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42% of Arab Americans are Catholic, only 23% are Muslim


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Arab Americans are as diverse as the national origins and immigration experiences that have shaped their ethnic identity in the United States, with religious affiliation being one of the most defining factors. The majority of Arab Americans descend from the first wave of mostly Christian immigrants. Sharing the faith tradition of the majority of Americans facilitated their acculturation into American society, as did high intermarriage rates with other Christian ethnic groups. Even though many Arab Christians have kept their Orthodox and Eastern Rite church (Greek Catholic, Maronite, Coptic) affiliations, which have helped to strengthen ethnic identification and certain rituals, their religious practices have not greatly distinguished them from the Euro-centric American culture. Roughly two-thirds of the Arab population identifies with one or more Christian sect.

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Well, considering these are Arab Americans, I hope we never had plans to bomb them. But, with Bush/Cheney, ya never know. :silly:

Yeah, the thread title is a little misleading - should really add Americans after Arabs.

edit - on second thought, the thread title is very misleading.

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Yeah, the thread title is a little misleading - should really add Americans after Arabs.

edit - on second thought, the thread title is very misleading.

I agree. Very misleading.

Good article though, thanks to the person who posted it. :)

polls showing Arab Americans more likely to vote (69%) than the citizenry as a whole.
This is interesting.

I wonder is it due to:

1. Coming from a nation where your voice doesn't count as a non-muslim? (Christian Arab-Americans)

2. Being a minority? (Muslim Arab-Americans)

3. Coming from a nation that is not democratic?

4. Combination of all of the above?

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Remembering once hearing, on NPR, an interview with the author of Political Jokes of Leningrad. Supposedly a collection of jokes that people in Russia tell, when they're certain that there is only family in the room. One of the jokes was:

How does a smart Russian Jew talk to a dumb Russian Jew?

Long distance from New York.

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Misleading thread title which is against the board rules.

There are several hundred million Arabs in the Middle East. Only less than 3% of them are non-Muslim. Because the Coptic churches in Egypt are burned down by the Brotherhood, Falangist priests shot down in Beirut by Hezbullah, Orthodox priests in the Gaza Strip are murdered by Hamas, and churches in Baghdad blown up by Al Qaeda and Jaish Al Mahdi.

which is THE REASON there are so many Christian Arabs here in the United States.

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