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Did anyone see this??


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There are eight teams in the NFC with a record of 4-3 or better. Literally, half the conference. We are one of those.

There is no reason for him to single us out in his "best in NFC" list if he doesn't think we're one of the best, it's that simple.

And, he probably listed Philly because he feels that despite their record and the fact that we did beat them, he still thinks they're a better team than us.

So he just took the best few teams (Dallas 6-1, Green Bay 6-1, Giants 6-2) and then pulled a surprise team out in Philly. Besides, with Philly having won the division pretty much every year for half a decade, who can blame him?

I don't think they're better than us... but I can see how somebody could.

If we wanted to be talked about with the best of the NFC, we should have made sure our record was at least on par with theirs.

At least he didn't single us out as "having a long way to go" like he did Detroit and Seattle.


Good post. This perceived bias against the Redskins is insane. Atleast I can admit when I'm being unreasonable.

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We used a first round draft pick to get him, and lost another one for moving up to get him. That's why he should be different. With that kind of price tag, I want to see immediate production. Am I being unreasonable in my expectations of him considering he had no say in how many picks we threw away to get him? Yup. I can admit that. But that's how I feel.
where? i didn't see you admit anything but having high expectations
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I suppose you're without any character flaws, huh?

Woopty freaking doo.

I have come to the conclusion that you can't be a Skins fan. Do yourself a favor, take a look at your post history. Hell, just look at your posts from the past 2 or 3 days that I've noticed. It's like your whole purpose is to argue anything positive that is written about the Skins. it's one thing to question the team, it's another thing to sound like you. It's annoying.

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Is anyone really surprised?? During the MNF game against the Eagles, all the booth talked about was the Eagles...NOT how the Redskins were pounding the crap out of them. Now they're listed ahead of the Skins in the NFC polls. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but ya gotta wonder why a team with a winning record would get the shaft like this.

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All you need to do is look at Carson Palmer. his growth thru his first 2 years was awsome. year one was bumpy as hell though.

This is year 3 for Campbell. I bet Jason would have looked pretty bad in his rookie year compared to now.

Truly, when we gave up the draft picks to get him, is this what you had in mind? Did you want to be sitting here halfway through his 3rd year having to cut and paste a bunch of QB's first couple of years worth of stats to excuse the medicre to poor play of Jason Campbell? Is that what anyone had in mind, I wonder?

No, I think we all pretty much thought he would be putting up decent numbers and would have thrown at least 1 TD pass to a WR by now.

Incidentally, Quincy Carter's first couple of years are almost identical to Campbells... so you can't look at stats showing that all good QB's struggle at first, because the bad one's do too.

We need to use our eyes and minds, not stats. Just like my eyes told me Carter wasn't any good... I can look at Jason and really worry about his development at this point. I could also look at Manning, Palmer and Aikman and see that they would be very good, regardless of what their stats said.

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This is year 3 for Campbell. I bet Jason would have looked pretty bad in his rookie year compared to now.

Truly, when we gave up the draft picks to get him, is this what you had in mind? Did you want to be sitting here halfway through his 3rd year having to cut and paste a bunch of QB's first couple of years worth of stats to excuse the medicre to poor play of Jason Campbell? Is that what anyone had in mind, I wonder?

No, I think we all pretty much thought he would be putting up decent numbers and would have thrown at least 1 TD pass to a WR by now.

Incidentally, Quincy Carter's first couple of years are almost identical to Campbells... so you can't look at stats showing that all good QB's struggle at first, because the bad one's do too.

We need to use our eyes and minds, not stats. Just like my eyes told me Carter wasn't any good... I can look at Jason and really worry about his development at this point. I could also look at Manning, Palmer and Aikman and see that they would be very good, regardless of what their stats said.

quincy carter was a pretty decent qb. it was not his play that killed his carreer but that cocain habit.

i understand your point but its the saem as mine. you can not judge a qb bad or good this early in their career as starter.

no matter how many years he has been on the team. He never stepped on the field to play at this speed and level till last season. which is why the emdia lets you know how in expereinced he is. 14 starts.

next as i said many previous qbs and such have all comented on how good jason looks and that he is the real deal. but ofcourse your would know more right?

and i am using my eyes and mind. i saw jason when he was at auburn and like him since his junior year. i loved the draft pick and based on gibbs draft choices he has done very well in the draft. he has been hindered by play calling, poor reciever play, and o-line injuries. you mention his wr's td's as a reason to bash him. no thats on the recievers. how many times have our recievers dropped sure td's or come up a yard short.

next the failure of any recievers getting a td inside the redzone once again goes back to our play calling,. we never have recievers in the game in the redzone. we go heavy package with sellers, cooley, and yoder. who have all ahd big catches on big plays by campbell in the redzone. where we are 60+ percent in the redzone.

including that cooley pass campbell thru in the pats game. was a great ball. next you see plays like the philly run, the cooley pass, the few deep balls he has thrown, the 4-2 slant pass, the read on yoder and sellers when the pocket fell apart.

i ahve seen more than enough on the field to make me believe jason is more than capable. infact he was named the offensive player of the week. but we forget those plays.

please this is how its done here in washington. as soon as we get any adversity the fanbase falls apart. god forbid we have a franchise qb in training yet many expect miricles when jason is all we have on the offensive side of the ball atleast pulling his weight. he was not suppose to carry the weight this season. we was suppose to have a 2 headed beast of a running game and take shots down the field off of that.

portis is sub par this year, betts can;t get on the field, recievers dropping balls left and right and yes campbell ahs made some bad play as well but those were expected. those other guys are all pros. campbell is a young buck.

all i am saying is give him time to grow. when he made that crazy pass to cooley befor the half in philly, and the way he played in the detriot game he had my vote of confidence. just like other young qbs who have struggled, mannings first year and romos 5 ints against the bills, JC will have bad games.

as this washingtimes articel says

Campbell, 25, continues to make strides his first full season as a starter, and has exceeded expectations of his coaches and teammates. He will be making just his 15th start Sunday against the New York Jets.

but no one is saying its all gravy either. he has had bumps and still needs to improve in many areas.

Injuries on the offensive line and protection breakdowns have resulted in pocket pressure and a number of blindside hits. Campbell has also endured poor exchanges from center and with tailback Clinton Portis on handoffs.

Turnovers aside, Campbell's production from his seven-game run to close out last season mirrors his opening seven outings of 2007, and most importantly he is 4-3 now compared with 2-5 then. He has been much more accurate this year despite repeated drops by receivers -- he has a 59.3 completion percentage compared to 53.1

Campbell has been sacked 12 times this season after just seven last year. Washington's inconsistent pass protection is related to the conservative nature of the offense, as the coaches want to avoid an injury to Campbell. After Sunday's struggles, the Redskins' offense practiced against more live blitzes yesterday, going at game-pace.

"We've got to protect that kid, because he can throw the ball 50-60 yards downfield, and that's what we have to do," Bugel said. "We have to be a vertical passing team, and you've got to be able to hold somebody off for 2.5 seconds. Be a bump in the road."

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/31/AR2007103102876.html?hpid=sec-sportsseems every one from the media to the team and coaches see there are issues with why campbgell hasn't been more productive. Hopefully the coaches get the running game and the pas blocking fixed. and we do not do what we did a few games this season like shut down the passing game for good. 7 passes all in the second half against arizona.

hope i made my point. campbell is one i wnat to see in washington for a long time. and lets no do this kid like we did ramsey. he deserves better from us fans.

now please find me an article saying jason campbell was a bust and can't compete at this level? the fact is you won't casue he looks good. and has shown improvement every game, excpet that pats game. its a small mimority here on es that hates him. they hated him when we drafted him.

what a joke

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Look we will not get anyone to believe in us untill we beat the Cowboy's and Giants. Remeber we have lost some key games, talking about Giants and Green Bay not New England, so no one is going to give us any credit unless they are a Redskin fan. We definetly have the talent we just need to post some key wins then they will have to notice us. Can you blame them for doubting after the way we lost some of those games?? We will get there trust me but don't get mad at those who doubt just be ready to laugh when we prove them wrong.

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We just got our asses whooped 52-7 and you guys think we are still going to be mentioned as one of the best teams in the NFC??? If we whoop the Jets ass I guarantee you we will be mentioned as one of the better teams. You cant expect to read good articles about the skins when we just got destroyed, if any other team besides the skins got beat the way we did on Sunday I dont think there would be much talk about them being good.

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Oh yeah and will everyone stop talking trash about Jason he is still a young QB I mean give him some time to develop we can't expect him to be the best there is his first full year. No wonder no one believes in us when we trash our own players so quick. Give the kid some love so he feels comfortable and then he will grow it won't happen by putting all this pressure on him that we hate him when he messes up. Jeez and some of you are supposed to care about this team you have a funny way of showing it.

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C'mon man we got our nuts handed to us. We don't deserve any props or mentions. We laid down and took it in the rear from the better team. Why would anyone mention us? Maybe if we would have acted like men and put up a half way decent fight, we would still have lost but at least we could look at ourselves in the mirror. We played like crap, the media owes us jack!

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