortions out of the back of their vans.

Its eachs parents responsibility to instill the proper values and self respect within their children and it should be the schools responsibility to present the facts about sexuality as unbiased as possible.

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And don't forget possible higher teen suicide...

Hey, if you can't do the time, don't do the "crime". Until we actually start making our young people deal with the consequences of their actions, our society is just going to continue to degrade.

Yes a higher teen suicide rate would be unfortunate, but something tells me they wouldn't be the sort of teens I'd want to know as adults anyway.

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Yes a higher teen suicide rate would be unfortunate, but something tells me they wouldn't be the sort of teens I'd want to know as adults anyway.

Probably best that they kill themselves, then.

I'd take it a step further. Since many of these teens would end up killing themselves anyway, and most of the rest of them would be dragged down with unloving marriages and unwanted kids that just drag our society down, we ought to underscore the grave consequences by putting teen fornicators in the grave. Mandatory death sentences for sex out of wedlock. I'm serious. If we're going to get serious about this, then let's get serious. I'm willing to bet you'd see the rate of teen sex go way down, which in the end would be a Good Thing for everyone.

Sure, some teens would die for being stupid enough to have a sweaty backseat tryst at Make-out Point when the Behavioral Compliance Forces were known to be out on their regular enforcement rounds. But overall it would make society better.

The real problem, though, begins with temptation, and the temptation starts with the appearance of girls today. You'd see teen sex go way down if we made girls cover most of their bodies with loose-fitting clothing, like big dresses that start atop their heads. And the situations that lead to premarital sex almost always start with unsupervised women in the company of men to whom they aren't related, which should be illegal -- with ALL participants (including the women) punished in a very public, humiliating way. Lashes and imprisonment immediately come to mind for some reason...

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I don't think MSF was ever a teen, so I do not think he is able to put himself into the mindset of a teen.

Teens do not think clearly yet. They do not make purely rational choices. They do tons of stupid things because they still have a lot to learn about themselves and the world. Yet their hormones are running wild.

Any solution to this problem has to be made with the understanding that the people you are trying to help are temporarily insane through no fault of their own.

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I could definitely get behind significant parts of your proposal. I think our definition of appropriate women's clothing is probably different, but I can see where you're coming from on that particular point. I see the problem being more the lack of punishment for inappropriate behavior rather than temptation, but that's a minor point.

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I could definitely get behind significant parts of your proposal. I think our definition of appropriate women's clothing is probably different, but I can see where you're coming from on that particular point. I see the problem being more the lack of punishment for inappropriate behavior rather than temptation, but that's a minor point.

For christ sakes MSF, don the turbin and beard, move to Saudi Arabia and Start to pray for Allah already. . . .trust me, you will be a much much happier person.

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I could definitely get behind significant parts of your proposal. I think our definition of appropriate women's clothing is probably different, but I can see where you're coming from on that particular point. I see the problem being more the lack of punishment for inappropriate behavior rather than temptation, but that's a minor point.

Yea, I don't think he gets it...

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