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Izzy Predicts a Redskin Win, Again


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Look I never disputed your assertions. I simply stated that you could have handled your concerns better. Why can't you handle that? Man up, for christ's sake.
Well, I understand that; however, I think I clarified that point.

Poor choice of words on my part I guess.

Hey, at least I tried.

He did, it's all good.

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He goes on to explain his initial reaction of "ummm... ok?" later in the thread.

I think it's safe to say that:

1) The "Ummm...ok" was not said in an effort to help the OP safeguard his kid.

2) The explanation that came later only came about because people started ragging on the guy for simply saying "Ummm...ok". If nobody had given him **** about that post I doubt he would have done anything further to help the OP out in terms of the personal info.

3) The guy has owned up to the fact that "Ummm...ok" was a poor choice of words...which would mean that it's at least understandable why people reacted the way they did.

4) "Ummm...ok" has now taken on a life of its own on this thread, and probably on future threads. We have a new catch phrase, people!

5) Izzy is freakin' adorable, and knows her football.

6) We'll beat the Eagles.

Is there really anything else to discuss? lol... :cool:

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But the real question I would like her to answer is, will our palyers reach the paloffs?


You said she is 6 weeks, how did she tell you that? :laugh:

Some weird gurgling sound.

I am just saying that the OP is from Baltimore. He gave his daughters full name and disclosed she is six weeks old.

That is a name, location, and age. A couple of phone calls around Baltimore and you could get a DoB and exact PoB.

After that someone could easily get a SS# for her and before she is 2 years old could have a serious identity theft problem.

Working in financial crimes, you would be surprised what I have seen happen. It is shocking really.

First thing the OP would get is a letter from the IRS or calls from a debt collector.

#1 get her name off the board

#2 get her a SS# ASAP

#3 never disclose information like that on the internet again

Criminals who do this type of thing are quite savvy and resourceful.

Food for thought.

I appreciate your concerns and unfortunately all things are not black and white. Did you considder if I lived in Baltimore or Baltimore County?

Did you consider that I might not be the father? I'm not, I'm the grandpappy.

Did you consider that Izzy doesn't share my last name?

Did you consider that Izzy doesn't live anywhere near me?

Again, I appreciate your concerns but you leaped to some conclusions without all the facts. Sounds like a typical federal employee to me. :D

How did Izzy communicate her 28-10 prediction to you?

Gurgling sounds and a few toots when I asked her some questions.

Cute baby btw

Thank you!!!

totally the look i have on my face about 5 minutes into the 3rd quarter of every game.

Just spit coffee through my nose....way too funny! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Adorable. She's concentrating on the Redskins playbook for tomorrow. I can't wait to have kids. Then I'll dress my baby in Redskins clothes.


My wife and I are expecting our first on Decmber 26. I already have a wardrobe of Skins clothing ready and waiting!


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